7,185 research outputs found

    Design study of test models of maneuvering aircraft configurations for the National Transonic Facility (NTF)

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    The feasibility of designing advanced technology, highly maneuverable, fighter aircraft models to achieve full scale Reynolds number in the National Transonic Facility (NTF) is examined. Each of the selected configurations are tested for aeroelastic effects through the use of force and pressure data. A review of materials and material processes is also included

    Building an Emulation Environment for Cyber Security Analyses of Complex Networked Systems

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    Computer networks are undergoing a phenomenal growth, driven by the rapidly increasing number of nodes constituting the networks. At the same time, the number of security threats on Internet and intranet networks is constantly growing, and the testing and experimentation of cyber defense solutions requires the availability of separate, test environments that best emulate the complexity of a real system. Such environments support the deployment and monitoring of complex mission-driven network scenarios, thus enabling the study of cyber defense strategies under real and controllable traffic and attack scenarios. In this paper, we propose a methodology that makes use of a combination of techniques of network and security assessment, and the use of cloud technologies to build an emulation environment with adjustable degree of affinity with respect to actual reference networks or planned systems. As a byproduct, starting from a specific study case, we collected a dataset consisting of complete network traces comprising benign and malicious traffic, which is feature-rich and publicly available

    An integrated system to design machine layouts for modular special purpose machines

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    This thesis introduces the development of an integrated system for the design of layouts for special purpose machines (SPMs). SPMs are capable of performing several machining operations (such as drilling, milling, and tapping) at the same time. They consist of elements that can be arranged in different layouts. Whilst this is a unique feature that makes SPMs modular, a high level of knowledge and experience is required to rearrange the SPM elements in different configurations, and also to select appropriate SPM elements when product demand changes and new layouts are required. In this research, an integrated system for SPM layout design was developed by considering the following components: an expert system tool, an assembly modelling approach for SPM layouts, an artificial intelligence tool, and a CAD design environment. SolidWorks was used as the 3D CAD environment. VisiRule was used as the expert system tool to make decisions about the selection of SPM elements. An assembly modelling approach was developed with an SPM database using a linked list structure and assembly relationships graph. A case-based reasoning (CBR) approach was developed and applied to automate the selection of SPM layouts. These components were integrated using application programing interface (API) features and Visual Basic programming language. The outcome of the application of the novel approach that was developed in this thesis is reducing the steps for the assembly process of the SPM elements and reducing the time for designing SPM layouts. As a result, only one step is required to assemble any two SPM elements and the time for the selection process of SPM layouts is reduced by approximately 75% compared to the traditional processes. The integrated system developed in this thesis will help engineers in design and manufacturing fields to design SPM layouts in a more time-effective manner

    Dynamic input match correction in R.F. low noise amplifiers

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    An R.F. circuit that recognizes its faults, and then corrects its performance in real-time has been the holy-grail of RFIC design. This work presents, for the first time, a complete architecture and successful implementation of such a circuit. It is the first step towards the grand vision of fault-free, package independent, integrated R.F. Front End circuitry. The performance of R.F. front-end circuitry can degrade significantly due to process faults and parasitic package inductances at its input. These inductances have wide tolerances and are difficult to co-design for. A novel methodology, which overcomes current obstacles plaguing such an objective, is proposed wherein the affected performance metric of the circuit is quantified, and the appropriate design parameter is modified in real-time, thus enabling self-correction. This proof of concept is demonstrated by designing a cascode LNA and the complete self-correction circuit in IBM 0.25 µm CMOS RF process. The self-correction circuitry ascertains the input match frequency of the circuit by measuring its performance and determines the frequency interval by which it needs to be shifted to restore it to the desired value. It then feeds back a digital word to the LNA which adaptively corrects its input-match. It offers the additional flexibility of using different packages for the front-end since it renders the circuitry independent of package parasitics, by re-calibrating the input match on-the-fly. The circuitry presented in this work offers the advantages of low power, robustness, absence of DSP cores or processors, reduction in design cycle times, guaranteed optimal performance under varying conditions and fast correction times (less than 30 µs)

    On Learning Meaningful Assert Statements for Unit Test Cases

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    Software testing is an essential part of the software lifecycle and requires a substantial amount of time and effort. It has been estimated that software developers spend close to 50% of their time on testing the code they write. For these reasons, a long standing goal within the research community is to (partially) automate software testing. While several techniques and tools have been proposed to automatically generate test methods, recent work has criticized the quality and usefulness of the assert statements they generate. Therefore, we employ a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) based approach called Atlas(AuTomatic Learning of Assert Statements) to automatically generate meaningful assert statements for test methods. Given a test method and a focal method (i.e.,the main method under test), Atlas can predict a meaningful assert statement to assess the correctness of the focal method. We applied Atlas to thousands of test methods from GitHub projects and it was able to predict the exact assert statement manually written by developers in 31% of the cases when only considering the top-1 predicted assert. When considering the top-5 predicted assert statements, Atlas is able to predict exact matches in 50% of the cases. These promising results hint to the potential usefulness ofour approach as (i) a complement to automatic test case generation techniques, and (ii) a code completion support for developers, whocan benefit from the recommended assert statements while writing test code

    Post-Construction Support and Sustainability in Community-Managed Rural Water Supply

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    Executive Summary This volume reports the main findings from a multi-country research project that was designed to develop a better understanding of how rural water supply systems are performing in developing countries. We began the research in 2004 to investigate how the provision of support to communities after the construction of a rural water supply project affected project performance in the medium term. We collected information from households, village water committees, focus groups of village residents, system operators, and key informants in 400 rural communities in Bolivia, Ghana, and Peru; in total, we discussed community water supply issues with approximately 10,000 individuals in these communities. To our surprise, we found the great majority of the village water systems were performing well. Our findings on the factors influencing their sustainability will, we hope, be of use to policy makers, investors, and managers in rural water supply
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