5 research outputs found

    Holding, grasping and sensing of prosthetic robot arm like a real human hand, a journey beyond limits: An extensive review

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    This paper provides a comprehensive survey on the current state of prosthetic robotic arm; focusing on grasping strategy, sensing technologies, and control system. Numerous studies have been carried on prosthetic robotic arm field in improving its functionality. Mechanical/ prosthetic robotic arm is built to function as real—human-hand like for various fields like medical and industrial purposes. Starting from the design to details of every single compartment of the arm, up to providing the most needed function according to the purpose of the prosthetic robotic arm was built. The implementation method and system con-trol/architecture used are with proven experimental results that indicate each study's outcome is the primary concern. Although each developed prosthetic ro-botic arm differed between each other based on their purpose and technology used, aiming for the optimal design similar to human’s hand proves challenging for researchers, especially when it comes to the issue of practicality in whether it can be used to accomplish regular tasks a standard arm are able to

    Systematic review of neural control and sensory feedback in prosthetic hands

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    Limb loss has severe physical and psychological effects on individuals with upper limb amputations. Higher rates of prosthetic device abandonment has contributed to a need for prosthetic hands that are functional and comfortable for the user. Prosthetic hands have been abandoned for many reasons including weight, size, limited functionality, training time, and discomfort. An optimal prosthetic hand considers both neural control and sensory feedback. Neural control of the prosthetic is crucial to obtain accuracy and desirable functions. Popular methods of sensory feedback such as visual feedback are mentally exhausting and require constant focus from the user. Control and feedback of prosthetic devices differs based on the type of prosthetic. Passive, myoelectric, body-powered, electrocorticographic, adaptive, and sonomyographic prosthetic hand devices focus on a variety of hand movements and each utilizes different methods of control. It is also important to consider the biomaterials of prosthetic hands to enhance comfort and ease-of-use. Mechanical and AM-ULA testing ensure prosthetic hands can perform necessary movements for the user. To develop an ideal prosthetic hand, control and feedback must be considered along with comfort and functionality of the device

    Desenvolvimento de prótese do braço para amputados transradiais

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    O corpo humano é constituído por um conjunto que órgãos que trabalham em sintonia para proporcionar bem-estar e autonomia às pessoas. A mão é sem dúvida um dos órgãos indispensáveis e dos principais impulsionadores da evolução humana. A possível perda de um membro desse género, iria provocar um enorme transtorno quer a nível físico na realização de tarefas, quer psicológico. Esta dissertação foi realizada com o intuito de dar continuidade a uma anteriormente iniciada pelo engenheiro João Ferrão, com o objetivo de dimensionar uma prótese transradial de baixo custo para que as pessoas que sofrem destes problemas, obtenham uma solução para estes melhorarem a sua qualidade de vida. Para tal, optou-se por adotar a tecnologia de impressão 3D para a produção dos componentes estruturais desta prótese, devido ao seu baixo custo e capacidade de produzir geometrias complexas que fornecem movimentos complexos independentemente da sua durabilidade. Inicialmente esta dissertação inicia-se com um breve resumo sobre a primeira iteração do braço robótico, para se formular o ponto de partida com as devidas críticas acerca da mesma. Chegou-se à conclusão que para este projeto, os componentes que o iriam constituir correspondia a servomotores MG92B para os atuadores, para o controlo utilizou-se o Arduíno mega 2560, bateria Lipo de 4000 mAh com uma autonomia entre 92 e 166 minutos. Os movimentos que os dedos realizam, são possíveis devido à tração de cabos para o movimento de flexão, e para o movimento extensão foram utilizadas molas como tendões elásticos. Para os movimentos de adução/ abdução do braço e a interface de ligação com o utente e a prótese, o autor desenvolveu mecanismos da sua autoria. Na secção do projeto detalhado, o autor desenvolveu o projeto CAD de todos os componentes, sempre tendo em consideração as dimensões antropométricas humanas. Em suma, todos os componentes e mecanismos dimensionados, possibilitaram ao autor uma prótese melhorada a um preço acessível com um grau de funcionalidade considerável.The human body is made up of a set of organs that work together in harmony to provide people with well-being and autonomy. The hand is without any doubt one of the most important organs to provide autonomy and the main driver of human evolution. The possible loss of such a member would cause an enormous inconvenience both physically in carrying out tasks, and psychologically. This dissertation was carried out in order to continue the one previously started by the engineer João Ferrão, with the objective of designing a low cost transradial prosthesis so that people who suffer from this kind of problems can obtain a solution to improve their quality of life. Therefore, it was decided to adopt 3D printing technology to produce structural components of this prosthesis, due to its low cost and ability to provide complex geometries and movements regardless of its durability. This dissertation begins with a brief summary about the first iteration of the robotic arm, in order to formulate the starting point with the necessary criticisms about it. It was concluded that for this project, the components that would be used, corresponded to MG92B servomotors for the actuators, for the control it was used the Arduino mega 2560, Lipo battery of 4000 mAh with an autonomy between 92 and 166 minutes. The movements that the fingers perform are possible due to the traction of cables for the flexion movement, and for the extension movement springs were used as elastic tendons. For the arm adduction/abduction movements and the connection interface between the user and the prosthesis, the author developed mechanisms of his own. In the detailed design section, the author developed the CAD design of all components, always considering human anthropometric dimensions. In short, all components and mechanisms allowed the author an improved prosthesis at an affordable price with a considerable degree of functionality