3 research outputs found

    A Minimally Intrusive Low-Memory Approach to Resilience for Existing Transient Solvers

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    We propose a novel, minimally intrusive approach to adding fault tolerance to existing complex scientific simulation codes, used for addressing a broad range of time-dependent problems on the next generation of supercomputers. Exascale systems have the potential to allow much larger, more accurate and scale-resolving simulations of transient processes than can be performed on current petascale systems. However, with a much larger number of components, exascale computers are expected to suffer a node failure every few minutes. Many existing parallel simulation codes are not tolerant of these failures and existing resilience methodologies would necessitate major modifications or redesign of the application. Our approach combines the proposed user-level failure mitigation extensions to the Message-Passing Interface (MPI), with the concepts of message-logging and remote in-memory checkpointing, to demonstrate how to add scalable resilience to transient solvers. Logging MPI communication reduces the storage requirement of static data, such as finite element operators, and allows a spare MPI process to rebuild these data structures independently of other ranks. Remote in-memory checkpointing avoids disk I/O contention on large parallel filesystems. A prototype implementation is applied to Nektar++, a scalable, production-ready transient simulation framework. Forward-path and recovery-path performance of the resilience algorithm is analysed through experiments using the solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and strong scaling of the approach is observed

    Fault tolerance at system level based on RADIC architecture

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    The increasing failure rate in High Performance Computing encourages the investigation of fault tolerance mechanisms to guarantee the execution of an application in spite of node faults. This paper presents an automatic and scalable fault tolerant model designed to be transparent for applications and for message passing libraries. The model consists of detecting failures in the communication socket caused by a faulty node. In those cases, the affected processes are recovered in a healthy node and the connections are reestablished without losing data. The Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Controllers architecture proposes a decentralized model for all the tasks required in a fault tolerance system: protection, detection, recovery and masking. Decentralized algorithms allow the application to scale, which is a key property for current HPC system. Three different rollback recovery protocols are defined and discussed with the aim of offering alternatives to reduce overhead when multicore systems are used. A prototype has been implemented to carry out an exhaustive experimental evaluation through Master/Worker and Single Program Multiple Data execution models. Multiple workloads and an increasing number of processes have been taken into account to compare the above mentioned protocols. The executions take place in two multicore Linux clusters with different socket communications libraries

    Design and Evaluation of FA-MPI, a Transactional Resilience Scheme for Non-blocking MPI

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