640 research outputs found

    3D-based Advanced Machine Service Support

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    In the face of today's unpredictable and fluctuating global market, there have been trends in industry towards wider adoption of more advanced and flexible new generation manufacturing systems. These have brought about new challenges to manufacturing equipment builders/suppliers in respect of satisfying ever-increasing customers' requirements for such advanced manufacturing systems. To stay competitive, in addition to supplying high quality equipment, machine builders/suppliers must also be capable of providing their customers with cost-effective, efficient and comprehensive service support, throughout the equipment's lifecycle. This research study has been motivated by the relatively unexplored potential of integrating 3D virtual technology with various machine service support tools/techniques to address the aforementioned challenges. The hypothesis formulated for this study is that a 3D-based virtual environment can be used as an integration platform to improve service support for new generation manufacturing systems. In order to ensure the rigour of the study, it has been initiated with a two-stage (iterative) literature review, consisting of: a preliminary review for the identification of practical problems/main issues related to the area of machine service support and in-depth reviews for the identification of research problems/questions and potential solutions. These were then followed by iterations of intensive research activities, consisting of: requirements identification, concept development, prototype implementation, testing and exploration, reflection and feedback. The process has been repeated and revised continuously until satisfactory results, required for answering the identified research problems/questions, were obtained. The main focus of this study is exploring how a 3D-based virtual environment can be used as an integration platform for supporting a more cost-effective and comprehensive strategy for improving service support for new generation manufacturing systems. One of the main outcomes of this study is the proposal of a conceptual framework for a novel 3D-based advanced machine service support strategy and a reference architecture for a corresponding service support system, for allowing machine builders/suppliers to: (1) provide more cost-effective remote machine maintenance support, and (2) provide more efficient and comprehensive extended service support during the equipment's life cycle. The proposed service support strategy advocates the tight integration of conventional (consisting of mainly machine monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics and maintenance action decision support) and extended (consisting of mainly machine re-configuration, upgrade and expansion support) service support functions. The proposed service support system is based on the integration of a 3D-based virtual environment with the equipment control system, a re-configurable automated service support system, coupled with a maintenance-support-tool/strategy support environment and an equipment re-configuration/upgrade/expansion support environment, in a network/lntenet framework. The basic concepts, potential benefits and limitations of the proposed strategy/ system have been explored via a prototype based on a laboratory-scale test bed. The prototype consists of a set of integrated modular network-ready software tools consisting of: (1) an integrated 20/30 visualisation and analysis module, (2) support tools library modules, (3) communication modules and (4) a set of modular and re-configurable automated data logging, maintenance and re-configuration support modules. A number of test cases based on various machine service support scenarios, have been conducted using the prototype. The experimentation has shown the potential and feasibility (technical implementation aspects) of the proposed 3D-based approach. This research study has made an original contribution to knowledge in the field of machine service support. It has contributed a novel approach of using a 3D-based virtual environment as an integration platform for improving the capability of machine builders/suppliers in providing more cost-effective and comprehensive machine service support for complex new generation manufacturing systems. Several important findings have resulted from this work in particular with respect to how various 20/30 visualisation environments are integrated with machine service support tools/techniques for improving service support for complex manufacturing systems. A number of aspects have also been identified for future work


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    Vehicle tracking is an important component of autonomy in the robotics field, requiring integration of hardware and software, and the application of advanced algorithms. Sensors are often plagued with noise and require filtering. Additionally, no single sensor is sufficient for effective tracking. Data from multiple sensors is needed in order to perform effective tracking. The Kalman Filter provides a convenient and efficient solution for filtering and fusing sensor data as well as estimating noise error covariances. Consequently, it has been essential in tracking algorithms since its introduction in 1960. This thesis presents an application of the Kalman filter to tracking of a custom four-wheel-drive four-wheel-steering vehicle using a limited sensor suite. Sensor selection is discussed, along with the characteristics of the sensor noise as related to meeting the requirements of the Kalman filter for guaranteeing optimality. The filter requires the development of a dynamical model, which is derived using empirical data methods and evaluated. Tracking results are presented and compared to unfiltered data

