2,138 research outputs found

    Optimal Switch Timing for Piezoelectric-Based Semi-Active Vibration Reduction Techniques

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    Semi-active vibration reduction techniques switch a piezoelectric transducer between an open circuit and a shunt circuit in a way that reduces vibration. The steady-state vibration amplitude is reduced by exploiting the change in stiffness between states, manipulating the converted electrical energy, or both. Semi-active techniques typically require four switches per vibration cycle. Control laws such as state switching and synchronized switch damping require switches to occur at every displacement extrema. Due to the complexity of analyzing a system with discrete switches, these control laws were developed based on intuition. The few analyses that attempt to determine an optimal switching law mathematically only evaluate the system at resonance. This thesis investigates the effects of switch timing on vibration reduction and the frequency dependence of the optimal switch timing control law. Regardless of the switch timing, sensing uncertainties, noise, and modeling errors can cause the switches to occur away from the designed moment. Thus, this work also quantifies the expected degradation in vibration reduction performance due to variations in the designed switch time. Experimental, numerical, and analytical solutions agree that the optimal switch timing of these semi-active techniques depends on frequency. A closed-form solution for the optimal switch timing is derived in terms of well-known, non-dimensional parameters

    Semi-active vibration control of the motorized spindle using a self-powered SSDV technique: simulation and experimental study

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    SSD (synchronized switch damping) is used for vibration control of the motorized spindle based on piezoelectric stack. Moreover, inspired by self-powered SSDI, a self-powered SSDV circuit was designed to overcome the disadvantages of requiring readjusting control parameters and sensor re-positioning of SSDI (synchronized switch damping on inductor) and SSDV (synchronized switch damping on voltage source). A simulation and an experimental were built, and the results show vibration control performance of self-powered SSDV is better than self-powered SSDI and is more flexible and effective than self-powered SSDI by adjusting the DC voltage to adapt to different speeds of the motorized spindle

    Semi-Passive Control Strategy using Piezoceramic Patches in Non Linear Commutation Architecture for Structural-Acoustic Smart Systems

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    The demands for novel smart damping materials can be summarized in: external power source not required for operation; device not needing to be tuned to a specific frequency; device operation not affected by changes in modal frequency; device suppressing vibration over a number of modes, weight and size minimized; self-contained unit device. This thesis focuses on these points and it shows that the dilemma between active and passive vibration control may be solved with a new approach, implementing a semipassive technique without penalties in terms of robustness and performance. Connecting a shunt circuit to a piezoelectric transducer leads to a simple and low cost vibration controller that is able to efficiently suppress unwanted structural vibrations: this is a way to fulfil the abovementioned demands. The objective of this work is to develop and validate by an experimental campaign a computational tool integrated with finite element Nastran software. An original 4-channel switched shunt control system has been realized using a tachometer device. The control system has been tested first of all on a simple cantilevered beam attaining a max vibrations reduction of 16.2 dB for the first bending mode. Further reference test article consisted of a 10 ply fibreglass laminate plate. A multimodal control has applied within a band range of 700Hz including the first seven modes. A maximum reduction of 16 dB has been found. Further numerical and experimental tests have been planned to extend the ability of the SSC to produce structural-borne sound reduction in acoustic rigid cavities for fluid-structure interaction problems. Numerical sound power radiation of an aluminium plate, controlled by synchronized switch system, compared with the experimental acoustic energy detected in acoustic room, has been planned in the ongoing activities

    Energy autonomous systems : future trends in devices, technology, and systems

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    The rapid evolution of electronic devices since the beginning of the nanoelectronics era has brought about exceptional computational power in an ever shrinking system footprint. This has enabled among others the wealth of nomadic battery powered wireless systems (smart phones, mp3 players, GPS, 
) that society currently enjoys. Emerging integration technologies enabling even smaller volumes and the associated increased functional density may bring about a new revolution in systems targeting wearable healthcare, wellness, lifestyle and industrial monitoring applications

    In-wheel motor vibration control for distributed-driven electric vehicles:A review

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    Efficient, safe, and comfortable electric vehicles (EVs) are essential for the creation of a sustainable transport system. Distributed-driven EVs, which often use in-wheel motors (IWMs), have many benefits with respect to size (compactness), controllability, and efficiency. However, the vibration of IWMs is a particularly important factor for both passengers and drivers, and it is therefore crucial for a successful commercialization of distributed-driven EVs. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review and state-of-the-art vibration-source-analysis and -mitigation methods in IWMs. First, selection criteria are given for IWMs, and a multidimensional comparison for several motor types is provided. The IWM vibration sources are then divided into internally-, and externally-induced vibration sources and discussed in detail. Next, vibration reduction methods, which include motor-structure optimization, motor controller, and additional control-components, are reviewed. Emerging research trends and an outlook for future improvement aims are summarized at the end of the paper. This paper can provide useful information for researchers, who are interested in the application and vibration mitigation of IWMs or similar topics

    Rectification, amplification and switching capabilities for energy harvesting systems: power management circuit for piezoelectric energy harvester

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Biomedical EngineeringA new energy mechanism needs to be addressed to overcome the battery dependency, and consequently extend Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSN) lifetime effectively. Energy Harvesting is a promising technology that can fulfill that premise. This work consists of the realization of circuit components employable in a management system for a piezoelectric-based energy harvester, with low power consumption and high efficiency. The implementation of energy harvesting systems is necessary to power-up front-end applications without any battery. The input power and voltage levels generated by the piezoelectric transducer are relatively low, especially in small-scale systems, as such extra care has to be taken in power consumption and efficiency of the circuits. The main contribution of this work is a system capable of amplifying, rectifying and switching the unstable signal from an energy harvester source. The circuit components are designed based on 0.13 Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. An analog switch, capable of driving the harvesting circuit at a frequency between 1 and 1 , with proper temperature behaviour, is designed and verified. An OFF resistance of 520.6 Ω and isolation of −111.24 , grant excellent isolation to the circuit. The designed voltage amplifier is capable of amplifying a minor signal with a gain of 42.56 , while requiring low power consumption. The output signal is satisfactorily amplified with a reduced offset voltage of 8 . A new architecture of a two-stage active rectifier is proposed. The power conversion efficiency is 40.4%, with a voltage efficiency of up to 90%. Low power consumption of 17.7 is achieved by the rectifier, with the embedded comparator consuming 113.9 . The outcomes validate the circuit’s power demands, which can be used for other similar applications in biomedical, industrial, and commercial fields.Para combater a dependĂȘncia dos dispositivos eletrĂłnicos relativamente ĂĄs baterias Ă© necessĂĄrio um novo sistema energĂ©tico, que permita prolongar o tempo de vida Ăștil dos mesmos. Energy Harvesting Ă© uma tecnologia promissora utilizada para alimentar dispositivos sem bateria. Este trabalho consiste na realização de componentes empregĂĄveis num circuito global para extrair energia a partir ds vibraçÔes de um piezoelĂ©tricos com baixo consumo de energia e alta eficiĂȘncia. Os nĂ­veis de potĂȘncia e voltagem gerados pelo transdutor piezoelĂ©trico sĂŁo relativamente baixos, especialmente em sistemas de pequena escala, por isso requerem cuidado extra relativamente ao consumo de energia e eficiĂȘncia dos circuitos. A principal contribuição deste trabalho Ă© um sistema apropriado para amplificar, retificar e alternar o sinal instĂĄvel proveniente de uma fonte de energy harvesting. Os componentes do sistema sĂŁo implementados com base na tecnologia CMOS com 0.13 . Um interruptor analĂłgico capaz de modelar a frequĂȘncia do sinal entre 1 e 1 e estĂĄvel perante variaçÔes de temperatura, Ă© implementado. O circuito tem um excelente isolamento de −111.24 , devido a uma resistĂȘncia OFF de 520.6 Ω. O amplificador implementado Ă© apto a amplificar um pequeno sinal com um ganho de 42.56 e baixo consumo. O sinal de saĂ­da Ă© satisfatoriamente amplificado com uma voltagem de offset de 8 . Um retificador ativo de dois estĂĄgios com uma nova arquitetura Ă© proposto. A eficiĂȘncia de conversĂŁo de energia atinge os 40.4%, com uma eficiĂȘncia de voltagem atĂ© 90%. O retificador consome pouca energia, apenas 17.7 , incorporando um comparador de 113.9 . Os resultados validam as exigĂȘncias energĂ©ticas do circuito, que pode ser usado para outras aplicaçÔes similares no campo biomĂ©dico, industrial e comercial

