8 research outputs found

    Design of versatile eIRA codes for parallel decoders

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    A Wireless Deadbeat Power Control For Wind Power Generation Systems In Smart Grid Applications

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)This paper proposes a wireless deadbeat power control scheme employing low density parity check coding for variable speed wind power generation (the wind industry is the huge driver behind the push for super-grids and cross-border infrastructure) to improve system robustness and reliability. The wind energy systems uses a doubly-fed induction generator and a deadbeat control. The performance improvements of the proposed system are investigated in different propagation conditions by using simulations results. © 2011 IEEE.520523CAPES,Cons. Nac. Desenvolv. Cient. Tecnol. (CNPq),CREDSUPER/UNICRED - Filiada ao Sistema,IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS),FAPERNConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Blau, J., Europe plans a north sea grid (2010) IEEE Spectrum, pp. 08-09. , MarchAnderson, M., Wimax for smart grids (2010) IEEE Spectrum, p. 12. , JulyNovotny, D.W., Lipo, T.A., (1996) Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives, , Clarendon Press OXFORDFilho, A.J.S., Ruppert, E., A deadbeat active and reactive power control for doubly-fed induction generators (2010) Electric Power Components and Systems, 38 (5), pp. 592-602Franklin, G.F., Powel, J.D., Workman, M., (1994) Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, , Addison-Wesley Publishing CompanyGallager, R.G., (1963) Low-density Parity-check Codes, , CambridgeTanner, R.M., A recursive approach to low complexity codes (1981) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 27 (5), pp. 533-547. , SeptemberLin, S., Costello, D.J., (2004) Error Control Coding, , Prentice HallZhang, Y., Ryan, W.E., Li, Y., Structured eira codes with low floors (2005) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 174-178. , SeptemberDinoi, L., Sottile, F., Benedetto, S., Design of versatile eira codes for parallel decoders (2008) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 56 (12), pp. 2060-2070Sripimanwat, K., (2010) Turbo Code Applications: A Journey from a Paper to Realization, , SpringerPlanjery, S.K., Chilappagari, S.K., Vasic, B., Declercq, D., Danjean, L., Iterative decoding beyond belief propagation (2010) Information Theory and Applications Workshop, pp. 1-10Standard Specification, Etsi en 302 307 V1.1.1 (2005-03), , DVB-S.

    Wireless Coding Deadbeat Power Control For Doubly-fed Induction Aerogenerators In Smart Grid Applications [controle Deadbeat Codificado Sem Fio De Potencias Para Aerogeradores De Inducao Duplamente Alimentados Visando Aplicacoes Em Redes Inteligentes]

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    Smart grids comprise advanced communication infrastructure to provide balance supply, demand, and storage of energy over a region in a much more efficient manner than it is done today. However, in a smart grid, the utilization of wireless technologies for transmitting control information requires a powerful error protection to avoid any serious problems to the energetic plant. With this focus, the work is concerned with a wireless coding deadbeat power control system for a variable speed wind doubly-fed induction generator for smart grid applications.235541552Adamowicz, M., Strzelecki, R., Krzeminski, Z., Szewczyk, J., Lademan, L., Application of wireless communication to small WECS with induction generator (2010) IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, pp. 944-948Adamowicz, M., Strzelecki, R., Krzeminski, Z., Szewczyk, J., Lademan, L., Wireless short-range device for wind generators (2010) 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, pp. 1736-3705Anaya-Lara, O., Jenkins, N., McDonald, J.R., Communications requirements and technology for wind farm operation and maintenance (2006) IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, pp. 173-178Barbieri, A., Piemontese, A., Colavolpe, G., On the ARMA approximation for frequency-flat rayleigh fading channels (2007) IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 1211-1215Blau, J., Europe plans a north sea grid (2010) IEEE Spectrum, pp. 08-09Brink, S.T., Kramer, G., Design of repeataccumulate codes for iterative detection and decoding (2003) IEEE