5,283 research outputs found

    MEMS-enabled silicon photonic integrated devices and circuits

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    Photonic integrated circuits have seen a dramatic increase in complexity over the past decades. This development has been spurred by recent applications in datacenter communications and enabled by the availability of standardized mature technology platforms. Mechanical movement of wave-guiding structures at the micro- and nanoscale provides unique opportunities to further enhance functionality and to reduce power consumption in photonic integrated circuits. We here demonstrate integration of MEMS-enabled components in a simplified silicon photonics process based on IMEC's Standard iSiPP50G Silicon Photonics Platform and a custom release process

    Microsystems technology: objectives

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    This contribution focuses on the objectives of microsystems technology (MST). The reason for this is two fold. First of all, it should explain what MST actually is. This question is often posed and a simple answer is lacking, as a consequence of the diversity of subjects that are perceived as MST. The second reason is that a map of the somewhat chaotic field of MST is needed to identify sub-territories, for which standardization in terms of system modules an interconnections is feasible. To define the objectives a pragmatic approach has been followed. From the literature a selection of topics has been chosen and collected that are perceived as belonging to the field of MST by a large community of workers in the field (more than 250 references). In this way an overview has been created with `applicationsÂż and `generic issuesÂż as the main characteristics

    Dual Q-switched laser outputs from a single lasing medium using an intracavity MEMS micromirror array

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    An intracavity array of individually controlled microelectromechanical system scanning micromirrors was used to actively Q-switch a single side-pumped Nd:YAG gain medium. Two equal power independent laser outputs were simultaneously obtained by separate actuation of two adjacent micromirrors with a combined average output power of 125 mW. Pulse durations of 28 ns FWHM at 8.7 kHz repetition frequency and 34 ns FWHM at 7.9 kHz repetition frequency were observed for the two output beams with beam quality factors M2 of 1.2 and 1.1 and peak powers of 253 W and 232 W, respectively

    THz Metamaterial Characterization Using THz-TDS

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    The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the reader with metamaterials and describe terahertz (THz) spectroscopy within metamaterials research. The introduction provides key background information on metamaterials, describes their history and their unique properties. These properties include negative refraction, backwards phase propagation, and the reversed Doppler Effect. The history and theory of metamaterials are discussed, starting with Veselago’s negative index materials work and Pendry’s publications on physical realization of metamaterials. The next sections cover measurement and analyses of THz metamaterials. THz Time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) will be the key measurement tool used to describe the THz metamaterial measurement process. Sample transmission data from a metamaterial THz-TDS measurement is analyzed to give a better understanding of the different frequency characteristics of metamaterials. The measurement and analysis sections are followed by a section on the fabrication process of metamaterials. After familiarizing the reader with THz metamaterial measurement and fabrication techniques, the final section will provide a review of various methods by which metamaterials are made active and/or tunable. Several novel concepts were demonstrated in recent years to achieve such metamaterials, including photoconductivity, high electron mobility transistor (HEMT), microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and phase change material (PCM)-based metamaterial structures

    Performance Comparison of Phase Change Materials and Metal-Insulator Transition Materials for Direct Current and Radio Frequency Switching Applications

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    Advanced understanding of the physics makes phase change materials (PCM) and metal-insulator transition (MIT) materials great candidates for direct current (DC) and radio frequency (RF) switching applications. In the literature, germanium telluride (GeTe), a PCM, and vanadium dioxide (VO2), an MIT material have been widely investigated for DC and RF switching applications due to their remarkable contrast in their OFF/ON state resistivity values. In this review, innovations in design, fabrication, and characterization associated with these PCM and MIT material-based RF switches, have been highlighted and critically reviewed from the early stage to the most recent works. We initially report on the growth of PCM and MIT materials and then discuss their DC characteristics. Afterwards, novel design approaches and notable fabrication processes; utilized to improve switching performance; are discussed and reviewed. Finally, a brief vis-á-vis comparison of resistivity, insertion loss, isolation loss, power consumption, RF power handling capability, switching speed, and reliability is provided to compare their performance to radio frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMS) switches; which helps to demonstrate the current state-of-the-art, as well as insight into their potential in future applications

    THz Metamaterial Characterization Using THz-TDS

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    The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the reader with metamaterials and describe terahertz (THz) spectroscopy within metamaterials research. The introduction provides key background information on metamaterials, describes their history and their unique properties. These properties include negative refraction, backwards phase propagation, and the reversed Doppler Effect. The history and theory of metamaterials are discussed, starting with Veselago’s negative index materials work and Pendry’s publications on physical realization of metamaterials. The next sections cover measurement and analyses of THz metamaterials. THz Time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) will be the key measurement tool used to describe the THz metamaterial measurement process. Sample transmission data from a metamaterial THz-TDS measurement is analyzed to give a better understanding of the different frequency characteristics of metamaterials. The measurement and analysis sections are followed by a section on the fabrication process of metamaterials. After familiarizing the reader with THz metamaterial measurement and fabrication techniques, the final section will provide a review of various methods by which metamaterials are made active and/or tunable. Several novel concepts were demonstrated in recent years to achieve such metamaterials, including photoconductivity, high electron mobility transistor (HEMT), microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and phase change material (PCM)-based metamaterial structures

    On the design of an Ohmic RF MEMS switch for reconfigurable microstrip antenna applications

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    This paper presents the analysis, design and simulation of a direct contact (dc) RF MEMS switch specified for reconfigurable microstrip array antennas. The proposed switch is indented to be built on PCB via a monolithic technology together with the antenna patches. The proposed switch will be used to allow antenna beamforming in the operating frequency range between 2GHz and 4GHz. This application requires a great number of these switches to be integrated with an array of microstrip patch elements. The proposed switch fulfills the switching characteristics as concerns the five requirements (loss, linearity, voltage/power handling, small size/power consumption, temperature), following a relatively simple design, which ensures reliability, robustness and high fabrication yiel

    Silicon photonic MEMS switches based on split waveguide crossings

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    The continuous push for high-performance photonic switches is one of the most crucial premises for the sustainable scaling of programmable and reconfigurable photonic circuits for a wide spectrum of applications. Large-scale photonic switches constructed with a large number of 2Ă—\times2 elementary switches impose stringent requirements on the elementary switches. In contrast to conventional elementary switches based on mode interference or mode coupling, here we propose and realize a brand-new silicon MEMS 2Ă—\times2 elementary switch based on a split waveguide crossing (SWX) consisting of two halves. With this structure, the propagation direction of the incident light can be manipulated to implement the OFF and ON states by splitting or combining the two halves of the SWX, respectively. More specifically, we introduce refractive-index engineering by incorporating subwavelength-tooth (SWT) structures on both reflecting facets to further reduce the excess loss in the ON state. Such a unique switching mechanism features a compact footprint on a standard SOI wafer and enables excellent photonic performance with low excess loss of 0.1-0.52/0.1-0.47dB and low crosstalk of <\lt-37/-22.5dB over an ultrawide bandwidth of 1400-1700nm for the OFF/ON states in simulation, while in experiment, excess loss of 0.15-0.52/0.42-0.66dB and crosstalk of <\lt-45.5/-25dB over the bandwidth of 1525-1605 nm for the OFF/ON states have been measured.Furthermore, excellent MEMS characteristics such as near-zero steady-state power consumption, low switching energy of sub-pJ, switching speed of {\mu}s-scale, durability beyond 10^9 switching cycles, and overall device robustness have been achieved. Finally, a 16Ă—\times16 switch using Benes topology has also been fabricated and characterized as a proof of concept, further validating the suitability of the SWX switches for large-scale integration
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