4,046 research outputs found

    A weather forecast model accuracy analysis and ECMWF enhancement proposal by neural network

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    This paper presents a neural network approach for weather forecast improvement. Predicted parameters, such as air temperature or precipitation, play a crucial role not only in the transportation sector but they also influence people's everyday activities. Numerical weather models require real measured data for the correct forecast run. This data is obtained from automatic weather stations by intelligent sensors. Sensor data collection and its processing is a necessity for finding the optimal weather conditions estimation. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model serves as the main base for medium-range predictions among the European countries. This model is capable of providing forecast up to 10 days with horizontal resolution of 9 km. Although ECMWF is currently the global weather system with the highest horizontal resolution, this resolution is still two times worse than the one offered by limited area (regional) numeric models (e.g., ALADIN that is used in many European and north African countries). They use global forecasting model and sensor-based weather monitoring network as the input parameters (global atmospheric situation at regional model geographic boundaries, description of atmospheric condition in numerical form), and because the analysed area is much smaller (typically one country), computing power allows them to use even higher resolution for key meteorological parameters prediction. However, the forecast data obtained from regional models are available only for a specific country, and end-users cannot find them all in one place. Furthermore, not all members provide open access to these data. Since the ECMWF model is commercial, several web services offer it free of charge. Additionally, because this model delivers forecast prediction for the whole of Europe (and for the whole world, too), this attitude is more user-friendly and attractive for potential customers. Therefore, the proposed novel hybrid method based on machine learning is capable of increasing ECMWF forecast outputs accuracy to the same level as limited area models provide, and it can deliver a more accurate forecast in real-time.Web of Science1923art. no. 514


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    The objective of the project is to create an interactive game which can create awareness of the carbon footprint and the effect of global warming at an individual level. The game is aimed to be used on mobile platforms such as Android devices including tablets, due to the current population trend with smartphones and the like. The game would comprise of 2 main working parts, the game itself, and the carbon calculator which calculates ones carbon footprint based on the input received during the course of the game. The concept for this kind of awareness tool is taken from the availability of many carbon calculators out there, and the global warming phenomenon. Alone, the carbon calculator is a very useful tool but it is often treated like the traditional calculator, where it is only used when needed. A different approach must be used to penetrate the current generation’s mindset to raise awareness of global warming. The project was initiated by analysis of the main problem and the objectives of the project. Further research was done on articles and online resources related to the problem; a literature review was therefore derived. Other materials were researched, online Android developing kits and carbon footprint formula’s which is crucial to the project. To create the embedded calculator, the formula would be needed and for the game/interface, Android development must be researched to be able to create the game itself. It is important to fully understand what is need to create a good carbon footprint calculator, and how it should be demographically customized. How the calculator is customized also contributes to the build of the game because the game will be designed to accept inputs that would be used in the calculator to produce an individual’s carbon footprint. The methodology for this project would be Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, since the project is expected to be result-oriented and would require the repetition of certain phases to come up with a workable prototype of the game


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    Traffic congestion had become a natural occurrence for the people in the 21st century. It had been accepted in modern life that the annoyance about it seems to fade as time goes by. High traffic congestion usually occurs during the peak hours on working days and the traffic can be so congested that drivers may get stuck in it for hours. The objective of this project is to develop an Android smart phone application that can assist drivers in Malaysia navigate through road traffic in its major cities. Through an Agile development method, the developer will gather information about Malaysia's major cities' road traffic and program the app using an Android Development Tool Kit and Google API's

    Urban air quality citizen science. Phase 1: review of methods and projects

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    This report will comprise suggestions of links with other work and possible approaches for taking the work forward, providing a map of current and recent air quality related Citizen Science activities in the UK, Europe and beyond. In this deliverable, we map out the technologies and approaches currently available for air quality monitoring and provide an overview on how they could be applied in a citizen science context. In addition, we provide an overview of existing citizen science activities with relevance to air pollution. The focus of this report will be on the specific aspects of air pollution monitoring in a citizen science context; we refer to Roy et al. (2012) for a more general discourse on citizen science projects. As far as possible, we will closely link to another SEPA funded project with a focus on citizen science for environmental monitoring (by direct personal contact with colleagues at CEH), as well as other ongoing and emerging projects (e.g. EU FP7 project CitiSense, Transport Scotland, etc.). The objective of this report is not to draw final conclusions, but to provide the material and information resources for the following phases 2 and 3 of the pilot project