Trans. Signal Process, 51 (11), pp. 2764-2772Chen, J., Abedi, A., Distributed turbo coding and decoding for wireless sensor networks (2011) IEEE Communications Letters, 15, pp. 166-168Datta, R., Rangathan, V.T., Variable-speed wind power generation using doubly fed wound rotor induction machine - A comparison with alternative schemes (2002) IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, 17 (3), pp. 414-421Dinoi, L., Sottile, F., Benedetto, S., Design of versatile eIRA codes for parallel decoders (2008) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 56 (12), pp. 2060-2070(2005) DVB-S.2, Standard Specification, pp. 302-307. , ETSIFilho, A.J.S., Ruppert, E., The complex controller for three-phase induction motor direct torque control (2009) SBA - Controle e Automaçã o, 20 (2), pp. 256-262Filho, A.J.S., Ruppert, E., A deadbeat active and reactive power control for doubly-fed induction generators (2010) Electric Power Components and Systems, 38 (5), pp. 592-602Franklin, G.F., Powel, J.D., Workman, M., (1994) Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, , Addison-Wesley Publishing CompanyGallager, R.G., (1963) Low-density Parity-check Codes, , CambridgeGlinkowski, M., Hou, J., Rackliffe, G., Advances in wind energy technologies in the context of smart grid (2011) Proceedings of the IEEE, 99 (6), pp. 1083-1097Guo, J., Cai, X., Gong, Y., Decoupled control of active and reactive power for a grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (2008) Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, pp. 2620-2625Standard for local and metropolitan area networks, part 16: Air interface for fixed and mobile wireless access systems (2004) IEEE Std. 802.16-2004, , IEEEIlic, M.D., From hierarchical to open access electric power systems (2007) Proceedings of the IEEE, 95 (5), pp. 1060-1084Jiang, J., Narayanan, K.R., Iterative soft decision decoding of Reed Solomon (2004) IEEE Communications Letters, 8, pp. 244-246Li, F., Qiao, W., Sun, H., Wan, H., Wang, J., Xia, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, P., Smart transmission grid: Vision and frameworks (2010) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 1 (2), pp. 186-192Li, T.J., (2002) Low Complexity Capacity Approaching Schemes: Design, Analysis, and Applications, , Ph. D. dissertation, Texas AM UnivLi, Z., Zheng, F., Wu, Y., Gao, H., Offshore wind farm construction platform jack up control system (2009) World Non-grid-connected Wind Power and Energy Conference, pp. 24-26Lin, S., Costello, D.J., (2004) Error Control Coding, , Prentice HallMacKay, D.J.C., Neal, R.M., Near Shannon limit performance of low-density parity-check codes (1996) IET Electronics Letters, 32, pp. 1645-1646Morren, J., Haan, S.W.H., Ridethrough of wind turbines with doubly-fed induction generator during a voltage dip (2005) IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 20 (2), pp. 435-441Novotny, D.W., Lipo, T.A., (1996) Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives, , Clarendon Press OxfordProakis, J.G., (2001) Digital Communications, , MCGraw-HillRichardson, T., Shokrollahi, A., Urbanke, R., Design of capacity-approaching low-density paritycheck codes (2001) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47, pp. 619-637Simões, M.G., Farret, F.A., (2004) Renewable Energy Systems with Induction Generators, , CRC PressSripimanwat, K., (2010) Turbo Code Applications: A Journey from A Paper to Realization, , SpringerStrzelecki, R., Benysek, G., (2008) Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks, , Springer-VerlagTanner, R.M., A recursive approach to low complexity codes (1981) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 27 (5), pp. 533-547Tapia, A., Tapia, G., Ostolaza, J.X., Sáenz, J.R., Modeling and control of a wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator (2003) IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, pp. 194-204Wang, J., Du, X., Zhang, X., Comparison of wind power generation interconnection technology standards (2011) Asia-pacific Power and Energy Engineering ConferenceWanzhi, C., Zhiyong, T., Quangui, Z., Liang, C., Research of wireless communication based on lonworks for wind turbine control system (2009) IEEE International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, pp. 787-789Xin-fang, Z., Da-ping, X., Yi-bing, L., Predictive functional control of a doubly fed induction generator for variable speed wind turbines (2004) IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and AutomationXiwen, W., Xiaoyan, Q., Jian, X., Xingyuan, L., Reactive power optimization in smart grid with wind power generator (2010) Asia-pacific Power and Energy Engineering ConferenceYedidia, J.S., Wang, Y., Draper, S.C., Divide and concur and difference-map BP decoders for LDPC codes (2011) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57 (2), pp. 786-802Zhang, Y., Ryan, W.E., Li, Y., Structured eIRA codes with low floors (2005) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 174-17

