7 research outputs found

    RF Sensing Based Breathing Patterns Detection Leveraging USRP Devices

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    Non-contact detection of the breathing patterns in a remote and unobtrusive manner has significant value to healthcare applications and disease diagnosis, such as in COVID-19 infection prediction. During the epidemic prevention and control period of COVID-19, non-contact approaches have great significance because they minimize the physical burden on the patient and have the least requirement of active cooperation of the infected individual. During the pandemic, these non-contact approaches also reduce environmental constraints and remove the need for extra preparations. According to the latest medical research, the breathing pattern of a person infected with COVID-19 is unlike the breathing associated with flu and the common cold. One noteworthy symptom that occurs in COVID-19 is an abnormal breathing rate; individuals infected with COVID-19 have more rapid breathing. This requires continuous real-time detection of breathing patterns, which can be helpful in the prediction, diagnosis, and screening for people infected with COVID-19. In this research work, software-defined radio (SDR)-based radio frequency (RF) sensing techniques and machine learning (ML) algorithms are exploited to develop a platform for the detection and classification of different abnormal breathing patterns. ML algorithms are used for classification purposes, and their performance is evaluated on the basis of accuracy, prediction speed, and training time. The results show that this platform can detect and classify breathing patterns with a maximum accuracy of 99.4% through a complex tree algorithm. This research has a significant clinical impact because this platform can also be deployed for practical use in pandemic and non-pandemic situations

    AI-driven lightweight real-time SDR sensing system for anomalous respiration identification using ensemble learning

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    In less than three years, more than six million fatalities have been reported worldwide due to the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 has been contained within a broad range due to restrictions and effective vaccinations. However, there is a greater risk of pandemics in the future, which can cause similar circumstances as the coronavirus. One of the most serious symptoms of coronavirus is rapid respiration decline that can lead to mortality in a short period. This situation, along with other respiratory conditions such as asthma and pneumonia, can be fatal. Such a condition requires a reliable, intelligent, and secure system that is not only contactless but also lightweight to be executed in real-time. Wireless sensing technology is the ultimate solution for modern healthcare systems as it eliminates close interactions with infected individuals. In this paper, a lightweight real-time solution for anomalous respiration identification is provided using the radio-frequency sensing device USRP and the ensemble learning approach extra-trees. A wireless software-defined radio platform is used to acquire human respiration data based on the change in the channel state information. To improve the performance of the trained models, the respiration data is utilised to produce large simulated data sets using the curve fitting technique. The final data set consists of eight distinct types of respiration: eupnea, bradypnea, tachypnea, sighing, biot, Cheyne-stokes, Kussmaul, and central sleep apnea. The ensemble learning approach: extra-trees are trained, validated, and tested. The results showed that the proposed platform is lightweight and highly accurate in identifying several respirations in a static setting

    Improving Machine Learning Classification Accuracy for Breathing Abnormalities by Enhancing Dataset

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    The recent severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), also known as coronavirus disease (COVID)-19, has appeared as a global pandemic with a high mortality rate. The main complication of COVID-19 is rapid respirational deterioration, which may cause life-threatening pneumonia conditions. Global healthcare systems are currently facing a scarcity of resources to assist critical patients simultaneously. Indeed, non-critical patients are mostly advised to self-isolate or quarantine themselves at home. However, there are limited healthcare services available during self-isolation at home. According to research, nearly 20–30% of COVID patients require hospitalization, while almost 5–12% of patients may require intensive care due to severe health conditions. This pandemic requires global healthcare systems that are intelligent, secure, and reliable. Tremendous efforts have been made already to develop non-contact sensing technologies for the diagnosis of COVID-19. The most significant early indication of COVID-19 is rapid and abnormal breathing. In this research work, RF-based technology is used to collect real-time breathing abnormalities data. Subsequently, based on this data, a large dataset of simulated breathing abnormalities is generated using the curve fitting technique for developing a machine learning (ML) classification model. The advantages of generating simulated breathing abnormalities data are two-fold; it will help counter the daunting and time-consuming task of real-time data collection and improve the ML model accuracy. Several ML algorithms are exploited to classify eight breathing abnormalities: eupnea, bradypnea, tachypnea, Biot, sighing, Kussmaul, Cheyne–Stokes, and central sleep apnea (CSA). The performance of ML algorithms is evaluated based on accuracy, prediction speed, and training time for real-time breathing data and simulated breathing data. The results show that the proposed platform for real-time data classifies breathing patterns with a maximum accuracy of 97.5%, whereas by introducing simulated breathing data, the accuracy increases up to 99.3%. This work has a notable medical impact, as the introduced method mitigates the challenge of data collection to build a realistic model of a large dataset during the pandemic

    AI-driven lightweight real-time SDR sensing system for anomalous respiration identification using ensemble learning

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    In less than three years, more than six million fatalities have been reported worldwide due to the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 has been contained within a broad range due to restrictions and effective vaccinations. However, there is a greater risk of pandemics in the future, which can cause similar circumstances as the coronavirus. One of the most serious symptoms of coronavirus is rapid respiration decline that can lead to mortality in a short period. This situation, along with other respiratory conditions such as asthma and pneumonia, can be fatal. Such a condition requires a reliable, intelligent, and secure system that is not only contactless but also lightweight to be executed in real-time. Wireless sensing technology is the ultimate solution for modern healthcare systems as it eliminates close interactions with infected individuals. In this paper, a lightweight real-time solution for anomalous respiration identification is provided using the radio-frequency sensing device USRP and the ensemble learning approach extra-trees. A wireless software-defined radio platform is used to acquire human respiration data based on the change in the channel state information. To improve the performance of the trained models, the respiration data is utilised to produce large simulated data sets using the curve fitting technique. The final data set consists of eight distinct types of respiration: eupnea, bradypnea, tachypnea, sighing, biot, Cheyne-stokes, Kussmaul, and central sleep apnea. The ensemble learning approach: extra-trees are trained, validated, and tested. The results showed that the proposed platform is lightweight and highly accurate in identifying several respirations in a static setting

