3 research outputs found

    Mutual query data sharing protocol for public key encryption through chosen-ciphertext attack in cloud environment

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    In this paper, we are proposing a mutual query data sharing protocol (MQDS) to overcome the encryption or decryption time limitations of exiting protocols like Boneh, rivest shamir adleman (RSA), Multi-bit transposed ring learning parity with noise (TRLPN), ring learning parity with noise (Ring-LPN) cryptosystem, key-Ordered decisional learning parity with noise (kO-DLPN), and KD_CS protocol’s. Titled scheme is to provide the security for the authenticated user data among the distributed physical users and devices. The proposed data sharing protocol is designed to resist the chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) under the hardness solution for the query shared-strong diffie-hellman (SDH) problem. The evaluation of proposed work with the existing data sharing protocols in computational and communication overhead through their response time is evaluated

    Deniable Key Establishment Resistance against eKCI Attacks

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    In extended Key Compromise Impersonation (eKCI) attack against authenticated key establishment (AKE) protocols the adversary impersonates one party, having the long term key and the ephemeral key of the other peer party. Such an attack can be mounted against variety of AKE protocols, including 3-pass HMQV. An intuitive countermeasure, based on BLS (Boneh–Lynn–Shacham) signatures, for strengthening HMQV was proposed in literature. The original HMQV protocol fulfills the deniability property: a party can deny its participation in the protocol execution, as the peer party can create a fake protocol transcript indistinguishable from the real one. Unfortunately, the modified BLS based version of HMQV is not deniable. In this paper we propose a method for converting HMQV (and similar AKE protocols) into a protocol resistant to eKCI attacks but without losing the original deniability property. For that purpose, instead of the undeniable BLS, we use a modification of Schnorr authentication protocol, which is deniable and immune to ephemeral key leakages

    Secure pairing-free two-party certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol with minimal computational complexity

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    Key agreement protocols play a vital role in maintaining security in many critical applications due to the importance of the secret key. Bilinear pairing was commonly used in designing secure protocols for the last several years; however, high computational complexity of this operation has been the main obstacle towards its practicality. Therefore, implementation of Elliptic-curve based operations, instead of bilinear pairings, has become popular recently, and pairing-free key agreement protocols have been explored in many studies. A considerable amount of literatures has been published on pairing-free key agreement protocols in the context of Public Key Cryptography (PKC). Simpler key management and non-existence of key escrow problem make certificateless PKC more appealing in practice. However, achieving certificateless pairing-free two-party authenticated key agreement protocols (CL-AKA) that provide high level of security with low computational complexity, remains a challenge in the research area. This research presents a secure and lightweight pairingfree CL-AKA protocol named CL2AKA (CertificateLess 2-party Authenticated Key Agreement). The properties of CL2AKA protocol is that, it is computationally lightweight while communication overhead remains the same as existing protocols of related works. The results indicate that CL2AKA protocol is 21% computationally less complex than the most efficient pairing-free CL-AKA protocol (KKC-13) and 53% less in comparison with the pairing-free CL-AKA protocol with highest level of security guarantee (SWZ-13). Security of CL2AKA protocol is evaluated based on provable security evaluation method under the strong eCK model. It is also proven that the CL2AKA supports all of the security requirements which are necessary for authenticated key agreement protocols. Besides the CL2AKA as the main finding of this research work, there are six pairing-free CL-AKA protocols presented as CL2AKA basic version protocols, which were the outcomes of several attempts in designing the CL2AKA