    A Wind Energy Generator For Smart Grid Applications Using Wireless-coded Neuro-fuzzy Power Control

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Wind energy is the major driver to obtain an optimized and efficient use of renewable energy in smart grids. To provide balanced supply, demand, and storage of energy in a much more efficient manner than is done today, smart grids require the employment of an advanced communication infrastructure associated to a robust power control and real-time monitoring systems. Towards this objective, we present a wireless-coded power control scheme for doubly fed induction generators operating at variable speed. The proposed system employs adaptive neuro-fuzzy control, quaternary phase shift-keying modulation, and low-density parity check coding techniques to improve the system robustness and reliability in different propagation conditions for remotely transmitting the power control references from the control center to a given aerogenerator.681221122123CAPES; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Ilic, M.D., From hierarchical to open access electric power systems (2007) Proceedings of the IEEE, 95 (5), pp. 1060-1084Li, F., Qiao, W., Sun, H., Wan, H., Wang, J., Xia, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, P., Smart transmission grid: Vision and frameworks (2010) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 1 (2), pp. 186-192Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Rogers, A.L., (2010) Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, , second ed. WileyAlmeida, R.G., Pecas Lopes, J.A., Participation of doubly fed induction wind generators in system frequency regulation (2007) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (3), pp. 944-950Datta, R., Rangathan, V.T., Variable-speed wind power generation using doubly fed wound rotor induction machine - A comparison with alternative schemes (2002) IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 17 (3), pp. 414-421Tapia, A., Tapia, G., Ostolaza, J.X., Saenz, J.R., Modeling and control of a wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator (2003) IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 18 (2), pp. 194-204Shaheen, S.A., Hasanien, H.M., Badr, M.A., Study on doubly fed induction generator control (2010) International Middle East Power Systems Conference, pp. 627-633Kim, J., Jeon, J., Heo, H., Design of adaptive PID for pitch control of large wind turbine generator (2011) International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-4Singh, B., Kyriakides, E., Singh, S.N., Intelligent control of grid connected unified doubly-fed induction generator IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1-7. , July 2010Jang, J.-S.R., Anfis: Adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (1993) IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23 (3), pp. 665-685Adamowicz, M., Strzelecki, R., Krzeminski, Z., Szewczyk, J., Lademan, L., Application of wireless communication to small wecs with induction generator 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, pp. 944-948. , June 2010Adamowicz, M., Strzelecki, R., Szewczyk, J., Lademan, L., Wireless short-range device for wind generators 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, pp. 1736-3705. , November 2010Anaya-Lara, O., Jenkins, N., McDonald, J.R., Communications requirements and technology for wind farm operation and maintenance IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, pp. 173-178. , August 2006Wanzhi, C., Zhiyong, T., Quangui, Z., Liang, C., Research of wireless communication based on lonworks for wind turbine control system IEEE International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, pp. 787-789. , October 2009Li, T.J., (2002) Low Complexity Capacity Approaching Schemes: Design, Analysis and