15 research outputs found

    Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (10/01-3/02)

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    This report summarizes progress on Washington University鈥檚 Terabit Burst Switching Project, supported by DARPA and Rome Air Force Laboratory. This project seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of Burst Switching, a new data communication service which can more effectively exploit the large bandwidths becoming available in WDM transmission systems, than conventional communication technologies like ATM and IP-based packet switching. Burst switching systems dynamically assign data bursts to channels in optical data link, using routing information carried in parallel control channels. The project will lead to the construction of a demonstration switch with throughput exceeding 200 Gb/s and scalable to over 10 Tb/s

    Terabit Burst Switching

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    This report summarizes progress on Washington University\u27s Terabit Burst Switching Project, supported by DARPA and Rome Air Force Laboratory. This project seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of Burst Switching, a new data communication service which can more effectively exploit the large bandwidths becoming available in WDM transmission systems, than conventional communication technologies like ATM and IP-based packet switching. Burst switching systems dynamically assign data bursts to channels in optical data links, using routing information carried in parallel control channels. The project will lead to the construction of a demonstration switch with throughput exceeding 200 Gb/s and scalable to over 10 Tb/s

    Terabit Burst Switching Final Report

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    This is the final report For Washington University\u27s Terabit Burst Switching Project, supported by DARPA and Rome Air Force Laboratory. The primary objective of the project has been to demonstrate the feasibility of Burst Switching, a new data communication service, which seeks to more effectively exploit the large bandwidths becoming available in WDM transmission systems. Burst switching systems dynamically assign data bursts to channels in optical datalinks, using routing information carried in parallel control channels

    Scalable design of optical burst switch based on deflection routing.

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    Deng Yun.Thesis submitted in: July 2003.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-56).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Acknowledgments --- p.ii鎽樿 --- p.iiiAbstract --- p.vChapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Optical Switching --- p.1Chapter 1.1.1 --- Optical Circuit Switching --- p.2Chapter 1.1.2 --- Optical Packet Switching --- p.3Chapter 1.1.3 --- Optical Burst Switching --- p.4Chapter 1.2 --- Design of Optical Burst Switching Node --- p.8Chapter 1.2.1 --- Burst Switched Network Architecture --- p.8Chapter 1.2.2 --- Design of Optical Burst Switching Node --- p.10Chapter 1.2.3 --- Scalable Architecture With Multi-plane Fabric --- p.12Chapter 1.3 --- Organization --- p.13Chapter Chapter 2 --- Proposed OBS Node and Blocking probability due to Output Contention --- p.14Chapter 2.1 --- OBS Node Architecture --- p.14Chapter 2.2 --- Burst Traffic Model --- p.16Chapter 2.3 --- Blocking Probability due to Output Contention --- p.17Chapter 2.4 --- Poisson Approximation of Burst Traffic --- p.19Chapter 2.5 --- Simulation Results --- p.21Chapter Chapter 3 --- Deflection Routed Switch Based on Shuffle-exchange network and Burst Loss Rate due to Insufficient Number of Stages --- p.22Chapter 3.1 --- Architecture of Shuffle-exchange Network --- p.22Chapter 3.2 --- The traffic loading entering into the second stage --- p.23Chapter 3.3 --- The Deflection Probability in a 2x2 Switching Module of SN --- p.26Chapter 3.4 --- Analysis of Burst Loss Rate due to Insufficient Number of Stages in SN --- p.27Chapter 3.5 --- Total Burst Loss Probability --- p.30Chapter 3.6 --- Multi-plane Architecture --- p.32Chapter 3.6.1 --- Relationship between k and loading of SN --- p.33Chapter 3.6.2 --- Relationship between k and n: Log2(Number of input-output ports) --- p.36Chapter 3.6.3 --- The result of appropriate number of planes k --- p.38Chapter Chapter 4 --- Switch Based on Dual Shuffle-exchange network and Comparison with Shuffle-exchange network --- p.40Chapter 4.1 --- Architecture of Dual Shuffle-exchange Network --- p.40Chapter 4.2 --- The deflection Probability in a 4x4 Switching Module of DSN --- p.41Chapter 4.3 --- Burst Loss Rate due to Insufficient Number of Stages of DSN --- p.43Chapter 4.4 --- Comparison of SN and DSN --- p.45Chapter 4.4.1 --- Comparison with different n --- p.47Chapter 4.4.2 --- Comparison with different loading --- p.48Chapter 4.4.3 --- The result of comparison --- p.49Chapter Chapter 5 --- Conclusions --- p.50Chapter 5.1 --- The Burst Loss Probability of Proposed OBS Based on SN --- p.51Chapter 5.2 --- The multi-plane Fabric with appropriate number of planes k --- p.51Chapter 5.3 --- Performance of OBS Design Based on DSN and Comparison of SN and DSN --- p.52Bibliography --- p.5

