79 research outputs found

    Anthropomorphic Twisted String-Actuated Soft Robotic Gripper with Tendon-Based Stiffening

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    Realizing high-performance soft robotic grippers is challenging because of the inherent limitations of the soft actuators and artificial muscles that drive them, including low force output, small actuation range, and poor compactness. Despite advances in this area, realizing compact soft grippers with high dexterity and force output is still challenging. This paper explores twisted string actuators (TSAs) to drive a soft robotic gripper. TSAs have been used in numerous robotic applications, but their inclusion in soft robots has been limited. The proposed design of the gripper was inspired by the human hand. Tunable stiffness was implemented in the fingers with antagonistic TSAs. The fingers' bending angles, actuation speed, blocked force output, and stiffness tuning were experimentally characterized. The gripper achieved a score of 6 on the Kapandji test and recreated 31 of the 33 grasps of the Feix GRASP taxonomy. It exhibited a maximum grasping force of 72 N, which was almost 13 times its own weight. A comparison study revealed that the proposed gripper exhibited equivalent or superior performance compared to other similar soft grippers.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Design and Development of a Twisted String Exoskeleton Robot for the Upper Limb

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    High-intensity and task-specific upper-limb treatment of active, highly repetitive movements are the effective approaches for patients with motor disorders. However, with the severe shortage of medical service in the United States and the fact that post-stroke survivors can continue to incur significant financial costs, patients often choose not to return to the hospital or clinic for complete recovery. Therefore, robot-assisted therapy can be considered as an alternative rehabilitation approach because the similar or better results as the patients who receive intensive conventional therapy offered by professional physicians.;The primary objective of this study was to design and fabricate an effective mobile assistive robotic system that can provide stroke patients shoulder and elbow assistance. To reduce the size of actuators and to minimize the weight that needs to be carried by users, two sets of dual twisted-string actuators, each with 7 strands (1 neutral and 6 effective) were used to extend/contract the adopted strings to drive the rotational movements of shoulder and elbow joints through a Bowden cable mechanism. Furthermore, movements of non-disabled people were captured as templates of training trajectories to provide effective rehabilitation.;The specific aims of this study included the development of a two-degree-of-freedom prototype for the elbow and shoulder joints, an adaptive robust control algorithm with cross-coupling dynamics that can compensate for both nonlinear factors of the system and asynchronization between individual actuators as well as an approach for extracting the reference trajectories for the assistive robotic from non-disabled people based on Microsoft Kinect sensor and Dynamic time warping algorithm. Finally, the data acquisition and control system of the robot was implemented by Intel Galileo and XILINX FPGA embedded system

    Compliant, Large-Strain, and Self-Sensing Twisted String Actuators with Applications to Soft Robots

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    The twisted string actuator (TSA) is a rotary-to-linear transmission system that has been implemented in robots for high force output and efficiency. The basic components of a TSA are a motor, strings, and a load (to keep the strings in tension). The twisting of the strings shortens their length to generate linear contraction. Due to their high force output, energy efficiency, and compact form factor, TSAs hold the potential to improve the performance of soft robots. Currently, it is challenging to realize high-performance soft robots because many existing soft or compliant actuators exhibit limitations such as fabrication complexity, high power consumption, slow actuation, or low force generation. The applications of TSAs in soft robots have hitherto been limited, mainly for two reasons. Firstly, the conventional strings of TSAs are stiff and strong, but not compliant. Secondly, precise control of TSAs predominantly relies on external position or force sensors. For these reasons, TSA-driven robots are often rigid or bulky.To make TSAs more suitable for actuating soft robots, compliant, large-strain, and self-sensing TSAs are developed and applied to various soft robots in this work. The design was realized by replacing conventional inelastic strings with compliant, thermally-activated, and conductive supercoiled polymer (SCP) strings. Self-sensing was realized by correlating the electrical resistance of the strings with their length. Large strains are realized by heating the strings in addition to twisting them. The quasi-static actuation and self-sensing properties are accurately captured by Preisach hysteresis operators. Next, a data-driven mathematical model was proposed and experimentally validated to capture the transient decay, creep, and hysteretic effects in the electrical resistance. This model was then used to predict the length of the TSA, given its resistance. Furthermore, three TSA-driven soft robots were designed and fabricated: a three-fingered gripper, a soft manipulator, and an anthropomorphic gripper. For the three-fingered gripper, its fingers were compliant and designed to exploit the Fin Ray Effect for improved grasping. The soft manipulator was driven by three TSAs that allowed it to bend with arbitrary magnitude and direction. A physics-based modeling strategy was developed to predict this multi-degree-of-freedom motion. The proposed modeling approaches were experimentally verified to be effective. For example, the proposed model predicted bending angle and bending velocity with mean errors of 1.58 degrees (2.63%) and 0.405 degrees/sec (4.31%), respectively. The anthropomorphic gripper contained 11 TSAs; two TSAs were embedded in each of the four fingers and three TSAs were embedded in the thumb. Furthermore, the anthropomorphic gripper achieved tunable stiffness and a wide range of grasps

    Impedance Controlled Twisted String Actuators for Tensegrity Robots

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    We are developing impedance controlled twisted string actuators (TSA) for use in tensegrity robots, as an alternative to traditional spooled cable actuation. Tensegrity robots are composed of continuous tension and discontinuous compression elements, with no rigid joints between elements, which give them unique force distribution properties. The use of tensegrity robots is strongly motivated by biological examples, and they are capable of locomotion and manipulation by changing lengths of their continuous network of tensional elements, which is also the primary pathways for load transfer through the structure. TSA show the potential to address some of the unique engineering challenges faced by tensegrity structures, and provide unique qualities well suited to an actively controlled tension system, such as compact, light-weight mechanical structures, inherent compliance, variable gearing'', and the ability to transmit high forces with a very low input torque. The inherent variable compliance of impedance control is essential for tensegrity robots to move through and manipulate the environment, and is a natural match to the unique qualities of TSA. This paper briefly introduces the tensegrity robots in the NASA Ames Intelligent Robotics Group and an overview of their future application to space planetary exploration. Then the effectiveness and robustness of TSA are verified through the performance of impedance control modes

    Controller Synthesis of Multi-Axial Robotic System Used for Wearable Devices

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    Wearable devices are commonly used in different fields to help improving performance of movements for different groups of users. The long-term goal of this study is to develop a low-cost assistive robotic device that allows patients to perform rehabilitation activities independently and reproduces natural movement to help stroke patients and elderly adults in their daily activities while moving their arms. In the past few decades, various types of wearable robotic devices have been developed to assist different physical movements. Among different types of actuators, the twisted-string actuation system is one of those that has advantages of light-weight, low cost, and great portability. In this study, a dual twisted-string actuator is used to drive the joints of the prototype assistive robotic device. To compensate the asynchronous movement caused by nonlinear factors, a hybrid controller that combines fuzzy logic rules and linear PID control algorithm was adopted to compensate for both tracking and synchronization of the two actuators.;In order to validate the performance of proposed controllers, the robotic device was driven by an xPC Target machine with additional embedded controllers for different data acquisition tasks. The controllers were fine tuned to eliminate the inaccuracy of tracking and synchronization caused by disturbance and asynchronous movements of both actuators. As a result, the synthesized controller can provide a high precision when tracking simple actual human movements

    Design, characterisation and validation of a haptic interface based on twisted string actuation.

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    This paper presents the design and experimental characterisation of a wrist haptic interface based on a twisted string actuator. The interface is designed for controlled actuation of wrist flexion/extension and is capable of rendering torque feedback through a rotary handle driven by the twisted string actuator and spring-loaded cable mechanisms. The interface was characterised to obtain its static and dynamic haptic feedback rendering capabilities. Compliance in the spring and actuation mechanism makes the interface suitable for smooth rendering of haptic feedback of large magnitudes due to the high motion transmission ratio of the twisted strings. Haptic virtual wall rendering capabilities are demonstrated

    Design, Fabrication, and Control of an Upper Arm Exoskeleton Assistive Robot

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    Stroke is the primary cause of permanent impairment and neurological damage in the United States and Europe. Annually, about fifteen million individuals worldwide suffer from stroke, which kills about one third of them. For many years, it was believed that major recovery can be achieved only in the first six months after a stroke. More recent research has demonstrated that even many years after a stroke, significant improvement is not out of reach. However, economic pressures, the aging population, and lack of specialists and available human resources can interrupt therapy, which impedes full recovery of patients after being discharged from hospital following initial rehabilitation. Robotic devices, and in particular portable robots that provide rehabilitation therapy at home and in clinics, are a novel way not only to optimize the cost of therapy but also to let more patients benefit from rehabilitation for a longer time. Robots used for such purposes should be smaller, lighter and more affordable than the robots currently used in clinics and hospitals. The common human-machine interaction design criteria such as work envelopes, safety, comfort, adaptability, space limitations, and weight-to-force ratio must still be taken into consideration.;In this work a light, wearable, affordable assistive robot was designed and a controller to assist with an activity of daily life (ADL) was developed. The mechanical design targeted the most vulnerable group of the society to stroke, based on the average size and age of the patients, with adjustability to accommodate a variety of individuals. The novel mechanical design avoids motion singularities and provides a large workspace for various ADLs. Unlike similar exoskeleton robots, the actuators are placed on the patient\u27s torso and the force is transmitted through a Bowden cable mechanism. Since the actuators\u27 mass does not affect the motion of the upper extremities, the robot can be more agile and more powerful. A compact novel actuation method with high power-to-weight ratio called the twisted string actuation method was used. Part of the research involved selection and testing of several string compositions and configurations to compare their suitability and to characterize their performance. Feedback sensor count and type have been carefully considered to keep the cost of the system as low as possible. A master-slave controller was designed and its performance in tracking the targeted ADL trajectory was evaluated for one degree of freedom (DOF). An outline for proposed future research will be presented