Applications, , Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas AM UnivProakis, J.G., (2008) Digital Communications, , McGraw-HillLi, H., Lai, L., Zhang, W., Communication requirement for reliable and secure state estimation and control in smart grid (2011) IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2 (3), pp. 477-486Jiang, J., Narayanan, K.R., Iterative soft decision decoding of Reed Solomon (2004) IEEE Communications Letters, 8, pp. 244-246Lin, S., Costello, D.J., (2004) Error Control Coding, , Prentice HallBerrou, C., Glavieux, A., Thitimajshima, P., Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes (1993) IEEE International Communications Conference, pp. 1064-1070Chen, J., Abedi, A., Distributed turbo coding and decoding for wireless sensor networks (2011) IEEE Communications Letters, 15, pp. 166-168Casella, I.R.S., Analysis of turbo coded OFDM systems employing space-frequency block code in double selective fading channels IEEE International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, pp. 516-520. , November 2007Mackay, D.J.C., Neal, R.M., Near Shannon limit performance of low-density parity-check codes (1996) IET Electronics Letters, 32, pp. 1645-1646Richardson, T., Shokrollahi, A., Urbanke, R., Design of capacity-approaching low-density parity-check codes (2001) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47, pp. 619-637(2004) Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Wireless Access Systems, , IEEE IEEE Std. 802.16-2004Leonhard, W., (1985) Control of Electrical Drives, , Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, TokyoJang, J.-S.R., Sun, C.-T., Neuro-fuzzy modeling and control (1995) Proceedings of the IEEE, 83 (3), pp. 378-406Haykin, S., (1998) Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, , second ed. Prentice HallSugeno, M., Kang, G.T., Structure identification of fuzzy model (1988) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 28Sguarezi Filho, A.J., Ruppert, E., A deadbeat active and reactive power control for doubly-fed induction generators (2010) Electric Power Components and Systems, 38 (5), pp. 592-602Gallager, R.G., (1963) Low-Density Parity-Check Codes, , CambridgeZhang, Y., Ryan, W.E., Toward low LDPC-code floors: A case study (2009) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 57 (6), pp. 1566-1573Tanner, R.M., A recursive approach to low complexity codes (1981) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 27 (5), pp. 533-547Jin, H., Khandekar, A., McEliece, R.J., Irregular repeat-accumulate codes Proc. Int. Symp. Turbo Codes and Related Topics, pp. 1-5. , September 2000Yang, M., Ryan, W.E., Lowering the error-rate floors of moderate length high-rate irregular LDPC codes Int. Symp. Information Theory, 2, p. 237. , July 2003Yang, M., Ryan, W.E., Li, Y., Design of efficiently encodable moderate-length high-rate irregular LDPC codes (2004) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 52 (4), pp. 564-571Zhang, Y., Ryan, W.E., Li, Y., Structured eIRA codes with low floors Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 174-178. , September 2005Kim, J., Ramamoorthy, A., McLaughlin, S., The design of efficiently-encodable rate-compatible LDPC codes (2009) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 57, pp. 365-375Barbieri, A., Piemontese, A., Colavolpe, G., On the ARMA approximation for frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 1211-1215. , June 2007Richardson, T., Urbanke, R., The capacity of low-density parity check codes under message-passing decoding (2001) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47, pp. 599-618Dinoi, L., Sottile, F., Benedetto, S., Design of versatile eIRA codes for parallel decoders (2008) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 56 (12), pp. 2060-2070Shuval, B., Sason, I., On the universality of LDPC code ensembles under belief propagation and ML decoding (2010) IEEE 26th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 355-359Dvb-s.2, Standard Specification, pp. 302-307. , ETSI March 2005Sguarezi Filho, A.J., De Oliveira Filho, M.E., Ruppert, E., A predictive power control for wind energy (2011) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2 (1), pp. 97-10

    An Anfis Power Control For Wind Energy Generation In Smart Grid Scenario Using Wireless Coded Ofdm-16-qam

