509 research outputs found

    Online Project Management for Dynamic e-Collaboration

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    Today’s collaborative projects demand efficient and productive software application tools for the workplace that will bring remote teams together to get the work done. Dynamic e-collaboration is a necessity for virtual relations and business agreements. It depends on two distinct factors: trust and need. This paper presents a way to manage remote teams using a web application developed with ColMap model of project management in an IT company. The information exposed and shared applications with partners in collaborative projects are based on RBAC. Group collaboration and management software has been proven to successfully manage and coordinate projects.Dynamic E-collaboration, Collaboration Model, Web Application

    Prototype Digital Forensics Repository

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    The explosive growth in technology has led to a new league of a crime involving identity theft, stealing trade secrets, malicious virus attacks, hacking of DVD players, etc. The law enforcement community which has been trained to deal with traditional form of crime, is now being trained in a new realm of Digital Forensics. Forensics investigators have realized that often the most valuable resource available to them is experience and knowledge of fellow investigators. But there is seldom an explicit mechanism for disseminating this knowledge. Hence the same problems and mistakes continue to resurface and the same solutions are re-invented. In this Thesis we design and create a knowledge base, a Digital Forensics Repository, to support the sharing of experiences about the Forensics Investigation Process. It offers capabilities such as submission of lessons, online search and retrieval which will provide a means of querying into an ever increasing knowledge base

    Prototype Digital Forensics Repository

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    The explosive growth in technology has led to a new league of a crime involving identity theft, stealing trade secrets, malicious virus attacks, hacking of DVD players, etc. The law enforcement community which has been trained to deal with traditional form of crime, is now being trained in a new realm of Digital Forensics. Forensics investigators have realized that often the most valuable resource available to them is experience and knowledge of fellow investigators. But there is seldom an explicit mechanism for disseminating this knowledge. Hence the same problems and mistakes continue to resurface and the same solutions are re-invented. In this Thesis we design and create a knowledge base, a Digital Forensics Repository, to support the sharing of experiences about the Forensics Investigation Process. It offers capabilities such as submission of lessons, online search and retrieval which will provide a means of querying into an ever increasing knowledge base

    Implementing Functionality to Identify and Fix Time Gaps, and Generate Custom Reports and Graphs Will Improve the Analysis, Modification and Reporting Off Tidal Data in Ireland

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    The Irish National Tide Gauge Network (ITGN) is ongoing development involving the Marine Institute (MI) and a number of public sector organisations to develop a permanent tidal monitoring infrastructure. As part of this ongoing work the MI wish to be able to analyse the existing ITGN dataset for time gaps, and make changes to the dataset if needed, they would also like to be able to view custom reports and graphs based on the ITGN dataset. This thesis presents a webbased and windows application to meet the aforementioned needs of the Marine Institute and ITGN

    GSU Event Portal

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    The project is the conceptual design for the website which has the content management which is commonly known as the GSU Event Portal. Which is very helpful for the student and faculty to display or to showcase there event and various promotion and the registration this will be helping the both the faculty and the student to display the information and also it can be used for the marketing purpose in order to make to event and other promotion visible to everyone. The even portal is the website where student can view the event posted by the user and also you can register them and get the updates about the event and the event portal website even let you create or modify your own even and manage them with the account you have been created in it and make changes to it. And now the user may able to see you event and even register it some of the event will be free and some of them will be paid. The main idea about the project will be a content management website which will be responsible to creation and modification of the online event portal which will be support the mobile and the desktop platform the website will be having categories which will be helping the user to search for the various event based on their categories. The website will be helpful in reducing the time and cost for the faculty and student for marketing there event


