7 research outputs found

    Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes: Principles and Finite Length Performance

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    In this paper, we give an overview of spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs), the spatial coupling of parallel and serially concatenated convolutional codes, recently introduced by the authors. For presentation purposes, we focus on spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs). We review the main principles of SC-TCs and discuss their exact density evolution (DE) analysis on the binary erasure channel. We also consider the construction of a family of rate-compatible SC-SCCs with simple 4-state component encoders. For all considered code rates, threshold saturation of the belief propagation (BP) to the maximum a posteriori threshold of the uncoupled ensemble is demonstrated, and it is shown that the BP threshold approaches the Shannon limit as the coupling memory increases. Finally we give some simulation results for finite lengths.Comment: Invited paper, IEEE Int. Symp. Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS), Aug. 201

    Self-concatenated code design and its application in power-efficient cooperative communications

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    In this tutorial, we have focused on the design of binary self-concatenated coding schemes with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and Union bound analysis. The design methodology of future iteratively decoded self-concatenated aided cooperative communication schemes is presented. In doing so, we will identify the most important milestones in the area of channel coding, concatenated coding schemes and cooperative communication systems till date and suggest future research directions

    Design of Rate-Compatible Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes

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    Recently a powerful class of rate-compatible serially concatenated convolutional codes (SCCCs) have been proposedbased on minimizing analytical upper bounds on the error probability in the error floor region. Here this class ofcodes is further investigated by combining analytical upper bounds with extrinsic information transfer charts analysis.Following this approach, we construct a family of rate-compatible SCCCs with good performance in both the errorfloor and the waterfall regions over a broad range of code rates

    Self-concatenated coding for wireless communication systems

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    In this thesis, we have explored self-concatenated coding schemes that are designed for transmission over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We designed both the symbol-based Self-ConcatenatedCodes considered using Trellis Coded Modulation (SECTCM) and bit-based Self- Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SECCC) using a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) encoder as constituent codes, respectively. The design of these codes was carried out with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The EXIT chart based design has been found an efficient tool in finding the decoding convergence threshold of the constituent codes. Additionally, in order to recover the information loss imposed by employing binary rather than non-binary schemes, a soft decision demapper was introduced in order to exchange extrinsic information withthe SECCC decoder. To analyse this information exchange 3D-EXIT chart analysis was invoked for visualizing the extrinsic information exchange between the proposed Iteratively Decoding aided SECCC and soft-decision demapper (SECCC-ID). Some of the proposed SECTCM, SECCC and SECCC-ID schemes perform within about 1 dB from the AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels’ capacity. A union bound analysis of SECCC codes was carried out to find the corresponding Bit Error Ratio (BER) floors. The union bound of SECCCs was derived for communications over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels, based on a novel interleaver concept.Application of SECCCs in both UltraWideBand (UWB) and state-of-the-art video-telephone schemes demonstrated its practical benefits.In order to further exploit the benefits of the low complexity design offered by SECCCs we explored their application in a distributed coding scheme designed for cooperative communications, where iterative detection is employed by exchanging extrinsic information between the decoders of SECCC and RSC at the destination. In the first transmission period of cooperation, the relay receives the potentially erroneous data and attempts to recover the information. The recovered information is then re-encoded at the relay using an RSC encoder. In the second transmission period this information is then retransmitted to the destination. The resultant symbols transmitted from the source and relay nodes can be viewed as the coded symbols of a three-component parallel-concatenated encoder. At the destination a Distributed Binary Self-Concatenated Coding scheme using Iterative Decoding (DSECCC-ID) was employed, where the two decoders (SECCC and RSC) exchange their extrinsic information. It was shown that the DSECCC-ID is a low-complexity scheme, yet capable of approaching the Discrete-input Continuous-output Memoryless Channels’s (DCMC) capacity.Finally, we considered coding schemes designed for two nodes communicating with each other with the aid of a relay node, where the relay receives information from the two nodes in the first transmission period. At the relay node we combine a powerful Superposition Coding (SPC) scheme with SECCC. It is assumed that decoding errors may be encountered at the relay node. The relay node then broadcasts this information in the second transmission period after re-encoding it, again, using a SECCC encoder. At the destination, the amalgamated block of Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) scheme combined with SECCC then detects and decodes the signal either with or without the aid of a priori information. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is capable of reliably operating at a low BER for transmission over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We compare the proposed scheme’s performance to a direct transmission link between the two sources having the same throughput

    Cross-Layer design and analysis of cooperative wireless networks relying on efficient coding techniques

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    2011/2012This thesis work aims at analysing the performance of efficient cooperative techniques and of smart antenna aided solutions in the context of wireless networks. Particularly, original contributions include a performance analysis of distributed coding techniques for the physical layer of communication systems, the design of practical efficient coding schemes that approach the analytic limiting bound, the cross-layer design of cooperative medium access control systems that incorporate and benefit from advanced physical layer techniques, the study of the performance of such solutions under realistic network assumptions, and, finally the design of access protocols where nodes are equipped with smart antenna systems.XXV Ciclo198

    Optimisation of Iterative Multi-user Receivers using Analytical Tools

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop tools for the analysis and optimization of an iterative receiver. These tools can be applied to most soft-in soft-out (SISO) receiver components. For illustration purposes we consider a multi-user DS-CDMA system with forward error correction that employs iterative multi-user detection based on soft interference cancellation and single user decoding. Optimized power levels combined with adaptive scheduling allows for efficient utilization of receiver resources for heavily loaded systems.¶ Metric transfer analysis has been shown to be an accurate method of predicting the convergence behavior of iterative receivers. EXtrinsic Information (EXIT), fidelity (FT) and variance (VT) transfer analysis are well-known methods, however the relationship between the different approaches has not been explored in detail. We compare the metrics numerically and analytically and derive functions to closely approximate the relationship between them. The result allows for easy translation between EXIT, FT and VT methods. Furthermore, we extend the JJ function, which describes mutual information as a function of variance, to fidelity and symbol error variance, the Rayleigh fading channel model and a channel estimate. ...