6 research outputs found

    Multi -Layer Based Data Aggregation Algorithm for Convergence Platform of IoT and Cloud Computing

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    Sensor Networks (SN) are deployed in smart domain to sense the environment which is essential to provide the services according to the users need. Hundreds or sometimes thousands of sensors are involved in sensor networks for monitoring the target phenomenon. Large scale of sensory data have to be handle by the sensor network which create several problems such as waste of sensors energy, data redundancy. To overcome these deficiencies one most practice solution is data aggregation which can effectively decrease the massive amount of data generated in SNs by lessening occurrence in the sensing data. The aim of this method is to lessen the massive use of data generated by surrounding nodes, thus saving network energy and providing valuable information for the end user. The effectiveness of any data aggregation technique is largely dependent on topology of the network. Among the various network topologies clustering is preferred as it provides better controllability, scalability and network maintenance phenomenon. In this research, a data aggregation technique is proposed based on Periodic Sensor Network (PSN) which achieved aggregation of data at two layers: the sensor nodes layer and the cluster head layer. In sensor node layer set similarity function is used for checking the redundant data for each sensor node whereas Euclidean distance function is utilized in cluster head layer for discarding the redundancy of data between different sensor nodes. This aggregation technique is implemented in smart home where sensor network is deployed to capture environment related information (temperature, moisture, light, H2 level). Collected information is analyzed using ThinkSpeak cloud platform. For performance evaluation amount of aggregated data, number of pairs of redundant data, energy consumption, data latency, and data accuracy are analyzed and compared with the other state-of-art techniques. The result shows the important improvement of the performance of sensor networks

    EIDA: An Energy-Intrusion aware Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy consumption is considered as a critical issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Batteries of sensor nodes have limited power supply which in turn limits services and applications that can be supported by them. An efcient solution to improve energy consumption and even trafc in WSNs is Data Aggregation (DA) that can reduce the number of transmissions. Two main challenges for DA are: (i) most DA techniques need network clustering. Clustering itself is a time and energy consuming procedure. (ii) DA techniques often do not have ability to detect intrusions. Studying to design a new DA technique without using clustering and with ability of nding intrusion is valuable. This paper proposes an energy-intrusion aware DA Technique (named EIDA) that does not need clustering. EIDA is designed to support on demand requests of mobile sinks in WSNs. It uses learning automata for aggregating data and a simple and effective algorithm for intrusion detection. Finally, we simulat

    Research on Monitoring and Prewarning System of Accident in the Coal Mine Based on Big Data

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    Bringing pervasive embedded networks to the service cloud: a lightweight middleware approach

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    The emergence of novel pervasive networks that consist of tiny embedded nodes have reduced the gap between real and virtual worlds. This paradigm has opened the Service Cloud to a variety of wireless devices especially those with sensorial and actuating capabilities. Those pervasive networks contribute to build new context-aware applications that interpret the state of the physical world at real-time. However, traditional Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), which are widely used in the current Internet are unsuitable for such resource-constraint devices since they are too heavy. In this research paper, an internetworking approach is proposed in order to address that important issue. The main part of our proposal is the Knowledge-Aware and Service-Oriented (KASO) Middleware that has been designed for pervasive embedded networks. KASO Middleware implements a diversity of mechanisms, services and protocols which enable developers and business processing designers to deploy, expose, discover, compose, and orchestrate real-world services (i.e. services running on sensor/actuator devices). Moreover, KASO Middleware implements endpoints to offer those services to the Cloud in a REST manner. Our internetworking approach has been validated through a real healthcare telemonitoring system deployed in a sanatorium. The validation tests show that KASO Middleware successfully brings pervasive embedded networks to the Service Cloud

    QoS-Aware Energy Management and Node Scheduling Schemes for Sensor Network-Based Surveillance Applications

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    Recent advances in wireless technologies have led to an increased deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for a plethora of diverse surveillance applications such as health, military, and environmental. However, sensor nodes in WSNs usually suffer from short device lifetime due to severe energy constraints and therefore, cannot guarantee to meet the Quality of Service (QoS) needs of various applications. This is proving to be a major hindrance to the widespread adoption of WSNs for such applications. Therefore, to extend the lifetime of WSNs, it is critical to optimize the energy usage in sensor nodes that are often deployed in remote and hostile terrains. To this effect, several energy management schemes have been proposed recently. Node scheduling is one such strategy that can prolong the lifetime of WSNs and also helps to balance the workload among the sensor nodes. In this article, we discuss on the energy management techniques of WSN with a particular emphasis on node scheduling and propose an energy management life-cycle model and an energy conservation pyramid to extend the network lifetime of WSNs. We have provided a detailed classification and evaluation of various node scheduling schemes in terms of their ability to fulfill essential QoS requirements, namely coverage, connectivity, fault tolerance, and security. We considered essential design issues such as network type, deployment pattern, sensing model in the classification process. Furthermore, we have discussed the operational characteristics of schemes with their related merits and demerits. We have compared the efficacy of a few well known graph-based scheduling schemes with suitable performance analysis graph. Finally, we study challenges in designing and implementing node scheduling schemes from a QoS perspective and outline open research problems