    Trends in Smart City Development

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    This report examines the meanings and practices associated with the term 'smart cities.' Smart city initiatives involve three components: information and communication technologies (ICTs) that generate and aggregate data; analytical tools which convert that data into usable information; and organizational structures that encourage collaboration, innovation, and the application of that information to solve public problems

    Reducing a Companies Carbon Footprint through Energy Saving Best Practices at a Dairy Manufacturing Facility

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    Today global warming and the issues that cause it are a high priority to consumers. They want the companies that provide their products and services to reduce the global warming gasses in the atmosphere and as such consumers are willing to reward these companies with increased sales. These global warming gasses are made up of both naturally occurring and non-naturally occurring gasses. Naturally occurring gasses are carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone gasses while non-naturally occurring gasses are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). To accurately measure these gasses in relationship to each other they will need to be converted into a common measuring unit and the most widely excepted common unit is the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). There are also several different ways to look at tracking a company’s production of the CO2e and each way have a slightly different definition of what CO2e are counted. This paper will use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (GHG Protocol) to insure that we have a uniform way to identify, track, and compare company’s carbon footprints. The GHG Protocol only considers the GHG emission in which the company has control over and such will be counted in the company’s carbon footprint calculations. Using the eleven step process, as defined in this paper, to reduce a company’s carbon footprint and introducing some helpful tools that will assist in this process. The XYZ Company facility found through this process that their greatest area of opportunity was the lighting of their facility and by installing efficient lighting reduced their carbon footprint by 3.4% and realized an electrical savings of $ 14,000.00 per year

    Exposome Factors: Exploratory Study Approach and the Role of Persuasive Technology to Raise Awareness About the Exposome Concept

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    Exposome is a new concept that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century to complement genome research. The exposome encompasses the entirety of a person’s environmental exposures from birth to death. This study focused on environmental rather than genetic factors that are related to chronic diseases. It had two phases. Phase 1 involved building a regression model aimed at investigating the influence of various indicators on cancer cases in Los Angeles County. The investigation of the potential correlation between the cancer cases based on census tract data and the exposome factors follows an exploratory approach. Multiple regression stepwise analysis (using SPSS) are reported and discussed. Phase 2 aimed to design, build, and evaluate a mobile-based and text message awareness campaign artifact based on the results of the regression model built in Phase 1. I utilized the Geller proenvironmental model to govern the design requirements of the proposed artifacts to educate people on the exposome factors resulting from the regression model that correlated with cancer cases in Los Angeles County. Novel persuasive technology techniques were utilized within the system artifact. This technology uses direct and indirect persuasion routes for delivering interventions. First, the mobile application indirectly persuades users through providing educational videos and an e-fotonovela. Second, text messages directly persuade users by providing supportive tips. A one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect of three methods of persuasion on presenting information to increase awareness. A significant effect was present at the p \u3c .05 level for the three conditions [ F (2)= 6.056, p = 0.007]. A post hoc Tukey test indicated that Group A and Group B differed significantly at p \u3c .05; and Group A and Group C differed significantly at p \u3c .05; Group C was not significantly different from Group B. This study contributed to the body of knowledge through providing a solution that aims to raise the awareness level about the concept of exposome

    Smaller, Closer, Dirtier: Diesel Backup Generators in California

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    Quantifies the threat to air quality and human health by backup generators, and examines air quality in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, and Fresno, with some analysis of San Francisco as well

    Momentum: Research & Innovation for Spring 2023

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    The Spring 2023 issue of Research & Innovation, a periodical focused on research at the University of Rhode Island