777 research outputs found

    Construction of a webgis tool based on a gis semiautomated processing for the localization of p2g plants in sicily (Italy)

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    The recent diffusion of RES (Renewable Energy Sources), considering the electric energy produced by photovoltaic and wind plants, brought to light the problem of the unpredictable nature of wind and solar energy. P2G (Power to Gas) implementation seems to be the right solution, trans-forming curtailed energy in hydrogen. The choice of the settlement of P2G plants is linked to many factors like the distances between the gas grid and the settlement of RES plants, the transportation networks, the energy production, and population distribution. In light of this, the implementation of a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) into a Geographic Information System (GIS) processing represents a good strategy to achieve the goal in a specific territorial asset. In this work, this method has been applied to the case of study of Sicily (Italy). The paper shows in detail the geomatic semi-automated processing that allows to find the set of possible solutions and further to choose the best localization for new P2G plants, connected to a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and integrated with a WebGIS visualization for real-time analysis. This system is useful for the management, the development, and the study of hydrogen technologies, in order to link the electri-cal network and the gas network datasets with economical and infrastructural assets through GIS processing. In the future new factors will join in the process as policies on hydrogen take shape

    A Hierarchical Component-based WebGIS and Its Key Technologies

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    A practical hierarchical component-based WebGIS model referred to as Geo-Union is presented. Geo-Union consists of four layers: storage layer, service layer, component layer and application layer. Service layer is partitioned into another two layers: Geo-Union client and Geo-Union server. The architectures and object diagram of each layer in Geo-Union are discussed in details. After that, four key technologies adopted in Geo-Union (spatial data model, ORDB, spatial index and spatial cache) are summarized and analyzed, especially the spatial cache framework of Geo-Union. At last, some future works in WebGIS, such as interoperability, security, distributed computing and intelligent computing, are indicated and simply explored

    LandLab Project and archaeology on-line. Web-based systems for the study of settlement patterns and excavation data in classical archaeology

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    The paper deals with the results of a research project, LandLab Project, finalized at the reconstruction of ancient landscapes. The use of Internet for presenting the results of the scientific research is discussed through the presentation of two web applications, which have been implemented by the Laboratory of Archaeological Computing of the Dept. of Cultural Heritage - University of Lecce, Italy: the WebGIS of the pre-Roman settlements of the Salento region and WODOS, the on-line version of the ODOS excavation data management system. The web-based applications are aimed at developing new approaches to the problem of data preservation and data dissemination. They use the methods and technologies available in the field of Information and Communication Technology for the transfer of data, information management systems and multimedia communication in the reconstruction of ancient landscapes and cultural systems. The project is unique in the geographical context in question here, in that it represents the first thematic laboratory for research into the ancient landscape completely based on Web Programming and Internet Technology

    Designing And Implementing An Online WebGIS-Based Decision Support System

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    This paper focuses on providing a market analysis solution through designing and implementing an online decision-support system (DSS) for businesses decision makers in Tobacco industry in China. The procedure makes use of data, information and software from Web based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to generate online analysis, mapping and visualisation systems. These procedures are integrated and synchronised with market analysis techniques and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. By integrating these two techniques, a webGIS-based tobacco market information system is presented to demonstrate the significance of WebGIS in market analysis field. Specifically, to meet the needs of market practitioners (retailer, distributor and industry authority) in understanding the current market and sales performance, the system is designed and mainly consisted of four functional components: Communication and administration, Current market analysis, CRM (Client Relationship Management) and Sales/customer analysis, and Operational issues. From the system design and system usage perspectives, the illustration on the system architecture and the process of marketing information transmission reveals the benefits raised from this E-commerce tool to both the system users and service provider in marketing analysis. Based on this, the fusion of technology enhancement and marketing strategy in business process are called for and discussed

    StudMap 3.0 : an interoperable web-based platform for geospatial data offers in academic life

