3 research outputs found


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    The headway of manipulator robots makes the development of a hexapod quite fast. Unfortunately, a hexapod is unstable to moving in a regular movement with some values added to programming algorithms. Various techniques implemented yet to the algorithms, like entering the degree values of each servo. However, to simplify the implementation of the algorithms, need some equations. This paper offered a hexapod control system based on Arduino that using Denavit-Hartenberg parameters to produce the equations. Various experiments have performed. Based on the experiments the offered system able to simplify the programming algorithms

    Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Hexapod

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    The principle motivation behind the work is to present a fully fabricated Hexapod. Hexapod is a robot that has six legs for movement and thus quite a number of degree of freedom. . Numerous studies have been completed in examination focuses. Moving robots have pulled in significant consideration for a very long while now, on the other hand, just as early as this past year scientists have produced navigator robots, planned and assembled to fulfill the imagination, with exhibitions that can be suitable for handy applications. This paper gives an outline of the best in class on hexapods by alluding both to the early plan arrangements. Cautious consideration is given to the fundamental design issues and requirements that impact the specialized possibility and operation execution. A design flowchart was plotted with a specific end goal to efficiently plan a hexapod. Since the robot has numerous legs, the robot is effortlessly customized to move around in light of the fact that it can be designed to numerous sorts of gaits, for example, tripod, and wave, ripple and quadruped gaits etc. House of quality was used to compare and finalize among the probable design. A novel design has been created with CATIA. Mainly, the undertaken design outline takes into account the fundamental features, such as basic structure and mechanical configuration, electronics schematics, motion planning, payload, and walking gait. Kinematic as well as Dynamic Analysis had to be done using DH forward and Inverse matrix method. Simulation has been done in V-rep and excel simulator. Stress and displacement analysis was done for the feasibility of the model to sustain the weight of the body. Estimated physical parameters have been calculated. Control system design, gait implementation body manufacturing has been discussed. Bill of materials was generated and fabrication of Hexapod was completed. Future possibilities have been discussed

    Desarrollo de un robot artrópodo

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    Este proyecto presenta el proceso de diseño, desarrollo y montaje de un robot artrópodo de seis patas articuladas, con capacidad para desplazarse sobre diversos terrenos. Se ha comenzado con un estudio biológico para conocer las diferentes estructuras anatómicas de los artrópodos y los tipos de locomoción que realizan. Se presenta también el estudio realizado sobre el estado del arte actual acerca de la construcción de robots móviles en diferentes universidades y centros de investigación. Este estudio se centra en la fisionomía y número de articulaciones de cada modelo. Tras este estudio, se ha descrito el proceso completo de construcción del robot, desde el planteamiento inicial y las condiciones aplicadas en el diseño hasta el desarrollo de los mecanismos de control del robot artrópodo. Se ha creado un prototipo inicial, que ha permitido mejorar le estructura de las piezas y validar el diseño mecánico. Se ha construido el robot artrópodo con todas las capacidades de movimiento necesarias para desplazarse, así como la implementación de toda la electrónica y programación del software de control. El diseño final se ha validado mediante una batería de pruebas en la que están implicados todos los componentes del robot, tanto de manera individual como conjunta. Se consigue finalmente un sistema capaz de realizar los movimientos deseados, con un sistema de sensores capaces de aportar información en tiempo real.This project presents the process of design, development and assembly of an arthropod robot with six articulated legs that is capable to move on diverse grounds. In first place we performed a biological study in order to analyse the different anatomical structures of the arthropods and its locomotion techniques. We have also reviewed the state of art in terms of the design and construction of mobile robots in different universities and research centers. This section is focused on the appearance and the number of joints of each model. Secondly we have described the whole process of robot construction, from the initial planning and the proposed conditions to the development of the arthropod robot control mechanism. We created an initial prototype that made it possible to improve the structure and to validate the mechanical design. Later, we built the arthropod robot with all the necessary movement capabilities, as well as the electronics and programming the control software. The final design has been validated by different tests in which all the robot components were involved, individually and as a whole. Finally, we have achieved a system that is capable of realizing the desired movements and that is provided with a sensor system capable of supplying real time information