201,275 research outputs found

    A Peer-to-Peer Middleware Framework for Resilient Persistent Programming

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    The persistent programming systems of the 1980s offered a programming model that integrated computation and long-term storage. In these systems, reliable applications could be engineered without requiring the programmer to write translation code to manage the transfer of data to and from non-volatile storage. More importantly, it simplified the programmer's conceptual model of an application, and avoided the many coherency problems that result from multiple cached copies of the same information. Although technically innovative, persistent languages were not widely adopted, perhaps due in part to their closed-world model. Each persistent store was located on a single host, and there were no flexible mechanisms for communication or transfer of data between separate stores. Here we re-open the work on persistence and combine it with modern peer-to-peer techniques in order to provide support for orthogonal persistence in resilient and potentially long-running distributed applications. Our vision is of an infrastructure within which an application can be developed and distributed with minimal modification, whereupon the application becomes resilient to certain failure modes. If a node, or the connection to it, fails during execution of the application, the objects are re-instantiated from distributed replicas, without their reference holders being aware of the failure. Furthermore, we believe that this can be achieved within a spectrum of application programmer intervention, ranging from minimal to totally prescriptive, as desired. The same mechanisms encompass an orthogonally persistent programming model. We outline our approach to implementing this vision, and describe current progress.Comment: Submitted to EuroSys 200

    Implementing the Gaia Astrometric Global Iterative Solution (AGIS) in Java

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    This paper provides a description of the Java software framework which has been constructed to run the Astrometric Global Iterative Solution for the Gaia mission. This is the mathematical framework to provide the rigid reference frame for Gaia observations from the Gaia data itself. This process makes Gaia a self calibrated, and input catalogue independent, mission. The framework is highly distributed typically running on a cluster of machines with a database back end. All code is written in the Java language. We describe the overall architecture and some of the details of the implementation.Comment: Accepted for Experimental Astronom

    Prioritized Garbage Collection: Explicit GC Support for Software Caches

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    Programmers routinely trade space for time to increase performance, often in the form of caching or memoization. In managed languages like Java or JavaScript, however, this space-time tradeoff is complex. Using more space translates into higher garbage collection costs, especially at the limit of available memory. Existing runtime systems provide limited support for space-sensitive algorithms, forcing programmers into difficult and often brittle choices about provisioning. This paper presents prioritized garbage collection, a cooperative programming language and runtime solution to this problem. Prioritized GC provides an interface similar to soft references, called priority references, which identify objects that the collector can reclaim eagerly if necessary. The key difference is an API for defining the policy that governs when priority references are cleared and in what order. Application code specifies a priority value for each reference and a target memory bound. The collector reclaims references, lowest priority first, until the total memory footprint of the cache fits within the bound. We use this API to implement a space-aware least-recently-used (LRU) cache, called a Sache, that is a drop-in replacement for existing caches, such as Google's Guava library. The garbage collector automatically grows and shrinks the Sache in response to available memory and workload with minimal provisioning information from the programmer. Using a Sache, it is almost impossible for an application to experience a memory leak, memory pressure, or an out-of-memory crash caused by software caching.Comment: to appear in OOPSLA 201

    A new approach to collaborative frameworks using shared objects

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    Multi-user graphical applications currently require the creation of a set of interface objects to maintain each participating display. The concept of shared objects allows a single object instance to be used in multiple contexts concurrently. This provides a novel way of reducing collaborative overheads by requiring the maintenance of only a single set of interface objects. The paper presents the concept of a shared-object collaborative framework and illustrates how the concept can be incorporated into an existing object-oriented toolkit