3 research outputs found

    Model Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelompok untuk Penilaian Gangguan Depresii, Kecemasan dan Stress Berdasarkan DASS-42

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    Depresi, kecemasan dan stress merupakan tiga gangguan yang sering dijumpai di masyarakat. Ketiga gangguan tersebut memiliki gejala yang hampir mirip. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS) merupakan salah satu alat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat keparahan ketiga gangguan tersebut. DASS dengan jumlah item/gejala sebanyak 42 item dikenal dengan nama DASS-42. Alat ukut ini membedakan dengan jelas item/gejala dari setiap gangguan. Setiap gangguan memiliki item yang mempengaruhi sebanyak 14 item. Pada penelitian ini dibangun model Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kelompok (SPKK) yang memungkinkan para psikolog untuk berkolaborasi memberikan preferensi terkait prioritas gangguan yang akan terjadi apabila diketahui item/gejala tertentu menurut DASS-42. Preferensi diberikan dengan format ordered vectors. Untuk memudahkan proses agregasi/komposisi, selanjutnya dilakukan transformasi preferensi ke relasi preferensi fuzzy. Operator Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) digunakan untuk melakukan agregasi peferensi menjadi satu matriks. Proses seleksi alternatif terbaik dilakukan dengan menggunakan Quantifier Guided Dominance Degree (QGDD). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ketepatan hasil SPKK terhadap DASS-42 adalah sebesar 71,43% (30 dari 42 item/gejala). Item/gejala yang beririsan secara signifikan antara gangguan kecemasan dan stress sebesar 16,67%. (7 dari 42), antara depresi dan kecemasan sebesar 9,52% (4 dari 42). Secara umum SPKK ini mampu mengakomodasi preferensi para pengambil keputusan dalam memberikan bobot pengaruh. Gangguan kecemasan dan gangguan stress memiliki gejala yang sangat mirip sehingga untuk beberapa item.gejala pada DASS-42 ada perbedaan yang cukup signifikan. AbstractDepression, anxiety and stress are three disorders that are often found in the community. These three disorders have almost identical symptoms. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS) is an psychological instrument that can be used to measure the severity of these disorders. DASS with a total of 42 items known as DASS-42. This instrument distinguishes clearly the symptoms of each disorder. Each disorder has 14 items affect. The three disorders have a number of symptoms that are similar, even a symptom may affect two or three disorders with different levels of influence. In this study, a Group Decision Support System (GDSS) model was developed so that psychologists can collaborate to give preference regarding priority of disorders that would occur if certain items / symptoms were identified by  DASS-42. Preferences are given in ordered vectors format. The preferences given by each decision maker aggregated to get a single preference. These preferences will be transformed to the fuzzy preference relation format. Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator used to aggregation process for all decision maker preference. The OWA operator are used to aggregate into one matrix. The best alternative selected by using Quantifier Guided Dominance Degree (QGDD). The test results show that the accuracy of the GDSS results on DASS-42 is 71.43% (30 of 42 items / symptoms). Symptoms that overlap significantly between anxiety and stress disorders are 16.67%. (7 of 42), between depression and anxiety by 9.52% (4 of 42). The GDSS is able to accommodate the preferences of decision makers in giving influence weight. Anxiety and stress disorder have very similar symptoms so that for some symptoms in the DASS-42 there are significant differences

    Métodos de seleção de projetos com multicritério e balanced scorecard: uma análise dos métodos propostos na literatura e suas estratégias de validação

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    This paper presents a literature review involving validation strategies used in scientific papers that propose project portfolio selection methods based on balanced scorecard and multicriteria models. The literature review includes a search in highly relevant international journals, which considered 21 articles published between 2000 and 2011 and 76 articles published between 2013 and 2017. Of this total, twelve articles were selected for in-depth analysis. Of these, only two reported using formal stakeholder inquiring as part of the validation procedure used to check methods feasibylity. Both validation procedure used by these articles have relevant caveats. The article discusses this situation and indicates alternatives that may be developed. Pratical use of methods proposed in the literature is one of the problems under discussion in the scientific community. To identify e develop a commom validation strategy may be an alternative to improve this aspect regarding portfolio selection methods.Este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura envolvendo as estratégias de validação utilizadas em trabalhos científicos que propõem métodos de seleção de portfólios de projetos baseados no balanced scorecard e modelos multicritério. A revisão de literatura contempla uma pesquisa em periódicos internacionais de alta relevância, que levou em consideração 21 artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2011 e outros 76 artigos publicados entre 2013 e 2017. Desse total, foram selecionados doze artigos para análise em profundidade. Dentre esses, apenas dois relataram o uso de um mecanismo formal de consulta às partes interessadas como parte do procedimento de validação do método que estavam propondo. Ambos os mecanismos de validação utilizados possuem ressalvas relevantes. O trabalho discute esta situação e indica alternativas que podem vir a ser desenvolvidas. A utilização, na prática, de métodos propostos na literatura científica é um dos problemas em debate na comunidade científica e a identificação, desenvolvimento e uso de modelos de avaliação pode ser uma alternativa para melhorar esse aspecto no que diz respeito aos métodos de seleção de portfólio de projetos propostos pela academi

    Group support systems : concepts to practice

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    Group support systems have been in existence for 40 years and have been applied widely since their inception. One particular realm is using group support systems(GSSs) for assisting managers who must negotiate the resolution of messy, complex, and/or strategic problems in order to achieve an agreed outcome. Taking cognizance of concepts such as procedural justice and boundary objects,as well as the underlying features of GSS, an intervention involving social and psychological negotiation is presented and examined. The case intervention deals with two organizations needing to move from adversarial modus operandi to a more productive and collaborative mode in order for both to operate more effectively. The intervention is presented in a chronological manner allowing particular phases to be explored, considered alongside research into the nature of failed decisions, group behaviors, and social and psychological negotiation, and a number of salient elements and their implications for facilitators are provided