7,179 research outputs found

    Space Shuttle operational logistics plan

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    The Kennedy Space Center plan for logistics to support Space Shuttle Operations and to establish the related policies, requirements, and responsibilities are described. The Directorate of Shuttle Management and Operations logistics responsibilities required by the Kennedy Organizational Manual, and the self-sufficiency contracting concept are implemented. The Space Shuttle Program Level 1 and Level 2 logistics policies and requirements applicable to KSC that are presented in HQ NASA and Johnson Space Center directives are also implemented

    Combining in-house Pooling and Sequencing for Product Regeneration by Means of Event-driven Simulation

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    The condition of complex products in the transport industry, such as train couplings or aircraft turbines, is not exactly determinable before their disassembly and diagnosis in a maintenance plant. Thus, planning and control of their regeneration is impeded since work plans and spare part demand result at short notice. This paper presents a novel method, which combines a planning approach, the in-house pooling of components, and a controlling approach, the sequencing of components, by means of event-driven simulation. Thereby, mean cycle time, mean tardiness and on-time delivery can be optimized under the consideration of the volatile conditions. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.German Ministry of Economics and Energ

    The vulnerability of nuclear plants during military conflict: Ukraine technical briefing

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    Nuclear power plants present unique hazards in terms of the potential consequences resulting from a severe accident. Nuclear reactors and their associated high level spent fuel stores are vulnerable to natural disasters, as Fukushima Daiichi showed, but they are also vulnerable in times of conflict.This brief seeks to explain some of the hazards and potential consequences that exist today in Ukraine

    A framework for closed-loop supply chains of reusable articles

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    Reuse practices contribute to the environmental and economical sustainability of production and distribution systems. Surprisingly, reuse closed-loop supply chains (CLSC) have not been widely researched for the moment. In this paper, we explore the scientific literature on reuse and we propose a framework for reusable articles. This conceptual structure includes a typology integrating under the reusable articles term different categories of articles (transportation items, packaging materials, tools) and addresses the management issues that arise in reuse CLSC. We ground our results in a set of case studies developed in real industrial settings, which have also been contrasted with cases available in existing literature.reverse logistics;case studies;closed-loop supply chains;returns managment

    Resilience in supplier management in energy industry

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    Abstract. Currently, there is variation and development need in Finnish companies how prepared and resilient they are against crisis and disruptions. In the energy industry, supply chain resilience (SCRes) is a critical part of strategic management due to its critical role in society and effect on competitiveness. Disruption effects to supply chain (SC) performance are minimized by proactive risk management and ensuring business continuity by different capabilities in buyer company and suppliers. Crisis and disruptions are not completely predictable or preventable and different capabilities ensure fast recovery from disruptions and crisis. The aim of this research is to define how SCRes can be managed and developed by supplier relationship management in the energy industry in Finland. The research consists of a literature review and empirical study implemented as qualitative research using a semi-structured interview. The research target is achieved by research questions defined below: RQ1: How can SCRes be defined in an energy industry context? RQ2: How to manage SCRes? RQ3: What capabilities are critical to be considered to ensure high SCRes in the energy industry in Finland? RQ4: How to improve SCRes in the energy industry in Finland? The key findings indicate that SCRes needs to be continuously assessed and improved by several intra-organizational and inter-organizational collaborative capabilities. Business Continuity Plan needs to be implemented proactively in collaboration with suppliers and other networks. SCRes is managed through the whole SC by systematic and proactive supplier relationship management (SRM). As the research is a wide interview study, the findings of this research can be utilized for other industrial fields by management and improvement of SCRes. It needs to be considered that the findings are subjective as done by one researcher.Alihankkijoiden resilienssiarviointi energiateollisuudessa. Tiivistelmä. Toimitusketjun resilienssi vaihtelee suomalaisissa yrityksissä ja siinä on kehitettävää sen mukaan, miten varautuneita ja kriisinkestäviä yritykset ovat. Energiateollisuudessa toimitusketjun resilienssi on kriittinen osa strategista johtamista yhteiskuntakriittisyyden ja kilpailukyvyn vaikutuksen vuoksi. Häiriöiden vaikutukset toimitusketjuun minimoidaan proaktiivisella riskienhallinnalla ja varmistamalla liiketoiminnan jatkuvuus erilaisilla kyvykkyyksillä. Kriisejä ja häiriöitä ei voida täysin ennustaa tai estää, joten erilaisia kyvykkyydet varmistavat nopean toipumisen kriiseistä. Tämän diplomityön tavoite oli selvittää, miten toimitusketjun resilienssiä voidaan johtaa ja kehittää toimittajasuhteiden hallinnan kautta energiateollisuudessa Suomessa. Tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja empiirisestä tutkimuksesta, joka on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena puolistrukturoitujen haastatteluiden avulla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteet saavutetaan seuraavilla tutkimuskysymyksillä: TK1: Miten toimitusketjun resilienssi määritellään energiateollisuudessa? TK2: Miten toimitusketjun resilienssiä johdetaan? TK3: Mitkä tekijät ovat kriittisiä toimitusketjun korkean resilienssin varmistamisessa energiateollisuudessa Suomessa? TK4: Miten toimitusketjun resilienssiä voidaan kehittää energiateollisuudessa Suomessa? Keskeisimmät löydökset osoittavat, että toimitusketjun resilienssiä tulee parantaa jatkuvasti yritysten sisäisten kyvykkyyksien ja yritysten välisten, yhteistyöllä vahvistettavien kyvykkyyksien kautta. Liiketoiminnan jatkuvuussuunnitelma otetaan käyttöön proaktiivisesti yhteistyössä toimittajien ja muiden sidosryhmien kanssa. Toimitusketjun resilienssiä johdetaan koko toimitusketjun matkalla systemaattisen ja proaktiivisen toimittajahallinnan kautta. Koska kyseessä on laaja haastattelututkimus, löydöksiä voidaan soveltaa myös muille teollisuuden aloille toimitusketjun resilienssin johtamiseen ja kehittämiseen. On otettava huomioon, että löydökset ovat subjektiivisia yhden tutkijan tekemiä löydöksiä

