2,679 research outputs found

    Java Dust: How Small Can Embedded Java Be?

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    Java is slowly being accepted as a language and platform for embedded devices. However, the memory requirements of the Java library and runtime are still troublesome. A Java system is considered small when it requires less than 1 MB, and within the embedded domain small microcontollers with a few KB on-chip Flash memory and even less on-chip RAM are very common. For such small devices Java is a clearly challenging. In this paper we present the combination of the Java compiler Muvium for microcontrollers with the tiny soft-core Leros for an FPGA. To the best of our knowledge, the presented embedded Java system is the smallest Java system available. The Leros processor consumes less than 5 % of the logic cells of the smallest FPGA from Altera and the Muvium compiler produces a JVM, including the Java application, that can execute in a few KB ROM and less than 1 KB RAM. The Leros processor is available in open-source and the Leros port of Muvium is freely available

    A Multilevel Introspective Dynamic Optimization System For Holistic Power-Aware Computing

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    Power consumption is rapidly becoming the dominant limiting factor for further improvements in computer design. Curiously, this applies both at the "high end" of workstations and servers and the "low end" of handheld devices and embedded computers. At the high-end, the challenge lies in dealing with exponentially growing power densities. At the low-end, there is a demand to make mobile devices more powerful and longer lasting, but battery technology is not improving at the same rate that power consumption is rising. Traditional power-management research is fragmented; techniques are being developed at specific levels, without fully exploring their synergy with other levels. Most software techniques target either operating systems or compilers but do not explore the interaction between the two layers. These techniques also have not fully explored the potential of virtual machines for power management. In contrast, we are developing a system that integrates information from multiple levels of software and hardware, connecting these levels through a communication channel. At the heart of this system are a virtual machine that compiles and dynamically profiles code, and an optimizer that reoptimizes all code, including that of applications and the virtual machine itself. We believe this introspective, holistic approach enables more informed power-management decisions

    JIST: just-in-time scheduling translation for parallel processors

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    The application fields of bytecode virtual machines and VLIW processors overlap in the area of embedded and mobile systems, where the two technologies offer different benefits, namely high code portability, low power consumption and reduced hardware cost. Dynamic compilation makes it possible to bridge the gap between the two technologies, but special attention must be paid to software instruction scheduling, a must for the VLIW architectures. We have implemented JIST, a Virtual Machine and JIT compiler for Java Bytecode targeted to a VLIW processor. We show the impact of various optimizations on the performance of code compiled with JIST through the experimental study on a set of benchmark programs. We report significant speedups, and increments in the number of instructions issued per cycle up to 50% with respect to the non-scheduling version of the JITcompiler. Further optimizations are discussed

    A Low-Footprint Java-to-Native Compilation Scheme Using Formal Methods

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    Ahead-of-Time and Just-in-Time compilation are common ways to improve runtime performances of restrained systems like Java Card by turning critical Java methods into native code. However, native code is much bigger than Java bytecode, which severely limits or even forbids these practices for devices with memory constraints. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a method for reducing natively-compiled code by suppressing runtime exception check sites, which are emitted when compiling bytecodes that may potentially throw runtime exceptions. This is made possible by completing the Java program with JML annotations, and using a theorem prover in order to formally prove that the compiled methods never throw runtime exceptions. Runtime exception check sites can then safely be removed from the generated native code, as it is proved they will never be entered. We have experimented our approach on several card-range and embedded Java applications, and were able to remove almost all the exception check sites. Results show memory footprints for native code that are up to 70% smaller than the non-optimized version, and sometimes as low than 115% the size of the Java bytecode when compiled for ARM thumb

    A Low-Footprint Java-to-Native Compilation Scheme Using Formal Methods

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    Ahead-of-Time and Just-in-Time compilation are common ways to improve runtime performances of restrained systems like Java Card by turning critical Java methods into native code. However, native code is much bigger than Java bytecode, which severely limits or even forbids these practices for devices with memory constraints. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a method for reducing natively-compiled code by suppressing runtime exception check sites, which are emitted when compiling bytecodes that may potentially throw runtime exceptions. This is made possible by completing the Java program with JML annotations, and using a theorem prover in order to formally prove that the compiled methods never throw runtime exceptions. Runtime exception check sites can then safely be removed from the generated native code, as it is proved they will never be entered. We have experimented our approach on several card-range and embedded Java applications, and were able to remove almost all the exception check sites. Results show memory footprints for native code that are up to 70% smaller than the non-optimized version, and sometimes as low than 115% the size of the Java bytecode when compiled for ARM thumb

    Efficient compilation of .NET programs for embedded systems

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    International audienceThe overhead associated with object-oriented languages has been the major drawback in their adoption by the embedded world. In this paper, we propose a compilation approach based on the closed-world assumption (CWA) that should enable OO technologies such as .NET on small embedded systems. Our implementation is based on a type analysis algorithm, which extends RTA so that it eliminates some subtype tests due to array covariance, and coloring, which maintain single subtyping invariants under the CWA. The impact of our global optimizations has been evaluated on embedded applications written in C#. Preliminary results show a noticeable reduction of the code size, class hierarchy and object mechanisms such as virtual calls and subtype tests

    A selective dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machine targeting ARM processors

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2004-2005Ce travail présente une nouvelle technique de compilation dynamique sélective pour les systèmes embarqués avec processeurs ARM. Ce compilateur a été intégré dans la plateforme J2ME/CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition for Connected Limited Device Con- figuration). L’objectif principal de notre travail est d’obtenir une machine virtuelle accélérée, légère et compacte prête pour l’exécution sur les systèmes embarqués. Cela est atteint par l’implémentation d’un compilateur dynamique sélectif pour l’architecture ARM dans la Kilo machine virtuelle de Sun (KVM). Ce compilateur est appelé Armed E-Bunny. Premièrement, on présente la plateforme Java, le Java 2 Micro Edition(J2ME) pour les systèmes embarqués et les composants de la machine virtuelle Java. Ensuite, on discute les différentes techniques d’accélération pour la machine virtuelle Java et on détaille le principe de la compilation dynamique. Enfin, on illustre l’architecture, le design (la conception), l’implémentation et les résultats expérimentaux de notre compilateur dynamique sélective Armed E-Bunny. La version modifiée de KVM a été portée sur un ordinateur de poche (PDA) et a été testée en utilisant un benchmark standard de J2ME. Les résultats expérimentaux de la performance montrent une accélération de 360 % par rapport à la dernière version de la KVM de Sun avec un espace mémoire additionnel qui n’excède pas 119 kilobytes.This work presents a new selective dynamic compilation technique targeting ARM 16/32-bit embedded system processors. This compiler is built inside the J2ME/CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition for Connected Limited Device Configuration) platform. The primary objective of our work is to come up with an efficient, lightweight and low-footprint accelerated Java virtual machine ready to be executed on embedded machines. This is achieved by implementing a selective ARM dynamic compiler called Armed E-Bunny into Sun’s Kilobyte Virtual Machine (KVM). We first present the Java platform, Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) for embedded systems and Java virtual machine components. Then, we discuss the different acceleration techniques for Java virtual machine and we detail the principle of dynamic compilation. After that we illustrate the architecture, design, implementation and experimental results of our selective dynamic compiler Armed E-Bunny. The modified KVM is ported on a handheld PDA and is tested using standard J2ME benchmarks. The experimental results on its performance demonstrate that a speedup of 360% over the last version of Sun’s KVM is accomplished with a footprint overhead that does not exceed 119 kilobytes

    Run-time compilation techniques for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks research in the past decade has seen substantial initiative,support and potential. The true adoption and deployment of such technology is highly dependent on the workforce available to implement such solutions. However, embedded systems programming for severely resource constrained devices, such as those used in typical wireless sensor networks (with tens of kilobytes of program space and around ten kilobytes of memory), is a daunting task which is usually left for experienced embedded developers.Recent initiative to support higher level programming abstractions for wireless sensor networks by utilizing a Java programming paradigm for resource constrained devices demonstrates the development benefits achieved. However, results have shown that an interpreter approach greatly suffers from execution overheads. Run-time compilation techniques are often used in traditional computing to make up for such execution overheads. However, the general consensus in the field is that run-time compilation techniques are either impractical, impossible, complex, or resource hungry for such resource limited devices.In this thesis, I propose techniques to enable run-time compilation for such severely resource constrained devices. More so, I show not only that run-time compilation is in fact both practical and possible by using simple techniques which do not require any more resources than that of interpreters, but also that run-time compilation substantially increases execution efficiency when compared to an interpreter
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