    Design of optical burst switches based on dual shuffle-exchange network and deflection routing.

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    Choy Man Ting.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 66-69).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Acknowledgments --- p.iiAbstract --- p.vTable of Contents --- p.viiList of figures --- p.viiiChapter Chapter 1 --- p.12Chapter 1.1 --- OBS Network Architecture --- p.3Chapter 1.2 --- Offset Time and Reservation Schemes --- p.5Chapter 1.3 --- Research Objectives --- p.7Chapter 1.4 --- Overview --- p.8Chapter Chapter 2 --- p.9Chapter 2.1 --- WDM crossbar architectures --- p.9Chapter 2.2 --- Switch Based on Optical Crossbars --- p.10Chapter 2.3 --- Switch Based on Wavelength Grating Routers --- p.11Chapter Chapter 3 --- p.14Chapter 3.1 --- Basics of Dual Shuffle Exchange Network --- p.14Chapter 3.2 --- Dual Shuffle-exchange Network --- p.16Chapter 3.3 --- Proposed Architecture based on DSN --- p.19Chapter 3.4 --- Analysis on blocking due to output contention --- p.20Chapter 3.5 --- Implementation issues on the 4x4 switching module --- p.23Chapter 3.6 --- Analysis: Non-blocking versus banyan --- p.25Chapter Chapter 4 --- p.30Chapter 4.1 --- First Scheme --- p.30Chapter 4.2 --- Simulation on the first scheme --- p.33Chapter 4.3 --- Second Scheme: Tunable wavelength converter --- p.37Chapter 4.4 --- Third Scheme: Route to specific wavelength port --- p.42Chapter 4.5 --- Analysis on blocking due to insufficient stages --- p.46Chapter Chapter 5 --- p.49Chapter 5.1 --- Delay analysis of DSN --- p.49Chapter 5.2 --- Vertical Expansion --- p.51Chapter 5.3 --- Simulation results on vertical expansion --- p.52Chapter 5.4 --- Building DSN with 8x8 MEMS switches --- p.54Chapter 5.5 --- Prove of the proposed Quarter shuffle network --- p.56Chapter 5.6 --- Comparison between Quarter shuffle and doubled links approaches --- p.58Chapter Chapter 6 --- p.64Conclusion --- p.64Bibliography --- p.6

    An assembly and offset assignment scheme for self-similar traffic in optical burst switching

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    Includes bibliographical references.Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is a viable technology for the next generation core network. We propose an FEC-assembly scheme that efficiently assembles self-similar traffic and a Pareto-offset assignment rather than a constant offset assignment. Two buffers, a packet buffer and a burst buffer, are implemented at the Label Edge Router (LER), buffering traffic in the electronic domain. The assembler, between the packet and burst buffers, is served by the packet queue while the assembler serves the burst queue. We outline advantages of why burst assembly cannot be implemented independent of offset assignment. The two schemes must be implemented in a complementary way if QoS is to be realized in an OBS network. We show that there is a direct relation between OBS network performance with burst assembly and offset assignment. We present simulation results of the assembly and offset assignment proposals using the ns2 network simulator. Our results show that the combination of the proposed FEC-Based assembly scheme with the proposed Pareto-offset assignment scheme give better network performance in terms of burst drop, resource contention and delay. Key to any traffic shaping is the nature traffic being shaped. This work also compares performance of both traditional exponential traffic with realistic Self-Similar traffic of Internet traffic on the proposed assembly and offset assignment schemes. In our simulations, we assume that all Label Switch Routers (LSR) have wavelength converters and are without optical buffers. We use Latest Available Unused Channel with Void Filling (LAUC-VF) scheduling scheme and use Just Enough Time (JET) reservation scheme

    Mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS)

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    En aquest treball s鈥檃valua, mitjan莽ant simulaci贸, el comportament de diferents mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a les xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS). La primera part del treball consisteix en programar i incorporar al simulador els m貌duls que permeten simular les funcions dels diferents mecanismes avaluats: conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na (Conv), fibres de retard (FDL) i combinacions dels dos mecanismes anteriors (Conv+FDL i FDL+Conv). A continuaci贸 s鈥檃valuen i es comparen els mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions en termes de retard i probabilitat de p猫rdua en dos escenaris diferents: (1) xarxa amb topologia lineal i fonts directament connectades als nodes de la l铆nia i (2) xarxa formada interconnectant el node central de diverses estrelles, els nodes extrems de les quals s贸n les fonts. Els resultats mostren la difer猫ncia de comportament de cada mecanisme de resoluci贸 de contencions en funci贸 de la topologia i la ubicaci贸 de les fonts a la xarxa. En aquest treball es discuteixen els avantatges i inconvenients d鈥檜tilitzar cadascun dels mecanismes per separat aix铆 com de manera combinada. A m茅s a m茅s, el treball es complementa amb un apartat te貌ric on s鈥檈xpliquen les bases de la tecnologia de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS) i dos models anal铆tics senzills per als casos de conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na i de fibres de retard

    Mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS)

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    En aquest treball s鈥檃valua, mitjan莽ant simulaci贸, el comportament de diferents mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions per a les xarxes de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS). La primera part del treball consisteix en programar i incorporar al simulador els m貌duls que permeten simular les funcions dels diferents mecanismes avaluats: conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na (Conv), fibres de retard (FDL) i combinacions dels dos mecanismes anteriors (Conv+FDL i FDL+Conv). A continuaci贸 s鈥檃valuen i es comparen els mecanismes de resoluci贸 de contencions en termes de retard i probabilitat de p猫rdua en dos escenaris diferents: (1) xarxa amb topologia lineal i fonts directament connectades als nodes de la l铆nia i (2) xarxa formada interconnectant el node central de diverses estrelles, els nodes extrems de les quals s贸n les fonts. Els resultats mostren la difer猫ncia de comportament de cada mecanisme de resoluci贸 de contencions en funci贸 de la topologia i la ubicaci贸 de les fonts a la xarxa. En aquest treball es discuteixen els avantatges i inconvenients d鈥檜tilitzar cadascun dels mecanismes per separat aix铆 com de manera combinada. A m茅s a m茅s, el treball es complementa amb un apartat te貌ric on s鈥檈xpliquen les bases de la tecnologia de commutaci贸 貌ptica de r脿fegues (OBS) i dos models anal铆tics senzills per als casos de conversi贸 de longitud d鈥檕na i de fibres de retard

    Design of Wavelength Converting Switches for Optical Burst Switching

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    Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is an experimental network technology that enables the construction of very high capacity routers, using optical data paths and electronic control. In this paper, we study two designs for wavelength converting switches that are suitable for use in optical burst switching systems and evaluate their performance. Both designs use tunable lasers to implement wavelength conversion. One is a strictly nonblocking design, that also requires optical crossbars. The second substitutes Wavelength Grating Routers (WGR) for the optical crossbars, reducing cost, but introducing some potential for blocking. We show how the routing problem for the WGRbased switches can be formulated as a combinatorial puzzle or game, in which the design of the game board corresponds to the pattern of interconnections used to join the input sections of the switch to the output sections. We use this to show how the interconnection pattern affects the performance of the switch, and to facilitate the design of interconnection patterns that yield the best performance. Our results show that for a typical switch configuration, the WGRbased design can deliver more than 87% of the throughput of a fully nonblocking switch