    Cost-Integrated Lean Maintenance to Reduce Maintenance Cost

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    The company has always prioritized cost reduction. In this study, the researchers aimed to decrease maintenance costs by actively eliminating expensive non-value-added processes. The study employed Process and Time Driven Activity Based Costing to integrate cost with the activities performed. By conducting maintenance value stream mapping, the researchers identified various forms of waste, such as centralized maintenance, ineffective data management, poor inventory management, inadequate maintenance, under-utilization of resources, and waiting time for maintenance resources. Several alternative improvement options were proposed, and the Pugh method was used to compare and select the most promising alternatives or combinations of alternatives. The third alternative, which involves conducting internal training and implementing standard operating procedures for maintenance technicians, supervisors, and machine operators, as well as integrating an IT system for maintenance and creating an equipment and spare parts inventory database, was chosen as the highest-ranking option. The results showed that this approach reduced processing time for administrative activities, lowered corrective maintenance costs, and improved maintenance efficiency for both preventive and corrective maintenance

    A GHG Metric Methodology to Assess Onsite Buildings Non-Potable Water System for Outdoor Landscape Use

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    This paper documents a water:energy greenhouse gas (GHG) metric methodology for a decentralized non-potable water system that was developed as part of a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (DEng) research project by the first author. The project identified the need to investigate the challenges in changing the use of potable water to recycled water for landscape irrigation (LI) and for water features (WFs) at a medical facility case study (MFCS) in Abu Dhabi (AD) (the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The drivers for the research project were based on the need for AD to decrease desalinated potable water as well as reduce the environmental impact and operational costs associated with the processing and use of desalinated water. Thus, the aim of the research discussed and presented in this paper was to measure the impact of using recycled and onsite non-potable water sources at the MFCS to alleviate the use of desalinated potable water and reduce associated energy consumption, operational costs, and GHG emissions (latterly in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), for LI and WFs. The analysis of three case scenarios at the MFCS compared different approaches to alleviate energy use, costs, and GHG impacts for the use of recycled water in LI and WFs against a baseline. The findings led to a proposed sustainable water conservation and reuse (SWC) strategy, which helped save 50% desalinated potable water for LI use by soil improvement, building water system audits, and alternate non-potable water reuse. The recommendations for this paper are to develop a SWC strategy forming the basis for a water protocol by the competent authority for regional medical facilities including an assessment methodology for building decentralized non-potable water systems to measure their energy, GHG emissions and financial impact