    A reconfigurable component-based problem solving environment

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Problem solving environments are an attractive approach to the integration of calculation and management tools for various scientific and engineering applications. These applications often require high performance computing components in order to be computationally feasible. It is therefore a challenge to construct integration technology, suitable for problem solving environments, that allows both flexibility as well as the embedding of parallel and high performance computing systems. Our DISCWorld system is designed to meet these needs and provides a Java-based middleware to integrate component applications across wide-area networks. Key features of our design are the abilities to: access remotely stored data; compose complex processing requests either graphically or through a scripting language; execute components on heterogeneous and remote platforms; reconfigure task sub-graphs to run across multiple servers. Operators in task graphs can be slow (but portable) “pure Java” implementations or wrappers to fast (platform specific) supercomputer implementations.K. Hawick, H. James, P. Coddingto

    Learning Resources in Sustainable Energy (SustEner)

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    This paper present comprehensive learningresources developed for education in sustainable energy forprofessionals from industry, for teachers and also forstudents. Nine on-line learning modules are available withina modern learning portal. Each module is enriched byremote or virtual experiments that enable the learner to getsome practical experience and better understanding of thepresented theoretical concepts. Outlines of the learningmodules with short description of the remote or virtualexperiments are given

    Learning network storage curriculum with experimental case based on embedded systems

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    In this paper, we present an experimental case for the course of Network Storage and Security, which benefited from an improved learning outcome for our students. The newly designed experiments-based contents are merged into the current course to help students obtain practical experiences about network storage. The experiments aim to build a network storage system based on available resources instead of any specialized network storage equipment. Technically, students can learn general practical knowledge of network storage on iSCSI (a network storage protocol based on IP technology) and also the technologies of embedded system. Through the experimental case, we found that it could fully enhance students\u27 comprehensive and practical abilities, develop students\u27 teamwork spirit and creativity, and especially improve the learning outcome of network storage curriculum. These learning and thinking methods can also be generalized and applied to other computer science related courses

    Modelling and Co-simulation of Multi-Energy Systems: Distributed Software Methods and Platforms

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    Modelling, Identification and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter

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    This thesis work focused on the study of a quadrotor helicopter. The dynamic system modelling and the control algorithm evaluation were carried out. To test the results, a simulator and a real platform were developed. The Newton-Euler formalism was used to model the dynamic system. Particular attention was given to the group composed of the DC-motor, the gear box and the propeller which needed also the estimation of aerodynamic lift and torque to reach better accuracy. PID control algorithms were compared. The first stage tests were performed on a simulated model where it was easy to evaluate the performance with a mathematical approach. The second stage tests were carried out on the quadrotor platform to evaluate the behavior of the real system. A simulator based on Matlab-Simulink was developed. With this program it was possible to test the accuracy of the model and the robustness of the control algorithms. Furthermore a 3D graphic output and a joystick interface made easier the testability and the observability of the system. A quadrotor platform was developed. The electronics was composed of a Micro Control Unit (MCU) interfaced with several devices: the power supply, the receiving unit, the DC-motor power boards, the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), the SONAR and the IR modules. Thanks to these devices and the MCU software, both guided and autonomous flights were possible