    Proposition et vérification formelle de protocoles de communications temps-réel pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil

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    Les RCsF sont des réseaux ad hoc, sans fil, large échelle déployés pour mesurer des paramètres de l'environnement et remonter les informations à un ou plusieurs emplacements (nommés puits). Les éléments qui composent le réseau sont de petits équipements électroniques qui ont de faibles capacités en termes de mémoire et de calcul ; et fonctionnent sur batterie. Ces caractéristiques font que les protocoles développés, dans la littérature scientifique de ces dernières années, visent principalement à auto-organiser le réseau et à réduire la consommation d'énergie. Avec l'apparition d'applications critiques pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, de nouveau besoins émergent, comme le respect de bornes temporelles et de fiabilité. En effet, les applications critiques sont des applications dont dépendent des vies humaines ou l'environnement, un mauvais fonctionnement peut donc avoir des conséquences catastrophiques. Nous nous intéressons spécifiquement aux applications de détection d'événements et à la remontée d'alarmes (détection de feu de forêt, d'intrusion, etc), ces applications ont des contraintes temporelles strictes. D'une part, dans la littérature, on trouve peu de protocoles qui permettent d'assurer des délais de bout en bout bornés. Parmi les propositions, on trouve des protocoles qui permettent effectivement de respecter des contraintes temporelles mais qui ne prennent pas en compte les spécificités des RCsF (énergie, large échelle, etc). D'autres propositions prennent en compte ces aspects, mais ne permettent pas de garantir des bornes temporelles. D'autre part, les applications critiques nécessitent un niveau de confiance très élevé, dans ce contexte les tests et simulations ne suffisent pas, il faut être capable de fournir des preuves formelles du respect des spécifications. A notre connaissance cet aspect est très peu étudié pour les RcsF. Nos contributions sont donc de deux types : * Nous proposons un protocole de remontée d'alarmes, en temps borné, X-layer (MAC/routage, nommé RTXP) basé sur un système de coordonnées virtuelles originales permettant de discriminer le 2-voisinage. L'exploitation de ces coordonnées permet d'introduire du déterminisme et de construire un gradient visant à contraindre le nombre maximum de sauts depuis toute source vers le puits. Nous proposons par ailleurs un mécanisme d'agrégation temps-réel des alarmes remontées pour lutter contre les tempêtes de détection qui entraînent congestion et collision, et donc limitent la fiabilité du système. * Nous proposons une méthodologie de vérification formelle basée sur les techniques de Model Checking. Cette méthodologie se déroule en trois points, qui visent à modéliser de manière efficace la nature diffusante des réseaux sans fil, vérifier les RCsF en prenant en compte la non-fiabilité du lien radio et permettre le passage à l'échelle de la vérification en mixant Network Calculus et Model Checking. Nous appliquons ensuite cette méthodologie pour vérifier RTXP.Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are ad hoc wireless large scale networks deployed in order to monitor physical parameters of the environment and report the measurements to one or more nodes of the network (called sinks). The small electronic devices which compose the network have low computing and memory capacities and run on batteries, researches in this field have thus focused mostly on self-organization and energy consumption reduction aspects. Nevertheless, critical applications for WSNs are emerging and require more than those aspects, they have real-time and reliability requirements. Critical applications are applications on which depend human lives and the environment, a failure of a critical application can thus have dramatic consequences. We are especially interested in anomaly detection applications (forest fire detection, landslide detection, intrusion detection, etc), which require bounded end to end delays and high delivery ratio. Few WSNs protocols of the literature allow to bound end to end delays. Among the proposed solutions, some allow to effectively bound the end to end delays, but do not take into account the characteristics of WSNs (limited energy, large scale, etc). Others, take into account those aspects, but do not give strict guaranties on the end to end delays. Moreover, critical applications require a very high confidence level, simulations and tests are not sufficient in this context, formal proofs of compliance with the specifications of the application have to be provided. The application of formal methods to WSNs is still an open problem. Our contributions are thus twofold : * We propose a real-time cross-layer protocol for WSNs (named RTXP) based on a virtual coordinate system which allows to discriminate nodes in a 2-hop neighborhood. Thanks to these coordinates it is possible to introduce determinism in the accesses to the medium and to bound the hop-count, this allows to bound the end to end delay. Besides, we propose a real-time aggregation scheme to mitigate the alarm storm problem which causes collisions and congestion and thus limit the network lifetime. * We propose a formal verification methodology based on the Model Checking technique. This methodology is composed of three elements, (1) an efficient modeling of the broadcast nature of wireless networks, (2) a verification technique which takes into account the unreliability of the wireless link and (3) a verification technique which mixes Network Calculus and Model Checking in order to be both scalable and exhaustive. We apply this methodology in order to formally verify our proposition, RTXP.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF