5 research outputs found

    Smart operators: How augmented and virtual technologies are affecting the worker's performance in manufacturing contexts

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    Purpose: The correct interaction between the workforce and augmented, virtual, and mixed reality technologies represents a crucial aspect of the success of the smart factory. This interaction is, indeed, affected by the variability of human behavior and its reliability, which can strongly influence the quality, safety, and productivity standards. For this reason, this paper aims to provide a clear and complete analysis of the impacts of these technologies on the performance of operators. Design/methodology/approach: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was conducted to identify peer-reviewed papers that focused on the implementation of augmented and virtual technologies in manufacturing systems and their effects on human performance. Findings: In total, 61 papers were selected and thoroughly analyzed. The findings of this study reveal that Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality can be applied for several applications in manufacturing systems with different types of devices, that involve various advantages and disadvantages. The worker’s performance that are influencing by the use of these technologies are above all time to complete a task, error rate and mental and physical workload. Originality/value: Over the years Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies in manufacturing systems have been investigated by researchers. Several studies mostly focused on technological issues, have been conducted. The role of the operator, whose tasks may be influenced positively or negatively by the use of new devices, has been hardly ever analyzed and a deep analysis of human performance affected by these technologies is missing. This study represents a preliminary analysis to fill this gap. The results obtained from the SLR allowed us to develop a conceptual framework that investigates the current state-of-the-art knowledge about the topic and highlights gaps in the current researchPeer Reviewe

    Virtuelle Lernumgebungen in der betrieblichen Ausbildung – eine Analyse am Beispiel der Elektrobranche in der Schweiz

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    Für viele Lehrbetriebe ist es schwierig, Berufslernenden genügend Situationen zu ermöglichen, in denen sie die vorgesehenen beruflichen Handlungskompetenzen erlernen und üben können. Die Anreicherung der betrieblichen Ausbildung mit technologiegestützten Erfahrungswelten auf der Basis von Virtual Reality (VR) ist deshalb vielversprechend. VR wird in der betrieblichen Ausbildung jedoch kaum systematisch angewandt, was u.a. auf eine geringe Erfahrungs- und Forschungslage zurückgeführt werden kann. Daher wurde in einem Projekt auf Basis des Design-Based Research-Ansatzes die Erstellung und Anwendung einer VR-Lernumgebung für angehende Elektrofachpersonen aufgenommen. Dieser Beitrag stellt die aus pädagogischer und technologischer Sicht herausfordernde Auswahl einer Handlungssituation, die für die Möglichkeiten einer VR-Simulation prädestiniert ist, und deren sinnvolle pädagogische Rahmung in den Mittelpunkt. Zudem werden Ergebnisse der Evaluation des erstellten Prototyps mittels einer Interventionsstudie bei Schweizer Montage-Elektriker:innen und Elektroinstallateur:innen im letzten Ausbildungsjahr präsentiert

    Diverse approaches to learning with immersive Virtual Reality identified from a systematic review

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    To investigate how learning in immersive Virtual Reality was designed in contemporary educational studies, this systematic literature review identified nine design features and analysed 219 empirical studies on the designs of learning activities with immersive Virtual Reality. Overall, the technological features for physical presence were more readily implemented and investigated than pedagogical features for learning engagement. Further analysis with k-means clustering revealed five approaches with varying levels of interactivity and openness in learning tasks, from watching virtual worlds passively to responding to personalised prompts. Such differences in the design appeared to stem from different practical and educational priorities, such as accessibility, interactivity, and engagement. This review highlights the diversity in the learning task designs in immersive Virtual Reality and illustrates how researchers are navigating practical and educational concerns. We recommend future empirical studies recognise the different approaches and priorities when designing and evaluating learning with immersive Virtual Reality. We also recommend that future systematic reviews investigate immersive Virtual Reality-based learning not only by learning topics or learner demographics, but also by task designs and learning experiences

    Diverse approaches to learning with immersive Virtual Reality identified from a systematic review

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    To investigate how learning in immersive Virtual Reality was designed in contemporary educational studies, this systematic literature review identified nine design features and analysed 219 empirical studies on the designs of learning activities with immersive Virtual Reality. Overall, the technological features for physical presence were more readily implemented and investigated than pedagogical features for learning engagement. Further analysis with k-means clustering revealed five approaches with varying levels of interactivity and openness in learning tasks, from watching virtual worlds passively to responding to personalised prompts. Such differences in the design appeared to stem from different practical and educational priorities, such as accessibility, interactivity, and engagement. This review highlights the diversity in the learning task designs in immersive Virtual Reality and illustrates how researchers are navigating practical and educational concerns. We recommend future empirical studies recognise the different approaches and priorities when designing and evaluating learning with immersive Virtual Reality. We also recommend that future systematic reviews investigate immersive Virtual Reality-based learning not only by learning topics or learner demographics, but also by task designs and learning experiences