    A systematic review of non-contact sensing for developing a platform to contain COVID-19

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    The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, and its resulting situation has garnered much effort to contain the virus through scientific research. The tragedy has not yet fully run its course, but it is already clear that the crisis is thoroughly global, and science is at the forefront in the fight against the virus. This includes medical professionals trying to cure the sick at risk to their own health; public health management tracking the virus and guardedly calling on such measures as social distancing to curb its spread; and researchers now engaged in the development of diagnostics, monitoring methods, treatments and vaccines. Recent advances in non-contact sensing to improve health care is the motivation of this study in order to contribute to the containment of the COVID-19 outbreak. The objective of this study is to articulate an innovative solution for early diagnosis of COVID-19 symptoms such as abnormal breathing rate, coughing and other vital health problems. To obtain an effective and feasible solution from existing platforms, this study identifies the existing methods used for human activity and health monitoring in a non-contact manner. This systematic review presents the data collection technology, data preprocessing, data preparation, features extraction, classification algorithms and performance achieved by the various non-contact sensing platforms. This study proposes a non-contact sensing platform for the early diagnosis of COVID-19 symptoms and monitoring of the human activities and health during the isolation or quarantine period. Finally, we highlight challenges in developing non-contact sensing platforms to effectively control the COVID-19 situation

    Design and Implementation of Monitoring System for Breathing and Heart Rate Pattern using WiFi Signals

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    Learning spatiotemporal patterns for monitoring smart cities and infrastructure

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    Recent advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) have changed the way we interact with the world. The ability to monitor and manage objects in the physical world electronically makes it possible to bring data-driven decision making to new realms of city infrastructure and management. Large volumes of spatiotemporal data have been collected from pervasive sensors in both indoor and outdoor environments, and this data reveals dynamic patterns in cities, infrastructure, and public property. In light of the need for new approaches to analysing such data, in this thesis, we propose present relevant data mining techniques and machine learning approaches to extract knowledge from spatiotemporal data to solve real-world problems. Many challenges and problems are under-addressed in smart cities and infrastructure monitoring systems such as indoor person identification, evaluation of city regions segmentation with parking events, fine collection from cars in violations, parking occupancy prediction and airport aircraft path map reconstruction. All the above problems are associated with both spatial and temporal information and the accurate pattern recognition of these spatiotemporal data are essential for determining problem solutions. Therefore, how to incorporate spatiotemporal data mining techniques, artificial intelligence approaches and expert knowledge in each specific domain is a common challenge. In the indoor person identification area, identifying the person accessing a secured room without vision-based or device-based systems is very challenging. In particular, to distinguish time-series patterns on high-dimensional wireless signal channels caused by different activities and people, requires novel time-series data mining approaches. To solve this important problem, we established a device-free system and proposed a two-step solution to identify a person who has accessed a secure area such as an office. Establishing smart parking systems in cities is a key component of smart cities and infrastructure construction. Many sub-problems such as parking space arrangements, fine collection and parking occupancy prediction are urgent and important for city managers. Arranging parking spaces based on historical data can improve the utilisation rate of parking spaces. To arrange parking spaces based on collected spatiotemporal data requires reasonable region segmentation approaches. Moreover, evaluating parking space grouping results needs to consider the correlation between the spatial and temporal domains since these are heterogeneous. Therefore, we have designed a spatiotemporal data clustering evaluation approach, which exploits the correlation between the spatial domain and the temporal domain. It can evaluate the segmentation results of parking spaces in cities using historical data and similar clustering results that group data consisting of both spatial and temporal domains. For fine collection problem, using the sensor instrumentation installed in parking spaces to detect cars in violation and issue infringement notices in a short time-window to catch these cars in time is significantly difficult. This is because most cars in violation leave within a short period and multiple cars are in violation at the same time. Parking officers need to choose the best route to collect fines from these drivers in the shortest time. Therefore, we proposed a new optimisation problem called the Travelling Officer Problem and a general probability-based model. We succeeded in integrating temporal information and the traditional optimisation algorithm. This model can suggest to parking officers an optimised path that maximise the probability to catch the cars in violation in time. To solve this problem in real-time, we incorporated the model with deep learning methods. We proposed a theoretical approach to solving the traditional orienteering problem with deep learning networks. This approach could improve the efficiency of similar urban computing problems as well. For parking occupancy prediction, a key problem in parking space management is with providing a car parking availability prediction service that can inform car drivers of vacant parking lots before they start their journeys using prediction approaches. We proposed a deep learning-based model to solve this parking occupancy prediction problem using spatiotemporal data analysis techniques. This model can be generalised to other spatiotemporal data prediction problems also. In the airport aircraft management area, grouping similar spatiotemporal data is widely used in the real world. Determining key features and combining similar data are two key problems in this area. We presented a new framework to group similar spatiotemporal data and construct a road graph with GPS data. We evaluated our framework experimentally using a state-of-the-art test-bed technique and found that it could effectively and efficiently construct and update airport aircraft route map. In conclusion, the studies in this thesis aimed to discover intrinsic and dynamic patterns from spatiotemporal data and proposed corresponding solutions for real-world smart cities and infrastructures monitoring problems via spatiotemporal pattern analysis and machine learning approaches. We hope this research will inspire the research community to develop more robust and effective approaches to solve existing problems in this area in the future