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    The wind energy generation is the huge driver behind the push for supergrids and cross-border infrastructure for renewable energy systems into smart grids. To provide balance supply, demand, and storage of energy over a region in a much more efficient manner than it is done today, smart grids will need to use an advanced communication infrastructure into a robust control system. Towards this objective, this work proposes a wireless coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing neuro-fuzzy power control employing low density parity-check coding for a doubly fed induction aerogenerator to improve system robustness and reliability. The performance improvements of the proposed system are investigated in a more realistic frequency selective fading propagation condition. © Brazilian Society for Automatics-SBA 2013.2512231Adamowicz, M., Strzelecki, R., Krzeminski, Z., Szewczyk, J., Lademan, L., Application of wireless communication to small wecs with induction generator (2010) 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, pp. 944-948Adamowicz, M., Strzelecki, R., Szewczyk, J., Lademan, L., Wireless short-range device for wind generators (2010) 12th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, pp. 1736-3705Almeida, R.G., Lopes, J.A.P., Participation of doubly fed induction wind generators in system frequency regulation (2007) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (3), pp. 944-950Azcue, J.L., Sguarezi Filho, A.J., Capovilla, C.E., Casella, I.R.S., Ruppert, E., A wind energy generator for smart grid applications using wireless coding neuro-fuzzy power control (2012) International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 525-530Belmokhtar, K., Doumbia, M.L., Agbossou, K., Modelling and fuzzy logic control of dfig based wind energy conversion systems (2012) IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2 (4), pp. 1888-1893Berrou, C., Glavieux, A., Thitimajshima, P., Near shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes (1993) IEEE International Communications Conference, pp. 1064-1070Casella, I.R.S., Analysis of turbo coded ofdm systems employing space-frequency block code in double selective fading channels (2007) IEEE International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, pp. 516-520Casella, I.R.S., Sguarezi Filho, A.J., Capovilla, C.E., Ruppert, E., A wireless deadbeat power control for wind power generation systems in smart grid applications (2011) Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP), pp. 520-523Datta, R., Rangathan, V.T., Variable-speed wind power generation using doubly fed wound rotor induction machine: A comparison with alternative schemes (2002) IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 17 (3), pp. 414-421Dinoi, L., Sottile, F., Benedetto, S., Design of versatile eira codes for parallel decoders (2008) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 56 (12), pp. 2060-2070(2005) Dvb-s.2. Standard Specification, pp. 302-307. , ETSIGallager, R.G., (1963) Low-density Parity-check Codes, , Cambridge: MIT PressGlinkowski, M., Hou, J., Rackliffe, G., Advances in wind energy technologies in the context of smart grid (2011) Proceedings of the IEEE, 99 (6), pp. 1083-1097Haykin, S., (1998) Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, , 2nd ed.. Upper Saddle River: Prentice HallStandard for local and metropolitan area networks, part 16: Air interface for fixed and mobile wireless access systems (2004) IEEE Std, 802, pp. 16-2004. , IEEEJabr, H., Lu, D., Kar, N., Design and implementation of neurofuzzy vector control for wind-driven doubly-fed induction generator (2011) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2 (4), pp. 404-413Jand, J.S.R., Sun, C., Mizutani, E., (1997) Neuro-fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, , Upper Saddle River: Prentice HallJang, J.-S., ANFIS: Adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (1993) IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23 (3), pp. 665-685Jang, J.-S., Sun, C.-T., Neuro-fuzzy modeling and control (1995) Proceedings of the IEEE, 83 (3), pp. 378-406Jiang, J., Narayanan, K.R., Iterative soft decision decoding of reed solomon (2004) IEEE Communications Letters, 8, pp. 244-246Jin, H., Khandekar, A., McEliece, R.J., Irregular repeataccumulate codes (2000) Proceedings of International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Related Topics, pp. 1-5Kim, J.