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesGeographic Information Systems has now entered the realm of web and yields for feasible solutions to balance the technology offers with the users’ needs to share, access and explore the massive amounts of geodata available. Challenges occur when moving forward from old 2D platforms towards innovative and integrated webGIS systems that align functionality with the necessity to grant a complete understanding of the surrounding reality. 3D space responds to this but, however, stands only at the beginning of its era and cannot yet reach the development of 2D web integration. Research is now aiming at possible webGIS solutions to adapt to the special structure imposed by 3D data. In this context, this thesis focuses on designing an architecture for 2D and 3D geospatial data integration on a student-oriented web platform. This concept was further delivered and validated through a real case scenario – Studmap 3.0, a webGIS platform to serve the students of the University of Muenster in their academical life. The portal currently grants availability of geospatial data and web services of regional interest in a smart GIS environment that allows access and comparison of official services with own data. The implementation of Studmap 3.0 aided in the continuous improvement of the proposed architecture model and developed under a design science research cycle that reached its end once the final approval of its users was attained via a usability evaluation. Final strengths and drawbacks of the proposed architecture were ultimately identified together with an expert usability evaluation and a lab-based usability test of the resulting portal interface suitability for academic use. The results fall under the acceptable range with an 83.75 score for the System Usability Scale standardized questions when addressed to experts and a score of 83.87 when addressed to students. For the open-ended questions, the interface received an overall positive critique. A summary of future participants’ opinion on the benefits, drawbacks and proposed improvements was also delivered. Peers interested in similar concepts can use both this model and its final remarks as a reference for their work

    Un WEBGIS Open Source a supporto dei rilievi GPS in Sicilia

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    Con il rapido sviluppo di Internet, degli ultimi anni, i sistemi informativi geografici basati sull’utilizzo del Web sono diventati un argomento di forte interesse per il settore dei GIS. Il WEBGIS è uno strumento software, basato su sistemi di reti locali o geografiche e su un’interfaccia semplificata operante tramite browser Internet, che permette l’accesso a banche dati geografiche, anche a persone non esperte del settore. Tramite tale strumento è possibile visualizzare contestualmente informazioni geografiche organizzate su livelli informativi tematici, anche caratterizzati da diverso sistema di riferimento geografico ed eseguire, tramite un’interfaccia Web semplificata, parte delle operazioni che normalmente vengono eseguite con software GIS per desktopworkstation. Un WEBGIS permette quindi in modo efficiente ed a costi contenuti la condivisione di informazioni geografiche ad un più vasto pubblico non necessariamente limitato ai soli addetti ai lavori. I campi applicativi dei WEBGIS sono molteplici ed ancor più numerosi di quelli dei GIS (non dimenticando che dietro un WEBGIS c’è sempre un GIS messo a punto da esperti del settore). Di interesse è anche quello del rilievo tramite strumenti di posizionamento globale (GNSS); il WEBGIS, infatti, può anche essere un utile strumento a supporto dei rilievi condotti o da effettuarsi con ricevitori GNSS, permettendo la fornitura di informazioni utili per le fasi preliminari al rilievo (copertura rete telefonica, collegamento internet, monografie dei punti) e/o successive ad esso (download dati necessari al post processing, monografie stazioni permanenti e coordinate aggiornate). Sulla base di tali istanze e dell’esistenza di una rete di stazioni permanenti, a copertura della Sicilia occidentale, realizzata dal 2005 al 2007 per fini non soltanto scientifici, ma anche tecnici, presso il Dipartimento di Rappresentazione dell’Università di Palermo (oggi Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, DICA) si è ritenuta di interesse la realizzazione di uno strumento software (WEBGIS), tale da permettere la gestione della grande mole di dati geografici, giornalmente acquisiti, in modo da supportare ricercatori e tecnici durante le operazioni preliminari al rilievo ed al post-processing dei dati rilevati

    Web-based instruments for strengthening sustainable regional development in the Alps

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    Web-based information and communication technologies enable the inclusion of all stakeholders in sustainable regional development and raise hopes that these processes will be accomplished from the bottom up and with broad public participation. This article synthesizes, presents, and critically discusses solutions for the Alps that use web 2.0 technologies, in particular: (a) GALPIS and DIAMONT with databases and an interactive webGIS, (b) mountain.TRIP as an efficient communication and information system to link research with practice, and (c) mountain wikis as tools for collaborative regional planning and development. The results indicate that new information and communication instruments enhance the implementation, promotion, assessment, and steering of sustainable regional development in the Alps


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    Air quality is a factor of primary importance for the quality of life. The increase of the pollutants percentage in the air can cause serious problems to the human and environmental health. For this reason it is essential to monitor its values to prevent the consequences of an excessive concentration, to reduce the pollution production or to avoid the contact with major pollutant concentration through the available tools. Some recently developed tools for the monitoring and sharing of the data in an effective system permit to manage the information in a smart way, in order to improve the knowledge of the problem and, consequently, to take preventing measures in favour of the urban air quality and human health. In this paper, the authors describe an innovative solution that implements geomatics sensors (GNSS) and pollutant measurement sensors to develop a low cost sensor for the acquisition of pollutants dynamic data using a mobile platform based on bicycles. The acquired data can be analysed to evaluate the local distribution of pollutant density and shared through web platforms that use standard protocols for an effective smart use
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