5 research outputs found

    Design method for an anthropomorphic hand able to gesture and grasp

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    This paper presents a numerical method to conceive and design the kinematic model of an anthropomorphic robotic hand used for gesturing and grasping. In literature, there are few numerical methods for the finger placement of human-inspired robotic hands. In particular, there are no numerical methods, for the thumb placement, that aim to improve the hand dexterity and grasping capabilities by keeping the hand design close to the human one. While existing models are usually the result of successive parameter adjustments, the proposed method determines the fingers placements by mean of empirical tests. Moreover, a surgery test and the workspace analysis of the whole hand are used to find the best thumb position and orientation according to the hand kinematics and structure. The result is validated through simulation where it is checked that the hand looks well balanced and that it meets our constraints and needs. The presented method provides a numerical tool which allows the easy computation of finger and thumb geometries and base placements for a human-like dexterous robotic hand.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2015, Seattle, United States. IEEE, 2015, Proceeding IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Optimization of the Kinematic Chain of the Thumb for a Hand Prosthesis Based on the Kapandji Opposition Test

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    Ponènica presentada a International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering - CMBBE 2019The thumb plays a key role in the performance of the hand for grasp-ing and manipulating objects. In artificial hands the complex thumb’s kinematic chain (TKC) is simplified and its five degrees of freedom are reduced to only one or two with the consequent loss of dexterity of the hand. The Kapandji op-position test (KOT) has been clinically used in pathological human hands for evaluating the thumb opposition and it has also been employed in some previ-ous studies as reference for the design of the TKC in artificial hands, but with-out a clearly stated methodology. Based on this approaches, in this study we present a computational method to optimize the whole TKC (base placement, link lengths and joint orientation angles) of an artificial hand based on its per-formance in the KOT. The cost function defined for the optimization (MPE) is a weighted mean position error when trying to reproduce the KOT postures and can be used also as a metric to quantify thumb opposition in the hand. As a case study, the method was applied to the improvement of the TKC of an artificial hand developed by the authors and the MPE was reduced to near one third of that of the original design, increasing significantly the number of reachable po-sitions in the KOT. The metric proposed based on the KOT can be used directly or in combination with other to improve the kinematic chain of artificial hands

    The role of interface configuration on performance accuracy in eyes-free touchscreen interaction

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    This paper describes the exploration of a new category of a touchscreen interface. An eyes-free interface harnesses innate human abilities and product affordances to allow reduced levels of visual attention. Interface design for eyes-free interaction with a featureless screen is highly challenging; however, it can be achieved by simplifying and optimizing menu layout patterns to take advantage of innate human abilities including proprioception and spatial memory. This opens up a range of possibilities for peripheral device control under one-handed thumb mobile interaction. To this end, two experiments with different modes of presentation were conducted to understand the effect of interface configurations on performance accuracy caused by spatial memory and proprioception. Spatial performance results from the interaction effect of both cognitive abilities on an eyes-free interface. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and curved layouts with different spacing patterns have been tested in both tap and draw input modes. The results revealed that evenly spaced button alignment close to the reference frame with symmetrical patterns within a square interface area and a comfortable thumb range positively affect accuracy. The conclusions describe how alignment patterns and the mode of presentation affect visual perception and spatial integration, and a framework for the development of an eyes-free interface is set out

    The role of morphology of the thumb in anthropomorphic grasping : a review

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    The unique musculoskeletal structure of the human hand brings in wider dexterous capabilities to grasp and manipulate a repertoire of objects than the non-human primates. It has been widely accepted that the orientation and the position of the thumb plays an important role in this characteristic behavior. There have been numerous attempts to develop anthropomorphic robotic hands with varying levels of success. Nevertheless, manipulation ability in those hands is to be ameliorated even though they can grasp objects successfully. An appropriate model of the thumb is important to manipulate the objects against the fingers and to maintain the stability. Modeling these complex interactions about the mechanical axes of the joints and how to incorporate these joints in robotic thumbs is a challenging task. This article presents a review of the biomechanics of the human thumb and the robotic thumb designs to identify opportunities for future anthropomorphic robotic hands

    Robotic manipulation for the shoe-packaging process

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    [EN] This paper presents the integration of a robotic system in a human-centered environment, as it can be found in the shoe manufacturing industry. Fashion footwear is nowadays mainly handcrafted due to the big amount of small production tasks. Therefore, the introduction of intelligent robotic systems in this industry may contribute to automate and improve the manual production steps, such us polishing, cleaning, packaging, and visual inspection. Due to the high complexity of the manual tasks in shoe production, cooperative robotic systems (which can work in collaboration with humans) are required. Thus, the focus of the robot lays on grasping, collision detection, and avoidance, as well as on considering the human intervention to supervise the work being performed. For this research, the robot has been equipped with a Kinect camera and a wrist force/ torque sensor so that it is able to detect human interaction and the dynamic environment in order to modify the robot¿s behavior. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, this work presents the experimental results obtained for two actual platforms, which are located at different research laboratories, that share similarities in their morphology, sensor equipment and actuation system.This work has been partly supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of the Spanish Government (Key No.: 0201603139 of Invest in Spain program and Grant No. RTC-2016-5408-6) and by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) of the German Government (Projekt-ID 54368155).Gracia Calandin, LI.; Perez-Vidal, C.; Mronga, D.; Paco, JD.; Azorin, J.; Gea, JD. (2017). Robotic manipulation for the shoe-packaging process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 92(1-4):1053-1067. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-0212-6S10531067921-4Pedrocchi N, Villagrossi E, Cenati C, Tosatti LM (2017) Design of fuzzy logic controller of industrial robot for roughing the uppers of fashion shoes. 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