3 research outputs found

    Switched-capacitor integrated single-phase (2n+1)-levels boost inverter for grid-tied photovoltaic (pv) applications

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    © 2019 IEEE. This paper presents a switched-capacitor integrated (2N+1)-level (N≥2) boost inverter for single-phase photovoltaic (PV) applications. It consists of N modular switching cells, where each cell consists of two switched capacitors and three active switching elements. A boost converter at the front side of the switching cells helps to maintain the capacitor voltage balance during different operation modes. With this arrangement, the inverter is capable to generate 2N+1 output voltage levels, and able to accommodate a wide range of input voltage. Detailed analysis followed by simulation and experimental results of a 5-level inverter as an example is presented to verify the proposed concept. Further, comparison with other multilevel inverter topologies is presented to show the merit of the proposed concept

    Pengendalian Arus pada Inverter Lima Tingkat Penaik dan Penurun Tegangan

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    ABSTRAKPenggunaan inverter terkendali arus pada sistem integrasi dengan jala-jala memiliki beberapa kendala seperti nilai tegangan masukan inverter harus melebihi tegangan pada jala-jala, ditambah lagi terdapat gangguan harmonisa pada frekuensi pensaklaran inverter yang dapat menginterferensi jala-jala. Penggunaan inverter lima tingkat yang digabung dengan AC-AC boost diajukan pada makalah ini untuk mengeliminasi gangguan harmonisa dan mampu menghasilkan nilai tegangan yang lebih tinggi dari pada nilai tegangan masukan. Dengan begitu konverter yang diajukan mampu bekerja sebagai penaik dan penurun tegangan. Konverter yang diajukan menggunakan satu buah sumber DC dan menerapkan metode arus keluaran yang terkendali sebagai dasar dalam penyuntikan arus ke jala-jala untuk riset ke depan. Konverter yang diajukan mampu menghasilkan nilai Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) sebesar 2,6% dan memenuhi standar IEEE Std 519-2014 yaitu kurang dari 5%.Kata kunci: inverter lima tingkat , kendali arus, penaik dan penurun tegangan, THD, penyuntikan arus ke jala-jala ABSTRACTThe use of grid connected current-controlled inverters has several constraints such as the input voltage value of the inverter must exceed the voltage on the grid, plus there are harmonic disturbances at the inverter switching frequency which can interfere with the grid. The use of a five-level inverter combined with AC-AC boost is proposed in this article to eliminate harmonic disturbances and be able to produce a higher voltage value than the input voltage value. Thus the proposed converter is able to work as a buck and boost voltage. The proposed converter uses a single DC source and applies a controlled output current method as a basis for injecting current into the grid for future research. The proposed converter is capable of producing a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) value of 2.6% and meets the IEEE Std 519-2014 standard, which is less than 5%.Keywords: five-level inverter, current controlled, buck-boost inverter, THD, current injectio

    Operation and Efficiency Analysis of a 5-level Single-Phase Hybrid Si/SiC Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter

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    The ability to improve both the size and efficiency of multilevel single-phase converters is a key to uplift them as an attractive solution for industries, while the high number of switches and complex modulation techniques understandably make them unattractive. 5-level active neutral point clamped converter, due to its inherent advantages such as employing different switching frequencies and using different switch technologies, presents an ideal candidate for study. This paper performs a comprehensive analysis of the converter to highlight the advantages of it. This analysis results in a modified hybrid modulation that effectively regulates the neutral point (NP) of the dc-link. Consequently, the combination of the topology and the modified modulation make the converter ideal to utilize two different switch technologies- in this paper Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Si MOSFET. To evaluate the analysis and the effectiveness of modulation, a 2kW hybrid 5-level ANPC is built. Analyzing of the behavior of the converter current, power loss in the filter and switches are, therefore, calculated. The efficiency measurement is performed and compared with the calculated efficiency. There is a close coherency between the measurement and the calculated results and a peak efficiency of 98.4% is achieved.© 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed