3 research outputs found

    An overview of internet engineering task force mobility management protocols: approaches and its challenges

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    In recent years, internet protocol mobility management has become one of the most popular research areas in networking. Mobility management protocols are in charge of preserving continuing communications as a user roam between different networks. All existing internet protocols (IP), like MIPv6, and PMIPv6, rely on a centralized mobility anchor to control mobile node traffic and signaling. The disadvantages of centralized mobility management (CMM) include ineffectiveness in handling massive volumes of traffic, poor scalability, wasteful use of network resources, and packet delay. When CMM is required to handle mobile media, which demands a huge amount of information and frequently needs quality of services (QoS) such as session continuance and reduced latency, these difficulties become apparent. It drives the need for distributed mobility management protocol (DMM) systems to manage the growing amount of mobile data, the overwhelming of this is video communication. DMM approaches could be regarded as an innovative and effective method to deal with mobility. An overview of the CMM protocol and its drawbacks are analyzed. This study examines the various DMM protocol techniques and their performance metrics are compared to highlight similarities and differences. The study reveals the network-based DMM protocol improves overall handoff time and packet loss

    A hybrid DMM solution and trade-off analysis for future wireless networks

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    Documentos apresentados no 芒mbito do reconhecimento de graus e diplomas estrangeiro

    Mecanismos para la gesti贸n eficiente del plano de control y del plano de datos en redes m贸viles 5G

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os, el incremento exponencial del tr谩fico de datos m贸viles, unido al despliegue de nuevos servicios sobre las redes actuales, han propiciado que los operadores de telecomunicaciones busquen nuevos mecanismos que permitan una gesti贸n eficiente de la red. En este contexto, uno de los procesos involucrados en la gesti贸n de la red es el soporte a la movilidad, cuyo principal objetivo es mantener las comunicaciones activas mientras los usuarios se mueven entre redes diferentes. A tal efecto, se han estandarizado protocolos para la gesti贸n de movilidad centralizada (CMM) y distribuida (DMM), pero debido a la densificaci贸n de celdas producida por el incipiente desarrollo de 5G, se est谩 produciendo un incremento de tr谩fico de se帽alizaci贸n usado para gestionar la movilidad, que debe ser tenido en cuenta por los operadores de red. Partiendo de esta situaci贸n, en esta tesis se proponen tres nuevos mecanismos para mejorar el rendimiento de las redes m贸viles desde tres perspectivas diferentes. Nuestra primera propuesta, TEDMM, permite llevar a cabo una gesti贸n eficiente del plano de control. La segunda propuesta, SRDMM, combina SDN con DMM para mejorar el proceso de gesti贸n de la movilidad desde el punto de vista del plano de datos. Nuestro tercer mecanismo (LNA) propone una estrategia de asociaci贸n entre estaciones base y la red de acceso para mejorar el rendimiento del plano de control y del plano de datos.In recent years, the world has witnessed an explosion of mobile communications due to the wide penetration of handheld mobile devices generating an unprecedented amount of data traffic. As the number of mobile users grows rapidly, 5G networks are evolving to match this growth and to ensure emerging services and applications according to the specific demands of mobile users. In such a challenging environment, effective mobility management mechanisms are needed and they are expected to serve mobile users with distinct mobility profiles The mobility management mechanisms provide seamless mobility support at the network level by maintaining ongoing communications while the users roam among different access networks. However, this mobility management protocols introduce signaling overhead for supporting seamless session continuity of the mobile nodes by using control messages between mobility agents. This aspect, together with the cell densification produced by 5G, will increase total signaling traffic, degrading the QoS and QoE requirements. Thus, the operators are seeking innovative solutions to the optimization of mobility management procedures within the 5G evolved architecture. In this Thesis, we propose three mechanisms in order to improve the performance of mobility management protocols. First, we propose a novel mechanism, called TE-DMM, to improve the performance of the control plane by reducing the signaling traffic. Then, taking advantage of the benefits that SDN brings, we present a novel mobility management solution to improve the performance of the data plane. Finally, we propose a novel link-network assignment strategy to enhance the overall performance of the mobility protocols