134 research outputs found

    Investigating the tonal system of Plastic Mandarin: a cross-varietal comparison

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    The city of Changsha, Hunan Province, China has seen an increase in the use of Mandarin in the past decade, overshadowing the local non-Mandarin variety, Changsha. A new variety “Plastic Mandarin”, mostly spoken by millennials and younger generations, has emerged. It is defined in this thesis as a non-standard Mandarin accent that features the speech of young urban residents in Changsha and that has crystallised over the past few decades. This thesis presents a detailed phonetic investigation of the tonal system of Plastic Mandarin through a cross-varietal comparative approach, mainly divided into two streams: citation tones and neutral tones in contexts. The defining characteristic of the citation tone system for Plastic Mandarin is established first: a mid-level tone, a low to mid rising tone, a low falling tone, and a high rising tone. By comparing the citation tones of the three varieties that coexist in the city of Changsha, the thesis provides acoustic evidence that Plastic Mandarin may arise when Mandarin tones adapt the pitch pattern of some corresponding Changsha tones. In addition to citation tones, this thesis disentangles the sources of variability in the syllable duration and f0 contour of speech sequences containing neutral tone syllables, i.e. those do not have any of the four canonical lexical tones and often overlooked in prior studies of tones. The data show that f0 contours converge at the end of two consecutive neutral tone syllables at a low pitch in both Mandarin varieties. It suggests that a neutral tone or a sequence of consecutive neutral tones tends to be associated with a low pitch target, despite the varying f0 shapes largely predicted by the preceding lexical tone. The thesis proposes a probabilistic target-approaching model for Mandarin tones in connected speech, in which pitch targets may be fewer than the number of syllables. While the phonetic realisation of the four lexical tones in Plastic Mandarin is consistently different from that in Standard Mandarin, the pitch target of neutral tone syllables tends to remain constant in this process of Mandarin variation and change, which may be attributed to the stable transfer of prosodic structure

    The Pitch Range of Italians and Americans. A Comparative Study

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    Linguistic experiments have investigated the nature of F0 span and level in cross-linguistic comparisons. However, only few studies have focused on the elaboration of a general-agreed methodology that may provide a unifying approach to the analysis of pitch range (Ladd, 1996; Patterson and Ladd, 1999; Daly and Warren, 2001; Bishop and Keating, 2010; Mennen et al. 2012). Pitch variation is used in different languages to convey different linguistic and paralinguistic meanings that may range from the expression of sentence modality to the marking of emotional and attitudinal nuances (Grice and Baumann, 2007). A number of factors have to be taken into consideration when determining the existence of measurable and reliable differences in pitch values. Daly and Warren (2001) demonstrated the importance of some independent variables such as language, age, body size, speaker sex (female vs. male), socio-cultural background, regional accents, speech task (read sentences vs. spontaneous dialogues), sentence type (questions vs. statements) and measure scales (Hertz, semitones, ERB etc.). Coherently with the model proposed by Mennen et al. (2012), my analysis of pitch range is based on the investigation of LTD (long-term distributional) and linguistic measures. LTD measures deal with the F0 distribution within a speaker’s contour (e.g. F0 minimum, F0 maximum, F0 mean, F0 median, standard deviation, F0 span) while linguistic measures are linked to specific targets within the contour, such as peaks and valleys (e.g. high and low landmarks) and preserve the temporal sequences of pitch contours. This investigation analyzed the characteristics of pitch range production and perception in English sentences uttered by Americans and Italians. Four experiments were conducted to examine different phenomena: i) the contrast between measures of F0 level and span in utterances produced by Americans and Italians (experiments 1-2); ii) the contrast between the pitch range produced by males and females in L1 and L2 (experiment 1); iii) the F0 patterns in different sentence types, that is, yes-no questions, wh-questions, and exclamations (experiment 2); iv) listeners’ evaluations of pitch span in terms of ±interesting, ±excited, ±credible, ±friendly ratings of different sentence types (experiments 3-4); v) the correlation between pitch span of the sentences and the evaluations given by American and Italian listeners (experiment 3); vi) the listeners’ evaluations of pitch span values in manipulated stimuli, whose F0 span was re-synthesized under three conditions: narrow span, original span, and wide span (experiment 4); vii) the different evaluations given to the sentences by male and female listeners. The results of this investigation supported the following generalizations. First, pitch span more than level was found to be a cue for non-nativeness, because L2 speakers of English used a narrower span, compared to the native norm. What is more, the experimental data in the production studies indicated that the mode of sentences was better captured by F0 span than level. Second, the Italian learners of English were influenced by their L1 and transferred L1 pitch range variation into their L2. The English sentences produced by the Italians had overall higher pitch levels and narrower pitch span than those produced by the Americans. In addition, the Italians used overall higher pitch levels when speaking Italian and lower levels when speaking English. Conversely, their pitch span was generally higher in English and lower in Italian. When comparing productions in English, the Italian females used higher F0 levels than the American females; vice versa, the Italian males showed slightly lower F0 levels than the American males. Third, there was a systematic relation between pitch span values and the listeners’ evaluations of the sentences. The two groups of listeners (the Americans and the Italians) rated the stimuli with larger pitch span as more interesting, exciting and credible than the stimuli with narrower pitch span. Thus, the listeners relied on the perceived pitch span to differentiate among the stimuli. Fourth, both the American and the Italian speakers were considered more friendly when the pitch span of their sentences was widened (wide span manipulation) and less friendly when the pitch span was narrowed (narrow span manipulation). This happened in all the stimuli regardless of the native language of the speakers (American vs. Italian)