-S., Jeon, J., Heo, H., Design of adaptive pid for pitch control of large wind turbine generator (2011) International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-4Kim, J., Ramamoorthy, A., Mclaughlin, S., The design of efficiently-encodable rate-compatible ldpc codes (2009) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 57, pp. 365-375Leonhard, W., (1985) Control of Electrical Drives, , Berlin: SpringerLi, T.J., (2002) Low Complexity Capacity Approaching Schemes: Design, Analysis and Applications, , Ph. D. dissertation, Texas A&M UniversityLi, H., Lai, L., Zhang, W., Communication requirement for reliable and secure state estimation and control in smart grid (2011) IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, 2 (3), pp. 477-486Lin, S., Costello, D.J., (2004) Error Control Coding, , Upper Saddle River: Prentice HallMacKay, D.J.C., Neal, R.M., Near shannon limit performance of low-density parity-check codes (1996) IET Electronics Letters, 32, pp. 1645-1646Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Roger, A.L., (2010) Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, , 2nd ed.. New York: WileyProakis, J.G., (2008) Digital Communications, , New York: MCGraw-HillRichardson, T., Shokrollahi, A., Urbanke, R., Design of capacity-approaching low-density parity-check codes (2001) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47, pp. 619-637Richardson, T., Urbanke, R., The capacity of low-density parity check codes under message-passing decoding (2001) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47, pp. 599-618Sguarezi Filho, A.J., De Oliveira Filho, M.E., Ruppert, E., A predictive power control for wind energy (2011) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2 (1), pp. 97-105Sguarezi Filho, A.J., Ruppert, E., A deadbeat active and reactive power control for doubly-fed induction generators (2010) Electric Power Components and Systems, 38 (5), pp. 592-602Shaheen, S.A., Hasanien, H.M., Badr, M.A., Study on doubly fed induction generator control (2010) International Middle East Power Systems Conference, pp. 627-633Shannon, E.C., A mathematical theory of communication (1948) Bell System Technical Journal, 27, pp. 379-423Shuval, B., Sason, I., On the universality of ldpc code ensembles under belief propagation and ml decoding (2010) IEEE 26th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 355-359Singh, B., Kyriakides, E., Singh, S.N., Intelligent control of grid connected unified doubly-fed induction generator (2010) IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1-7Sood, V., Fischer, D., Eklund, J., Brown, T., Developing a communication infrastructure for the smart grid (2009) IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, pp. 1-7Sugeno, M., Kang, G.T., Structure identification of fuzzy model (1988) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 28, pp. 15-33Tanner, R.M., A recursive approach to low complexity codes (1981) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 27 (5), pp. 533-547Tapia, A., Tapia, G., Ostolaza, J.X., Saenz, J.R., Modeling and control of a wind tur bine driven doubly fed induction generator (2003) IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, pp. 194-204Vieira, J.P.A., Nunes, M.A., Holanda, U.B., Barra, W., New fuzzy control strategies applied to the dfig converter in wind generation systems (2007) IEEE (Revista IEEE America Latina) Latin America Transactions, 5 (3), pp. 142-149Wang, J., Du, X., Zhang, X., Comparison of wind power generation interconnection technology standards (2011) Asia-pacific Power and Energy Engineering ConferenceXiwen, W., Xiaoyan, Q., Jian, X., Xingyuan, L., Reactive power optimization in smart grid with wind power generator (2010) Asia-pacific Power and Energy Engineering ConferenceYao, X., Jing, Y., Xing, Z., Direct torque control of a doublyfed wind generator based on grey-fuzzy logic (2007) ICMA International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 5 (3), pp. 3587-3592Zhang, Y., Ryan, W.E., Toward low ldpc-code floors: A case study (2009) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 57 (6), pp. 1566-1573Zhang, Y., Ryan, W.E., Li, Y., Structured eira codes with low floors (2005) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 174-178Zhi-nong, W., Xiao-yong, Y., Jia-jia, W., Lian-shan, H., Xiang, X., Dan, C., Yue, W., The intelligent control of dfig-based wind generation (2009) International Conference on Sustainable Power Generation and Supply, pp. 01-0