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    supervisor Dr. Abed El-Hamid ZougborStoring and sharing files is a task that all internet users do every day, in recent years the way people store their files is changed due the emergence of cloud storages services such as Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox, etc. They introduced a great solution for most users when it comes to storing files and sharing it with others. There are a ton of cloud storages options out there. Inevitably, everyone finds a favorite, but more than likely, a lot of users end up with a bunch of unused free storage from other services or the circumstances dictates them to use different cloud drives in case the user prefers Google Drive for example, but his work’s infrastructure uses Dropbox and his friends keep sharing files and photos using OneDrive. As a result the user begin to suffer from the same problem that was hoping to avoid from the first place, it became so frustrating to manage, store and share his files because it’s scattered in several storages and each one requires its own login. Duo to this, MCloud was born. MCloud is a web-based application essentially as cloud service that can put multiple cloud drives into one. It mainly serves for the users who have multiple cloud drives and in the need for managing all the files in their cloud drives through just one single account. MCloud users can connect their MCloud profile to other cloud storage services such as Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox. This connection allows the MCloud user to browse all files of these different drives in the same place without opening too many tabs or keeping longing in and out. Furthermore the team made sure that most functionalities that were available in the original cloud drives are also exists in MCloud system as well for instances the user can share files on social media and copy a sharable link to send it via email or a chat, also the major file management tools like creating, deleting and renaming files and folders are available, in addition to that the user also able to download and upload files easily. The team was dedicated to develop the system in the most fitted development practices with the available skills by using the ASP.NET MVC as the development framework with C# as programming language for our system following the incremental model with all the shear amount of advantages it offers. MCloud system is designed with a easy to use and user-friendly interface with responsive design technologies in order to give the user the ultimate solution for using cloud storage services

    Digitized Engineering Notebook

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    In current generation, people are not happy with the preserving information physically either in the notebooks or in any form. They are not interested to write also. As technology is growing and everyone is making use of it. In the same way our application is used as a tool for so many users who want to use this application as a notebook. Features of this application include an editor which is used to edit the data and also the text formatter which is used to change the style of the text. Apart from these features it is also having the information like uploading the images, creating the index, labeling the images and user navigation to a particular place and also to search the related information which is needed by the user. By the use of this application, definitely user will feel satisfaction and the information will be stored digitally. By the use of this application, so much of the burden is gets reduced and retrieval process will become easy for the users

    Monitoring and management application for Pre5ence Oy

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    The objective of the Bachelor’s thesis was to develop a web application prototype of a monitoring and management system to be used with a new alarm device currently being developed by Pre5ence Oy. The application was developed using only freely available technologies and libraries. The main requirement for the application was the ability to show the position of the device based on provided coordinates using a web map system (Leaflet.js). In addition, a user and device management as well as login and user authentication system were required to manage device ownership and access rights. The application was developed independently with minimal involvement from Pre5ence using mainly PHP and PostgreSQL. A small amount of JavaScript was also developed to integrate with Leaflet.js and create a simple AJAX functionality. The result of the thesis is a working prototype of an application that showcases data collected by devices using a simple and light UI with the included management system to control device ownership, among other things. All initially discussed functions were completed with addition of new requirements introduced during the final stage of development. The client was pleased with the delivered application. Future development of the application was also discussed. In addition to the application, full documentation and user guides were created to assist with future development.Opinnäytetyössä tehtävänä oli kehittää seuranta- ja hallinnointiverkkosovellus, joka tulisi käyttöön uuden, Pre5ence Oy:n kehityksessä olleen hälytyslaitteen rinnalle. So-vellus piti kehittää käyttäen vapaasti saatavilla olevia tekniikoita ja kirjastoja. Sovelluksen päävaatimuksena oli laitteen sijainnin ilmaiseminen käyttäen verkkokart-tapalvelua (Leaflet.js). Tämän lisäksi käyttäjä- ja laitehallinta sekä kirjautuminen ja au-tentikointijärjestelmät olivat tarpeen, jotta laitteiden omistajuutta sekä käyttäjien oikeuksia voisi hallita. Sovellus oli kehitetty itsenäisesti hyvin vähäisellä toimeksiantajan osallistumisella käyt-täen enimmäkseen PHP- sekä PostgreSQL-kieliä. Pieni määrä JavaScript-koodia oli kehi-tetty sovelluksen integroimiseen Leaflet.js-kirjastoon sekä AJAX-toiminnallisuutta var-ten. Työn lopputuloksena on toimiva sovellusprototyyppi, joka näyttää laitteiden keräämää tietoa yksinkertaisessa ja kevyessä käyttöliittymässä joka mm. mahdollistaa laitteiden sekä käyttäjien oikeuksien määrittelyä. Kaikki alun perin sovitut toiminnot, sekä työn loppuvaiheessa pyydetyt toiminnallisuudet saatiin toteutettua. Toimeksiantaja oli tyytyväinen toimitettuun sovellukseen. Jatkokehityksestä keskustel-tiin myös. Sovelluksen lisäksi järjestelmän dokumentaatio sekä käyttöohjeet luotiin jatkokehityksen avuksi