7 research outputs found

    Adaptation based on learning style and knowledge level in e-learning systems

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    Although there have been numerous attempts to build and evaluate adaptive e-learning systems, they tend to be limited in scope, and suffer from a lack of carefully designed and controlled experimental evaluations of their effectiveness and usability. This thesis addresses these issues through the implementation of an adaptive e-learning system and its experimental validation. The design of an adaptive framework and the specific instantiation of its components into a configurable adaptive e-learning system are presented. The domain model of the system deals with computer security. The learner model incorporates the information perception dimension of the Felder-Silverman model of learning style and also knowledge level. The adaptation model generates personalised learning paths and offers adaptive guidance and recommendation. The thesis also provides an empirical evaluation through three controlled experiments to investigate the effect of different forms of adaptation. Rigorous experimental design, careful investigation and precise reporting of results are taken into account in all the three experiments. The findings indicate that matching the sequence of learning objects to the information perception learning style yields significantly better learning outcome and learner satisfaction than non-matching sequences. They also indicate that adaptation based on the combination of the information perception learning style and knowledge level yields significantly better learning outcome (both in the short- and long-term) and learner satisfaction than adaptation based on either of these learner characteristics alone; this combination is also marked by a significantly higher level of perceived usability compared to a non-adaptive version of the e-learning system

    A quality assessment framework for knowledge management software

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    CONTEXT: Knowledge is a strategic asset to any organisation due to its usefulness in supportinginnovation, performance improvement and competitive advantage. In order to gain the maximum benefit from knowledge, the effective management of various forms of knowledge is increasingly viewed as vital. A Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a class of Information System (IS) that manages organisational knowledge, and KMS software (KMSS) is a KMS component that can be used as a platform for managing various forms of knowledge. The evaluation of the effectiveness or quality of KMS software is challenging, and no systematic evidence exists on the quality evaluation of knowledge management software which considers the various aspects of Knowledge Management (KM) to ensure the effectiveness of a KMS.AIM: The overall aim is to formalise a quality assessment framework for knowledge management software (KMSS).METHOD: In order to achieve the aim, the research was planned and carried out in the stages identified in the software engineering research methods literature. The need for this research was identified through a mapping study of prior KMS research. The data collected through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and the evaluation of a KMSS prototype using a sample of 58 regular usersof knowledge management software were used as the main sources of data for the formalisation of the quality assessment framework. A test bed for empirical data collection was designed and implemented based on key principles of learning. A formalised quality assessment framework was applied to select knowledge management software and was evaluated for effectiveness. RESULTS: The final outcome of this research is a quality assessment framework consisting of 41 quality attributes categorised under content quality, platform quality and user satisfaction. A Quality Index was formulated by integrating these three categories of quality attributes to evaluate the quality of knowledge management software.CONCLUSION: This research generates novel contributions by presenting a framework for the quality assessment of knowledge management software, never previously available in the research. This framework is a valuable resource for any organisation or individual in selecting the most suitable knowledge management software by considering the quality attributes of the software

    GLUE!: an architecture for the integration of external tools in virtual learning environments

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    La integraci贸n de herramientas externas en VLE (Virtual Learning Environments - Entornos deAprendizaje Virtual) tiene como objetivo enriquecer las actividades de aprendizaje que los profesionales de la educaci贸n pueden dise帽ar y poner en marcha. Tradicionalmente, las herramientas externas han sido integradas mediante desarrollos ad hoc, siendo esta soluci贸n muy poco eficiente a medida que aumentaba el n煤mero de VLE y herramientas utilizados por estos profesionales. Adem谩s, aquellas aproximaciones gen茅ricas que abordan la integraci贸n de m煤ltiples herramientas en m煤ltiples VLE no han conseguido obtener una amplia adopci贸n, principalmente debido al alto esfuerzo de desarrollo necesario para integrar nuevas herramientas y VLE, y a las restricciones impuestas sobre los proveedores. Algunos trabajos recientes han intentado superar estas dos limitaciones proponiendo una integraci贸n ligera de herramientas. Sin embargo, estos trabajos no facilitan la instanciaci贸n y puesta en marcha de situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo, lo que impide de forma significativa que se puedan emplear las propiedades colaborativas espec铆ficas que proporcionan los VLE para la gesti贸n de usuarios y grupos. Esta tesis propone una arquitectura middleware de integraci贸n denominada GLUE! (Group Learning Uniform Environment - Entorno Uniforme de Aprendizaje en Grupo) que permite la integraci贸n ligera de m煤ltiples herramientas externas existentes en m煤ltiples VLE existentes, superando estas limitaciones. GLUE! fomenta esta integraci贸n imponiendo pocas restricciones sobre los proveedores de VLE y herramientas, as铆 como demandando un esfuerzo asumible por parte de los desarrolladores. Adem谩s, GLUE! facilita la instanciaci贸n y puesta en marcha de situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo desde los VLE, aprovechando las propiedades espec铆ficas de 茅stos para la gesti贸n de usuarios y grupos. Por medio de GLUE!, los profesionales de la educaci贸n pueden utilizar herramientas externas como si fueran herramientas nativas de los VLE, y adem谩s sin tener que renunciar a los VLE a los que est谩n acostumbrados. GLUE! ha sido evaluado con la ayuda de tres situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo aut茅nticas, las cuales fueron dise帽adas para cubrir las necesidades pedag贸gicas de tres cursos de educaci贸n superior. Estas tres situaciones se utilizaron en cuatro experimentos diferentes con educadores y estudiantes reales. Los resultados de esta evaluaci贸n mostraron que GLUE! permite la instanciaci贸n y puesta en marcha de situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativo que requieran la integraci贸n de herramientas externas, reduce la carga asociada a la instanciaci贸n de actividades colaborativas complejas, y facilita a los estudiantes la realizaci贸n de estas actividades en colaboraci贸n. Curiosamente, el esfuerzo de desarrollo necesario por el software de integraci贸n fue similar al de otras aproximaciones de integraci贸n gen茅ricas que ofrecen un menor grado de funcionalidad.Departamento de Teor铆a de la Se帽al y Comunicaciones e Ingenier铆a Telem谩tica2012-11-2

    Networked Learning 2020:Proceedings for the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning

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    This Is the World Calling: The Global Voices and Visions of Internet Radio and Television

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    Internet radio and TV--tuning into information and feature programs broadcast via the Internet and receivable on a personal computer--piqued interest among educators, librarians, and instructional technologists in the 1990s. Then, connectivity and bandwidth issues affected widespread use. However, interest in Internet broadcasting and podcasting has seen a resurgence in the last few years. Internet radio and TV is more than just a new toy--there's real content online, applicable to the curriculum. Language instruction, music, politics, religion, history, culture, business, science, and more are just a few clicks away. This session will provide background on international Internet radio and TV broadcasting; sources for programs; curricular materials available online; and ideas for application to library and educational services