4,539 research outputs found

    Extrusion-based Direct Write of Functional Materials From Electronics to Magnetics

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    New micro- and nanoscale fabrication methods are of vital importance to drive scientific and technological advances in electronics, materials science, physics and biology areas. Direct ink writing (DW) describes a group of mask-less and contactless additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, processes that involve dispensing inks, typically particle suspensions, through a deposition nozzle to create 2D or 3D material patterns with desired architecture and composition on a computer-controlled movable stage. Much of the functional material printing and electronics area remains underdeveloped for this new technology. There is a need to understand and establish the advantages and shortcomings of extrusion-based DW over other AM technologies for various applications. Further, the integration of extrusion DW with other AM technologies, such as stereolithography (SLA), remains an active area of research. In this study, we performed a comprehensive study of the relationships between ink properties/machine parameters and the printed line dimensions, including parametric studies of the machine parameters, an in-nozzle flow dynamics simulation, and a preliminary 3D comprehensive flow dynamics simulation. We explored the boundary and possibilities of extrusion-based DW. We pushed the limit of DW printing resolution, solid content of nonspherical particles, and printed polymer-bonded magnets with the highest density and magnetic performance among all 3D printing magnet techniques. We optimized the design of DW ink from rheological, mechanical, and microscopic perspectives. We are one of the first experimentalists as of author’s knowledge to perform bimodal highly concentrated suspension rheology analysis using nonspherical particles. Great improvements in solid loading were achieved by using the best large-to-small particle size ratio and large particle volume ratio found. The data and analysis could provide a new standard and solid experimental support for functional material printing

    Microfluidics: an enabling technology for the life sciences

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    During the last year we have investigated existing and future markets, products and technologies for microfluidics in the life sciences. Within this paper we present some of the findings and discuss a major trend identified within this project: the development of microfluidic platforms for flexible design of application specific integrated microfluidic systems. We discuss two platforms in detail which are currently under development in our lab: microfluidics on a rotating CD ("Lab-CD") as well as a platform to realized customized "nanoliter & picoliter dispensing systems"

    Deterministic bead-in-droplet ejection utilizing an integrated plug-in bead dispenser for single bead-based applications

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    This paper presents a deterministic bead-in-droplet ejection (BIDE) technique that regulates the precise distribution of microbeads in an ejected droplet. The deterministic BIDE was realized through the effective integration of a microfluidic single-particle handling technique with a liquid dispensing system. The integrated bead dispenser facilitates the transfer of the desired number of beads into a dispensing volume and the on-demand ejection of bead-encapsulated droplets. Single bead-encapsulated droplets were ejected every 3 s without any failure. Multiple-bead dispensing with deterministic control of the number of beads was demonstrated to emphasize the originality and quality of the proposed dispensing technique. The dispenser was mounted using a plug-socket type connection, and the dispensing process was completely automated using a programmed sequence without any microscopic observation. To demonstrate a potential application of the technique, bead-based streptavidin-biotin binding assay in an evaporating droplet was conducted using ultralow numbers of beads. The results evidenced the number of beads in the droplet crucially influences the reliability of the assay. Therefore, the proposed deterministic bead-in-droplet technology can be utilized to deliver desired beads onto a reaction site, particularly to reliably and efficiently enrich and detect target biomolecules.112Ysciescopu

    Digitally driven microfabrication of 3D multilayer embedded electronic systems

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    The integration of multiple digitally driven processes is seen as the solution to many of the current limitations arising from standalone Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. A technique has been developed to digitally fabricate fully functioning electronics using a unique combination of AM technologies. This has been achieved by interleaving bottom-up Stereolithography (SL) with Direct Writing (DW) of conductor materials alongside mid-process development (optimising the substrate surface quality), dispensing of interconnects, component placement and thermal curing stages. The resulting process enables the low-temperature production of bespoke three-dimensional, fully packaged and assembled multi-layer embedded electronic circuitry. Two different Digital Light Processing (DLP) Stereolithography systems were developed applying different projection orientations to fabricate electronic substrates by selective photopolymerisation. The bottom up projection orientation produced higher quality more planar surfaces and demonstrated both a theoretical and practical feature resolution of 110 Όm. A top down projection method was also developed however a uniform exposure of UV light and planar substrate surface of high quality could not be achieved. The most advantageous combination of three post processing techniques to optimise the substrate surface quality for subsequent conductor deposition was determined and defined as a mid-processing procedure. These techniques included ultrasonic agitation in solvent, thermal baking and additional ultraviolet exposure. SEM and surface analysis showed that a sequence including ultrasonic agitation in D-Limonene with additional UV exposure was optimal. DW of a silver conductive epoxy was used to print conductors on the photopolymer surface using a Musashi dispensing system that applies a pneumatic pressure to a loaded syringe mounted on a 3-axis print head and is controlled through CAD generated machine code. The dispensing behaviour of two isotropic conductive adhesives was characterised through three different nozzle sizes for the production of conductor traces as small as 170 Όm wide and 40 Όm high. Additionally, the high resolution dispensing of a viscous isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) also led to a novel deposition approach for producing three dimensional, z-axis connections in the form of high freestanding pillars with an aspect ratio of 3.68 (height of 2mm and diameter of 550Όm). Three conductive adhesive curing regimes were applied to printed samples to determine the effect of curing temperature and time on the resulting material resistivity. A temperature of 80 °C for 3 hours resulted in the lowest resistivity while displaying no substrate degradation. ii Compatibility with surface mount technology enabled components including resistors, capacitors and chip packages to be placed directly onto the silver adhesive contact pads before low-temperature thermal curing and embedding within additional layers of photopolymer. Packaging of components as small as 0603 surface mount devices (SMDs) was demonstrated via this process. After embedding of the circuitry in a thick layer of photopolymer using the bottom up Stereolithography apparatus, analysis of the adhesive strength at the boundary between the base substrate and embedding layer was conducted showing that loads up to 1500 N could be applied perpendicular to the embedding plane. A high degree of planarization was also found during evaluation of the embedding stage that resulted in an excellent surface finish on which to deposit subsequent layers. This complete procedure could be repeated numerous times to fabricate multilayer electronic devices. This hybrid process was also adapted to conduct flip-chip packaging of bare die with 195 Όm wide bond pads. The SL/DW process combination was used to create conductive trenches in the substrate surface that were filled with isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) to create conductive pathways. Additional experimentation with the dispensing parameters led to consistent 150 Όm ICA bumps at a 457 Όm pitch. A flip-chip bonding force of 0.08 N resulted in a contact resistance of 2.3 Ω at a standoff height of ~80 Όm. Flip-chips with greater standoff heights of 160 Όm were also successfully underfilled with liquid photopolymer using the SL embedding technique, while the same process on chips with 80 Όm standoff height was unsuccessful. Finally the approaches were combined to fabricate single, double and triple layer circuit demonstrators; pyramid shaped electronic packages with internal multilayer electronics; fully packaged and underfilled flip-chip bare die and; a microfluidic device facilitating UV catalysis. This new paradigm in manufacturing supports rapid iterative product development and mass customisation of electronics for a specific application and, allows the generation of more dimensionally complex products with increased functionality