    Nonlinear Time-Frequency Control Theory with Applications

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    Nonlinear control is an important subject drawing much attention. When a nonlinear system undergoes route-to-chaos, its response is naturally bounded in the time-domain while in the meantime becoming unstably broadband in the frequency-domain. Control scheme facilitated either in the time- or frequency-domain alone is insufficient in controlling route-to-chaos, where the corresponding response deteriorates in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. It is necessary to facilitate nonlinear control in both the time and frequency domains without obscuring or misinterpreting the true dynamics. The objective of the dissertation is to formulate a novel nonlinear control theory that addresses the fundamental characteristics inherent of all nonlinear systems undergoing route-to-chaos, one that requires no linearization or closed-form solution so that the genuine underlying features of the system being considered are preserved. The theory developed herein is able to identify the dynamic state of the system in real-time and restrain time-varying spectrum from becoming broadband. Applications of the theory are demonstrated using several engineering examples including the control of a non-stationary Duffing oscillator, a 1-DOF time-delayed milling model, a 2-DOF micro-milling system, unsynchronized chaotic circuits, and a friction-excited vibrating disk. Not subject to all the mathematical constraint conditions and assumptions upon which common nonlinear control theories are based and derived, the novel theory has its philosophical basis established in the simultaneous time-frequency control, on-line system identification, and feedforward adaptive control. It adopts multi-rate control, hence enabling control over nonstationary, nonlinear response with increasing bandwidth ? a physical condition oftentimes fails the contemporary control theories. The applicability of the theory to complex multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems without resorting to mathematical manipulation and extensive computation is demonstrated through the multi-variable control of a micro-milling system. The research is of a broad impact on the control of a wide range of nonlinear and chaotic systems. The implications of the nonlinear time-frequency control theory in cutting, micro-machining, communication security, and the mitigation of friction-induced vibrations are both significant and immediate

    Comparison of Analog and Digital Self-Powered Systems in Multimodal Vibration Suppression

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    Effect of shunted piezoelectric control for tuning piezoelectric power harvesting system responses – Analytical techniques

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    This paper presents new analytical modelling of shunt circuit control responses for tuning electromechanical piezoelectric vibration power harvesting structures with proof mass offset. For this combination, the dynamic closed-form boundary value equations reduced from strong form variational principles were developed using the extended Hamiltonian principle to formulate the new coupled orthonormalised electromechanical power harvesting equations showing combinations of the mechanical system (dynamical behaviour of piezoelectric structure), electromechanical system (electrical piezoelectric response) and electrical system (tuning and harvesting circuits). The reduced equations can be further formulated to give the complete forms of new electromechanical multi-mode FRFs and time waveform of the standard AC-DC circuit interface. The proposed technique can demonstrate self-adaptive harvesting response capabilities for tuning the frequency band and the power amplitude of the harvesting devices. The self-adaptive tuning strategies are demonstrated by modelling the shunt circuit behaviour of the piezoelectric control layer in order to optimise the harvesting piezoelectric layer during operation under input base excitation. In such situations, with proper tuning parameters the system performance can be substantially improved. Moreover, the validation of the closed-form technique is also provided by developing the Ritz method-based weak form analytical approach giving similar results. Finally, the parametric analytical studies have been explored to identify direct and relevant contributions for vibration power harvesting behaviours


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    Chapter 8: Energy Harvesting Technologies: Thick-Film Piezoelectric Microgenerato