    Fundamental frequency modelling: an articulatory perspective with target approximation and deep learning

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    Current statistical parametric speech synthesis (SPSS) approaches typically aim at state/frame-level acoustic modelling, which leads to a problem of frame-by-frame independence. Besides that, whichever learning technique is used, hidden Markov model (HMM), deep neural network (DNN) or recurrent neural network (RNN), the fundamental idea is to set up a direct mapping from linguistic to acoustic features. Although progress is frequently reported, this idea is questionable in terms of biological plausibility. This thesis aims at addressing the above issues by integrating dynamic mechanisms of human speech production as a core component of F0 generation and thus developing a more human-like F0 modelling paradigm. By introducing an articulatory F0 generation model – target approximation (TA) – between text and speech that controls syllable-synchronised F0 generation, contextual F0 variations are processed in two separate yet integrated stages: linguistic to motor, and motor to acoustic. With the goal of demonstrating that human speech movement can be considered as a dynamic process of target approximation and that the TA model is a valid F0 generation model to be used at the motor-to-acoustic stage, a TA-based pitch control experiment is conducted first to simulate the subtle human behaviour of online compensation for pitch-shifted auditory feedback. Then, the TA parameters are collectively controlled by linguistic features via a deep or recurrent neural network (DNN/RNN) at the linguistic-to-motor stage. We trained the systems on a Mandarin Chinese dataset consisting of both statements and questions. The TA-based systems generally outperformed the baseline systems in both objective and subjective evaluations. Furthermore, the amount of required linguistic features were reduced first to syllable level only (with DNN) and then with all positional information removed (with RNN). Fewer linguistic features as input with limited number of TA parameters as output led to less training data and lower model complexity, which in turn led to more efficient training and faster synthesis

    Fast Speech in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis

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    Moers-Prinz D. Fast Speech in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2020.Speech synthesis is part of the everyday life of many people with severe visual disabilities. For those who are reliant on assistive speech technology the possibility to choose a fast speaking rate is reported to be essential. But also expressive speech synthesis and other spoken language interfaces may require an integration of fast speech. Architectures like formant or diphone synthesis are able to produce synthetic speech at fast speech rates, but the generated speech does not sound very natural. Unit selection synthesis systems, however, are capable of delivering more natural output. Nevertheless, fast speech has not been adequately implemented into such systems to date. Thus, the goal of the work presented here was to determine an optimal strategy for modeling fast speech in unit selection speech synthesis to provide potential users with a more natural sounding alternative for fast speech output

    Arabic Speech Corpus

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    Articulatory Copy Synthesis Based on the Speech Synthesizer VocalTractLab