    Mobile remote surveillance system for the CERN LHC cryogenic system

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    This thesis documents the research, planning and partial implementation of a remote surveillance system for use in the CERN LHC machine tunnel. The system is planned to provide surveillance of the cryogenic system in the LHC, eliminating the need for the personnel to go personally to look at a piece of possible faulty equipment. For this project, the complete system is planned. The system will be controlled via an Ethernet connection. This is fed into a 400V power line as a powerline communication signal, and picked up by the surveillance system. Then it is decoded into an Ethernet signal again, and sent to a camera with an on board web server. The power is transported by the same powered rail as used for communication, so that the system can take power and communication along the whole tunnel. The thesis describes the goals of the system and explains the requirements it needs to meet. Several solutions, especially technologies for communication, are considered, and details about them are described. A solution that can fulfill the requirements is proposed. The concept of internal communication is proven in laboratory testing, as well is the camera. The powerline communication device is designed and a prototype is being manufactured. The communication system is built, but not fully tested, and therefore not yet operational. Also, the dynamics of the system is modeled and simulated, and a controller for the positioning system is developed. This controller is tested in Matlab Simulink, where the results indicate that it works. The simulations tell that the motor will be exposed to an unnecessary amount of wear, so some further development of the controller will be needed. The same is true for the model, which can be made more accurate if parameters are measured of a real prototype. An analysis of the planned system reveals that not all requirements will be met, but the most important ones will be satisfied. For the future, it is recommended to finish the prototype, and use precise measurements to improve the theoretical model

    A design methodology for the implementation of embedded vehicle navigation systems