    A Novel approach to engineering structures of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC): 3D direct write technology

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    This thesis centers on the use of 3D direct write printing processes to produce Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) structures having engineered porosity and macro structure. The objective of the work presented here is to be able to locally control porosity in the anode and cathode structure using 3D direct write printing methods. It is well understood that grading the electrodes enhances the SOFC\u27s performance. A hierarchically graded porous electrode structure, varying from smallest pores at the electrode/electrolyte interface to largest pores at electrode/gas interface can be printed via 3D direct write methods. Layers as thin as 15”m have been achieved using this process. The change in the degree of electrode porosity achieved by varying the graphite loading fraction has been experimentally mapped out. The feasibility of changing the composition/porosity within a layer has been demonstrated, which also opens up possibilities for varying chemical composition within a layer/plane. The second contribution of this work centers on the synthesis of a channeled electrode architecture aimed at producing structures with extremely low tortuosity. The proposed direct-write synthesis approach overcomes limitations of alternative approaches by allowing symmetric ribs and channels to be printed that balance out shrinkage stresses. The proposed channel architecture has been demonstrated, and models correlating process parameters with resulting surface area have been developed

    Apparatus and process for freeform fabrication of composite reinforcement preforms

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    A solid freeform fabrication process and apparatus for making a three-dimensional reinforcement shape. The process comprises the steps of (1) operating a multiple-channel material deposition device for dispensing a liquid adhesive composition and selected reinforcement materials at predetermined proportions onto a work surface; (2) during the material deposition process, moving the deposition device and the work surface relative to each other in an X-Y plane defined by first and second directions and in a Z direction orthogonal to the X-Y plane so that the materials are deposited to form a first layer of the shape; (3) repeating these steps to deposit multiple layers for forming a three-dimensional preform shape; and (4) periodically hardening the adhesive to rigidize individual layers of the preform. These steps are preferably executed under the control of a computer system by taking additional steps of (5) creating a geometry of the shape on the computer with the geometry including a plurality of segments defining the preform shape and each segment being preferably coded with a reinforcement composition defining a specific proportion of different reinforcement materials; (6) generating programmed signals corresponding to each of the segments in a predetermined sequence; and (7) moving the deposition device and the work surface relative to each other in response to these programmed signals. Preferably, the system is also operated to generate a support structure for any un-supported feature of the 3-D preform shape

    Sampling and Mass Detection of a Countable Number of Microparticles Using on-Cantilever Imprinting.

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    Liquid-borne particles sampling and cantilever-based mass detection are widely applied in many industrial and scientific fields e.g., in the detection of physical, chemical, and biological particles, and disease diagnostics, etc. Microscopic analysis of particles-adsorbed cantilever-samples can provide a good basis for measurement comparison. However, when a particles-laden droplet on a solid surface is vaporized, a cluster-ring deposit is often yielded which makes particles counting difficult or impractical. Nevertheless, in this study, we present an approach, i.e., on-cantilever particles imprinting, which effectively defies such odds to sample and deposit countable single particles on a sensing surface. Initially, we designed and fabricated a triangular microcantilever sensor whose mass m0, total beam-length L, and clamped-end beam-width w are equivalent to that of a rectangular/normal cantilever but with a higher resonant frequency (271 kHz), enhanced sensitivity (0.13 Hz/pg), and quality factor (~3000). To imprint particles on these cantilever sensors, various calibrated stainless steel dispensing tips were utilized to pioneer this study by dipping and retracting each tip from a small particle-laden droplet (resting on a hydrophobic n-type silicon substrate), followed by tip-sensor-contact (at a target point on the sensing area) to detach the solution (from the tip) and adsorb the particles, and ultimately determine the particles mass concentration. Upon imprinting/adsorbing the particles on the sensor, resonant frequency response measurements were made to determine the mass (or number of particles). A minimum detectable mass of ~0.05 pg was demonstrated. To further validate and compare such results, cantilever samples (containing adsorbed particles) were imaged by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the number of particles through counting (from which, the lowest count of about 11 magnetic polystyrene particles was obtained). The practicality of particle counting was essentially due to monolayer particle arrangement on the sensing surface. Moreover, in this work, the main measurement process influences are also explicitly examined