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    Articulatory copy synthesis (ACS), a subarea of speech inversion, refers to the reproduction of natural utterances and involves both the physiological articulatory processes and their corresponding acoustic results. This thesis proposes two novel methods for the ACS of human speech using the articulatory speech synthesizer VocalTractLab (VTL) to address or mitigate the existing problems of speech inversion, such as non-unique mapping, acoustic variation among different speakers, and the time-consuming nature of the process. The first method involved finding appropriate VTL gestural scores for given natural utterances using a genetic algorithm. It consisted of two steps: gestural score initialization and optimization. In the first step, gestural scores were initialized using the given acoustic signals with speech recognition, grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P), and a VTL rule-based method for converting phoneme sequences to gestural scores. In the second step, the initial gestural scores were optimized by a genetic algorithm via an analysis-by-synthesis (ABS) procedure that sought to minimize the cosine distance between the acoustic features of the synthetic and natural utterances. The articulatory parameters were also regularized during the optimization process to restrict them to reasonable values. The second method was based on long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural networks, which were responsible for capturing the temporal dependence and the spatial structure of the acoustic features, respectively. The neural network regression models were trained, which used acoustic features as inputs and produced articulatory trajectories as outputs. In addition, to cover as much of the articulatory and acoustic space as possible, the training samples were augmented by manipulating the phonation type, speaking effort, and the vocal tract length of the synthetic utterances. Furthermore, two regularization methods were proposed: one based on the smoothness loss of articulatory trajectories and another based on the acoustic loss between original and predicted acoustic features. The best-performing genetic algorithms and convolutional LSTM systems (evaluated in terms of the difference between the estimated and reference VTL articulatory parameters) obtained average correlation coefficients of 0.985 and 0.983 for speaker-dependent utterances, respectively, and their reproduced speech achieved recognition accuracies of 86.25% and 64.69% for speaker-independent utterances of German words, respectively. When applied to German sentence utterances, as well as English and Mandarin Chinese word utterances, the neural network based ACS systems achieved recognition accuracies of 73.88%, 52.92%, and 52.41%, respectively. The results showed that both of these methods not only reproduced the articulatory processes but also reproduced the acoustic signals of reference utterances. Moreover, the regularization methods led to more physiologically plausible articulatory processes and made the estimated articulatory trajectories be more articulatorily preferred by VTL, thus reproducing more natural and intelligible speech. This study also found that the convolutional layers, when used in conjunction with batch normalization layers, automatically learned more distinctive features from log power spectrograms. Furthermore, the neural network based ACS systems trained using German data could be generalized to the utterances of other languages

    Tagungsband der 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum

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    Synthesis of listener vocalizations : towards interactive speech synthesis

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    Spoken and multi-modal dialogue systems start to use listener vocalizations, such as uh-huh and mm-hm, for natural interaction. Generation of listener vocalizations is one of the major objectives of emotionally colored conversational speech synthesis. Success in this endeavor depends on the answers to three questions: Where to synthesize a listener vocalization? What meaning should be conveyed through the synthesized vocalization? And, how to realize an appropriate listener vocalization with the intended meaning? This thesis addresses the latter question. The investigation starts with proposing a three-stage approach: (i) data collection, (ii) annotation, and (iii) realization. The first stage presents a method to collect natural listener vocalizations from German and British English professional actors in a recording studio. In the second stage, we explore a methodology for annotating listener vocalizations -- meaning and behavior (form) annotation. The third stage proposes a realization strategy that uses unit selection and signal modification techniques to generate appropriate listener vocalizations upon user requests. Finally, we evaluate naturalness and appropriateness of synthesized vocalizations using perception studies. The work is implemented in the open source MARY text-to-speech framework, and it is integrated into the SEMAINE project\u27s Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) demonstrator.Dialogsysteme nutzen zunehmend Hörer-Vokalisierungen, wie z.B. a-ha oder mm-hm, für natürliche Interaktion. Die Generierung von Hörer-Vokalisierungen ist eines der zentralen Ziele emotional gefärbter, konversationeller Sprachsynthese. Ein Erfolg in diesem Unterfangen hängt von den Antworten auf drei Fragen ab: Wo bzw. wann sollten Vokalisierungen synthetisiert werden? Welche Bedeutung sollte in den synthetisierten Vokalisierungen vermittelt werden? Und wie können angemessene Hörer-Vokalisierungen mit der intendierten Bedeutung realisiert werden? Diese Arbeit widmet sich der letztgenannten Frage. Die Untersuchung erfolgt in drei Schritten: (i) Korpuserstellung; (ii) Annotation; und (iii) Realisierung. Der erste Schritt präsentiert eine Methode zur Sammlung natürlicher Hörer-Vokalisierungen von deutschen und britischen Profi-Schauspielern in einem Tonstudio. Im zweiten Schritt wird eine Methodologie zur Annotation von Hörer-Vokalisierungen erarbeitet, die sowohl Bedeutung als auch Verhalten (Form) umfasst. Der dritte Schritt schlägt ein Realisierungsverfahren vor, die Unit-Selection-Synthese mit Signalmodifikationstechniken kombiniert, um aus Nutzeranfragen angemessene Hörer-Vokalisierungen zu generieren. Schließlich werden Natürlichkeit und Angemessenheit synthetisierter Vokalisierungen mit Hilfe von Hörtests evaluiert. Die Methode wurde im Open-Source-Sprachsynthesesystem MARY implementiert und in den Sensitive Artificial Listener-Demonstrator im Projekt SEMAINE integriert
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