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    RÉSUMÉ Au fil des années, en raison de l'augmentation de la densité routière et l'intensité de la circulation, un système de navigation automobile devient nécessaire. Ce système doit fournir non seulement l'emplacement du véhicule mais, surtout, augmentera le contrôle, la sécurité et la performance globale de l'automobile. La baisse du coût des récepteurs de Géo-Positionnement par Satellite (GPS) a vulgarisé leur utilisation dans la navigation automobile. Le système GPS fournit les données de positionnement ainsi que l'information qui concerne la vitesse aux conducteurs. De ce fait, la plupart des dispositifs de navigation des automobiles civiles sont actuellement basés sur la technologie GPS. Cependant, en cas de perte du signal GPS par blocage par feuillage, passages en béton, dense agglomération urbaine, grands immeubles, tunnels et dans le cas d'atténuation, ces dispositifs ne parviennent pas à fonctionner avec précision. Une solution alternative au GPS, qui peut être utilisée dans la navigation automobile, est le système de navigation inertielle (INS). LINS est un système autonome qui n'est pas affecté par des perturbations externes. Il comprend des capteurs inertiels comme trois gyroscopes et trois accéléromètres. Le coût des INS peut être faible mais leur performance se détériore à long terme car ils souffrent des erreurs accumulées. Cependant, il peut fournir des solutions précises sur de courts intervalles de temps. Un système intégré de GPS/INS à faible coût a donc le potentiel de fournir de meilleures informations de position pendant des intervalles courts et longs. L'objectif principal de cette recherche était de mettre en place une solution d'un système de navigation véhiculaire temps réel sur une plateforme embarquée à faible coût. Ceci avait pour but de pouvoir l'utiliser comme un cadre de conception, et comme référence pour d'autres applications embarquées similaires. Pour améliorer la solution de navigation même en cas d'arrêt de fonctionnement du GPS, les données du système GPS/INS ont été fusionnées par la technique de la boucle fermée du filtrage de Kalman décentralisé en utilisant 15 équations d'états d'erreurs d'ENS. En raison de l'utilisation d'accéléromètre à faible coût, ainsi que des capteurs gyroscopiques de données, une technique de prétraitement nommée algorithme de débruitage par ondelettes a été adoptée. L'algorithme a un maximum de 5 niveaux de décomposition, de reconstruction, ainsi que du seuillage non linéaire à chaque niveau. La conception est décrite par un logiciel qui comprend un microprocesseur embarqué. L'implémentation est effectuée à l'aide d'un cœur du processeur MicroBlaze qui gère le processus de contrôle et exécute l'algorithme. Afin de développer une implémentation efficace, des calculs en virgule flottante sont effectués en utilisant l'unité de virgule flottante (FPU) du cœur du processeur Microblaze. Le système est implémenté sur carte FPGA Spartan-3 de Xilinx. Elle contient 200 mille portes logiques cadencées par un oscillateur à 50 MHz, avec une mémoire externe asynchrone SRAM de 1 Mio. Le système comprend également un bus périphérique sur puce (OPB). À ce titre, la solution finale du système de navigation automobile devrait avoir des caractéristiques telles qu'une faible consommation de puissance, un poids léger, une capacité de traitement en temps réel ainsi qu'un petit espace occupé sur puce. D'un point de vue développement, l'utilisation du langage C et d'un cœur de processeur fonctionnant sur FPGA donne à l'utilisateur une plateforme flexible pour tout prototypage d'applications. Les simulations montrent qu'une implémentation purement logicielle de l'algorithme de la boucle fermée du filtrage de Kalman décentralisé sur une plateforme embarquée qui utilise les nombres virgule-flottante à simple précision, peut produire des résultats acceptables. Ceci est conforme aux résultats obtenus sur une plateforme d'un ordinateur de bureau qui utilise les nombres virgule-flottante à double précision. Dans un premier temps, le code du filtrage de Kalman est exécuté à partir d'une mémoire externe SRAM de 1 Mio, soutenue par une mémoire cache de données de 8Kio et une cache d'instructions de 4 Kio. Puis, le même code est lancé à partir du bloc RAM sur puce, à grande vitesse, de 64 Kio. Dans les deux configurations mémoire, les fréquences d'échantillonnage maximales pour lesquelles le code peut être exécuté sont de 80 Hz (période de 12,5 ms) et 119 Hz (période de 8,4 ms), respectivement, tandis que les capteurs fournissent les données à 75 Hz Les même deux configurations de mémoire sont employées dans l'exécution de l'algorithme de débruitage par ondelettes avec 5 niveaux de décomposition, de reconstruction et seuillage non linéaire à chaque niveau. Sur l'accéléromètre et le gyro, les données brutes sont fournies en temps réel en utilisant un mode de fenêtre de non-chevauchement, avec une longueur de fenêtre de 75 échantillons. Les latences d'exécution dans les deux cas sont 5,47 ms et 1,96 ms pour les deux configurations de mémoire précédemment citées, respectivement. En outre, l'analyse temporelle de !'après synthèse des deux configurations matérielles, reporte des apports de 26% et 66% respectivement. Puisque le système fonctionne à 50 MHz, il y a ainsi une marge de manœuvre disponible intéressante pour des perfectionnements algorithmiques. Ainsi, en utilisant la combinaison d'une plate-forme peu coûteuse, une approche flexible de développement et une solution en temps réel, l'exécution montrée dans ce mémoire démontre que la synthèse d'une solution finale de navigation véhiculaire fonctionnant en temps réel, complètement fonctionnelle, panne-résiliente, peu coûteuse est faisable. -------------------ABSTRACT Over the years, due to the increasing road density and intensive road traffic, the need for automobile navigation has increased not just for providing location awareness but also for enhancing vehicular control, safety and overall performance. The declining cost of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers has rendered them attractive for automobile navigation applications. GPS provides position and velocity