1,277 research outputs found

    Antenna and Propagation Considerations for Amateur UAV Monitoring

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    The broad application spectrum of unmanned aerial vehicles is making them one of the most promising technologies of Internet of Things era. Proactive prevention for public safety threats is one of the key areas with vast potential of surveillance and monitoring drones. Antennas play a vital role in such applications to establish reliable communication in these scenarios. This paper considers line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight threat scenarios with the perspective of antennas and electromagnetic wave propagation

    Hunting the hunters:Wildlife Monitoring System

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    Distributed physical sensors network for the protection of critical infrastractures against physical attacks

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    The SCOUT project is based on the use of multiple innovative and low impact technologies for the protection of space control ground stations and the satellite links against physical and cyber-attacks, and for intelligent reconfiguration of the ground station network (including the ground node of the satellite link) in the case that one or more nodes fail. The SCOUT sub-system devoted to physical attacks protection, SENSNET, is presented. It is designed as a network of sensor networks that combines DAB and DVB-T based passive radar, noise radar, Ku-band radar, infrared cameras, and RFID technologies. The problem of data link architecture is addressed and the proposed solution described

    Visualizing Sensor Network Coverage with Location Uncertainty

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    We present an interactive visualization system for exploring the coverage in sensor networks with uncertain sensor locations. We consider a simple case of uncertainty where the location of each sensor is confined to a discrete number of points sampled uniformly at random from a region with a fixed radius. Employing techniques from topological data analysis, we model and visualize network coverage by quantifying the uncertainty defined on its simplicial complex representations. We demonstrate the capabilities and effectiveness of our tool via the exploration of randomly distributed sensor networks

    Progress on the Development of Future Airport Surface Wireless Communications Network

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    Continuing advances in airport surface management and improvements in airport surface safety are required to enable future growth in air traffic throughout the airspace, as airport arrival and departure delays create a major system bottleneck. These airport management and safety advances will be built upon improved communications, navigation, surveillance, and weather sensing, creating an information environment supporting system automation. The efficient movement of the digital data generated from these systems requires an underlying communications network infrastructure to connect data sources with the intended users with the required quality of service. Current airport surface communications consists primarily of buried copper or fiber cable. Safety related communications with mobile airport surface assets occurs over 25 kHz VHF voice and data channels. The available VHF spectrum, already congested in many areas, will be insufficient to support future data traffic requirements. Therefore, a broadband wireless airport surface communications network is considered a requirement for the future airport component of the air transportation system. Progress has been made on defining the technology and frequency spectrum for the airport surface wireless communications network. The development of a test and demonstration facility and the definition of required testing and standards development are now underway. This paper will review the progress and planned future work

    Optical fiber sensors in physical intrusion detection systems: A review

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    Fiber optic sensors have become a mainstream sensing technology within a large array of applications due to their inherent benefits. They are now used significantly in structural health monitoring, and are an essential solution for monitoring harsh environments. Since their first development over 30 years ago, they have also found promise in security applications. This paper reviews all of the optical fiber-based techniques used in physical intrusion detection systems. It details the different approaches used for sensing, interrogation, and networking, by research groups, attempting to secure both commercial and residential premises from physical security breaches. The advantages and the disadvantages of the systems are discussed, and each of the different perimeter protection methods is outlined, namely, in-ground, perimeter fence, and window and door protection. This paper reviews the progress in optical fiber-based intrusion detection techniques from the past through to the current state-of-the-art systems and identifies areas, which may provide opportunities for improvement, as well as proposing future directions in this field

    Intensity based interrogation of optical fibre sensors for industrial automation and intrusion detection systems

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    In this study, the use of optical fibre sensors for intrusion detection and industrial automation systems has been demonstrated, with a particular focus on low cost, intensity-based, interrogation techniques. The use of optical fibre sensors for intrusion detection systems to secure residential, commercial, and industrial premises against potential security breaches has been extensively reviewed in this thesis. Fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensing is one form of optical fibre sensing that has been underutilised in applications such as in-ground, in-fence, and window and door monitoring, and addressing that opportunity has been a major goal of this thesis. Both security and industrial sensor systems must include some centralised intelligence (electronic controller) and ideally both automation and security sensor systems would be controlled and monitored by the same centralised system. Optical fibre sensor systems that could be used for either application have been designed, developed, and tested in this study, and optoelectronic interfaces for integrating these sensors with electronic controllers have been demonstrated. The versatility of FBG sensors means that they are also ideal for certain mainstream industrial applications. Two novel transducers have been developed in this work; a highly sensitive low pressure FBG diaphragm transducer and a FBG load cell transducer. Both have been designed to allow interrogation of the optical signal could occur within the housing of the individual sensors themselves. This is achieved in a simple and low cost manner that enables the output of the transducers to be easily connected to standard electronic controllers, such as programmable logic controllers. Furthermore, some of the nonlinear characteristics of FBG sensors have been explored with the aim of developing transducers that are inherently decoupled from strain and temperature interference. One of the major advantages of optical fibre sensors is their ability to be both time division and wavelength division multiplexed. The intensity-based interrogation techniques used here complement this attribute and are a major consideration when developing the transducers and optoelectronic circuits. A time division multiplexing technique, using transmit-reflect detection and incorporating a dual bus, has also been developed. This system architecture enables all the different optical fibre transducers on the network to have the same Bragg wavelength and hence the number of spare replacement transducers required is minimal. Moreover, sensors can be replaced in an online control system without disrupting the network. In addition, by analysing both the transmitted and reflected signals, problems associated with optical power fluctuations are eliminated and the intensity of the sensor signals is increased through differential amplification. Overall, the research addresses the limitations of conventional electrical sensors, such as susceptibility to corrosive damage in wet and corrosive environments, and risk of causing an explosion in hazardous environments, as well as the limitations of current stand-alone optical fibre sensor systems. This thesis supports more alert, reliable, affordable, and coordinated, control and monitoring systems in an on-line environment

    Deployment Experience with Low Power Lossy Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Protocols that are to be employed in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT) have to meet a wide variety of application-specific requirements. In this report, we reflect on recent experiences, gained from several real-world deployments in which we have participated, which use low power, embedded networking devices. We discuss the lessons learned from these deployments, with an emphasis on questions affecting the IP layer and, in particular, on the routing protocols for these networks. We point out open issues and possible directions of future work for such routing protocols

    Determination of Optimal Power for ZigBee-based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In designing WSNs, both the transmit power, network topology, and routing scheme are considered. Transmitting at lower power affect the connectivity of the network while transmitting at excessive power reduces the lifetime of nodes and increases the network interference. Thus, determining the optimal power of the nodes that will be necessary to guarantee network connectivity. In this work, a practical self-healing and self-configuring real life prototype ZigBee Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks (WMSNs) was design to evaluate the performance of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee. We showed that increasing the transmit power of nodes from -6dBm to 0dBm in WMSNs leads to improved packets delivery ratio and throughput improvement and the optimal power was -2dBm for the studied topology. The testbed will aid wireless sensor network designer to make an accurate decision on transmit power and mesh network topology using Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector algorithm (AODV) as the routing scheme