4,158 research outputs found

    A tunable cavity-locked diode laser source for terahertz photomixing

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    An all solid-state approach to the precise frequency synthesis and control of widely tunable terahertz radiation by differencing continuous-wave diode lasers at 850 nm is reported in this paper. The difference frequency is synthesized by three fiber-coupled external-cavity laser diodes. Two of the lasers are Pound-Drever-Hall locked to different orders of a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity, and the third is offset-frequency locked to the second of the cavity-locked lasers using a tunable microwave oscillator. The first cavity-locked laser and the offset-locked laser produce the difference frequency, whose value is accurately determined by the sum of an integer multiple of the free spectral range of the FP cavity and the offset frequency. The dual-frequency 850-nm output of the three laser system is amplified to 500 mW through two-frequency injection seeding of a single semiconductor tapered optical amplifier. As proof of precision frequency synthesis and control of tunability, the difference frequency is converted into a terahertz wave by optical-heterodyne photomixing in low-temperature-grown GaAs and used for the spectroscopy of simple molecules. The 3-dB spectral power bandwidth of the terahertz radiation is routinely observed to be ≾1 MHz. A simple, but highly accurate, method of obtaining an absolute frequency calibration is proposed and an absolute calibration of 10^(-7) demonstrated using the known frequencies of carbon monoxide lines between 0.23-1.27 THz

    Photonic microwave harmonic generator driven by an optoelectronic ring oscillator

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    We describe a new architecture to generate microwave signals by optical means. Our system combines the advantages of two techniques: frequency multipliers and loop oscillators. A frequency multiplier allows to obtain high frequencies using frequency harmonic generation, nevertheless, a very good quality reference signal is necessary to drive the system. In our setup, this reference signal is obtained using a loop oscillator. Optoelectronic loop oscillators generate signals with good performance in terms of phase noise and linewidth. We present the theory related to those techniques and the experimental data obtained

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1975

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    This index contains abstracts and four indexes--subject, personal author, originating Center, and Tech Brief number--for 1975 Tech Briefs

    A High Power Frequency-Stabilized Tunable Two-Frequency Diode Laser System for the Generation of Coherent THz-Waves by Photomixing

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    A tunable two-frequency high-power diode laser system at 850 nm for terahertz (Thz)-wave generation by photomixing in low-temperature-grown GaAs photo-conductors has been developed. The difference frequency is obtained through a three laser system, where two lasers are locked to different orders of a Fabry-Perot cavity and a third is offset-locked to the first, The difference-frequency signal is generated by the offset laser and the other cavity-locked laser. The spectral purity of the beat note is better than 1 MHz. The maximum output power of -500 mW was obtained by using the master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) technique, simultaneous injection of two seed frequencies with a single semiconductor optical amplifier. Here we report the generation of THz waves and spectroscopy of acetonitrile as proof of concept

    Long-term Stabilization of Fiber Laser Using Phase-locking Technique with Ultra-low Phase Noise and Phase Drift

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    We review the conventional phase-locking technique in the long-term stabilization of the mode-locked fiber laser and investigate the phase noise limitation of the conventional technique. To break the limitation, we propose an improved phase-locking technique with an optic-microwave phase detector in achieving the ultra-low phase noise and phase drift. The mechanism and the theoretical model of the novel phase-locking technique are also discussed. The long-term stabilization experiments demonstrate that the improved technique can achieve the long-term stabilization for the MLFL with ultra-low phase noise and phase drift. The excellent locking performance of the improved phase-locking technique implies that this technique can be used to stabilize the mode-locked fiber laser with the highly stable H-master or optical clock without stability loss

    Characterization of Power-to-Phase Conversion in High-Speed P-I-N Photodiodes

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    Fluctuations of the optical power incident on a photodiode can be converted into phase fluctuations of the resulting electronic signal due to nonlinear saturation in the semiconductor. This impacts overall timing stability (phase noise) of microwave signals generated from a photodetected optical pulse train. In this paper, we describe and utilize techniques to characterize this conversion of amplitude noise to phase noise for several high-speed (>10 GHz) InGaAs P-I-N photodiodes operated at 900 nm. We focus on the impact of this effect on the photonic generation of low phase noise 10 GHz microwave signals and show that a combination of low laser amplitude noise, appropriate photodiode design, and optimum average photocurrent is required to achieve phase noise at or below -100 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz offset a 10 GHz carrier. In some photodiodes we find specific photocurrents where the power-to-phase conversion factor is observed to go to zero
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