information to automobile users. As a result, most of the present civilian automobile navigation devices are based on GPS technology. However, in the event of GPS signal loss, blockage by foliage, concrete overpasses, dense urban developments viz. tall buildings or tunnels and attenuation, these devices fail to perform accurately. An alternative to GPS that can be used in automobile navigation is an Inertial Navigation System (INS). INS is a self-contained system that is not affected by external disturbances. It comprises inertial sensors such as three gyroscopes and three accelerometers. Although low-grade, low-cost INS performance deteriorates in the long run as they suffer from accumulated errors, they can provide adequate navigational solution for short periods of time. An integrated GPS/INS system therefore has the potential to provide better positional information over short and long intervals. The main objective of this research was to implement a real-time navigation system solution on a low cost embedded platform so that it can be used as a design framework and reference for similar embedded applications. An integrated GPS/INS system with closed loop decentralized Kalman filtering technique is designed using trajectory data from low-cost GPS, accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. A data pre-processing technique based on a wavelet de-noising algorithm is implemented. It uses up to five levels of de-composition and reconstruction with non-linear thresholding on each level. The design is described in software which consists of an embedded microprocessor namely MicroBlaze that manages the control process and executes the algorithm. In order to develop an efficient implementation, floating-point computations are carried out using the floating point unit (FPU) of MicroBlaze soft core processor. The system is implemented on a Xilinx Spartan-3 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) containing 200 thousand gates clocked by an onboard oscillator operating at 50 MHz, with an external asynchronous SRAM memory of 1 MiB. The system also includes the IBM CoreConnect On-Chip Peripheral Bus (OPB). As such the final solution for vehicle navigation system is expected to have features like low power consumption, light weight, real-time processing capability and small chip area. From a development point of view, the combination of the standard C programming language and a soft processor running on an FPGA gives the user a powerful yet flexible platform for any application prototyping. Results show that a purely software implementation of the decentralized closed loop Kalman filter algorithm embedded platform that uses single precision floating point numbers can produce acceptable results relative to those obtained from a desktop PC platform that uses double precision floating point numbers. At first, the Kalman filter code is executed from a 1 MiB external SRAM supported by 8KiB of data cache and 4IUB of instruction cache. Then, the same code is run from high speed 64ICiB on-chip Block RAM. In the two memory configurations, the maximum sampling frequencies at which the code can be executed are 80 Hz (period of 12.5 ms) and 119 Hz (period of 8.4 ms) respectively, while accelerometer and gyroscope sensors provide data at 75 Hz. The same two memory configurations are employed in executing a wavelet de-noising algorithm with 5 levels of de-composition, reconstruction and non linear thresholding on each level. Accelerometer and gyroscope raw data are processed in real-time using non-overlapping windows of 75 samples. The execution latencies in the two cases are found to be 5.47 ms and 1.96 ms respectively. Additionally, from the post synthesis timing analyses, the critical frequencies for the two hardware configurations were 63.3 MHz and 83.2 MHz. an enhancement of 26% and 66% respectively. Since the system operates at 50 MHz, there is thus an interesting processing margin available for further algorithmic enhancements. Thus, by employing the combination of a low cost embedded platform, a flexible development approach and a real-time solution, the implementation shown in this thesis demonstrates that synthesizing a completely functional low-cost, outage-resilient, real-time navigation solution for automotive applications is feasible. -------------CONTENT Automobile Navigation -- Global Positioning System -- Navigation Frame -- Earth Models -- Attitude Representations -- Inertial Navigation System -- IMU Sensor Errors -- 2D INS Mechanization Equations -- 3D INS Mechanization Equations -- INS Error Equations -- GPS/INS data fusion using KF -- IMU data prepocessing using Wavelet De-noising -- Hardware/Equipment Setup -- Embedded Platform -- Hardware Platform Development -- Software Coding -- Software Design Issues -- Navigation Solution using MicroBlaze -- Timing Measurements

    Realization of an electromechanical nano-string device

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    Electromechanics is the field of studying the interaction between microwave resonators and mechanical oscillators. It has been an interesting topic in the recent decade due to its numerous potential applications in science and technology, including ground-state cooling of macroscopic objects, quantum sensing, quantum memory, and quantum transduction. This thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of a project focused on simulating, designing, and modeling electromechanical devices with the ultimate objective of achieving their successful implementation. Through the thesis, after an overview of the theoretical model of electromechanics, I will introduce our design for the device and explain how we simulated it to optimize its characteristics. Next, I will discuss the nanofabrication process we have developed for the device, along with the fundamental aspects of the characterization method and setup. Subsequently, I will present the theoretical model I have developed based on electromechanics. This model has significant potential to open up new avenues for future research, building upon the foundation laid by the current project.Comment: Master's thesi
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