8 research outputs found

    Impulse: building a smarter memory controller

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    Journal ArticleImpulse is a new memory system architecture that adds two important features to a traditional memory controller. First, Impulse supports application-specific optimizations through configurable physical address remapping. By remapping physical addresses, applications control how their data is accessed and cached, improving their cache and bus utilization. Second, Impulse supports prefetching at the memory controller, which can hide much of the latency of DRAM accesses. In this paper we describe the design of the Impulse architecture, and show how an Impulse memory system can be used to improve the performance of memory-bound programs. For the NAS conjugate gradient benchmark, Impulse improves performance by 67%. Because it requires no modification to processor, cache, or bus designs, Impulse can be adopted in conventional systems. In addition to scientific applications, we expect that Impulse will benefit regularly strided, memory-bound applications of commercial importance, such as database and multimedia programs

    Hardware-only stream prediction + cache prefetching + dynamic access ordering

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    Journal ArticleThe speed gap between processors and memory system is becoming the performance bottleneck for many applications, and computations with strided access patterns are among those that suffer most. The vectors used in such applications lack temporal and often spatial locality, and are usually too large to cache. In spite of their poor cache behavior, these access patterns have the advantage of being, predictable, which can be exploited to improve the efficiency of the memory subsystem. As a promising technique to relieve memory system bottleneck, prefetching has been studied in its various forms, and so is dynamic memory scheduling. This study builds on these results, combining a stride-based reference prediction table, a mechanism that prefetches L2 cache lines, and a memory controller that dynamically schedules accesses to a Direct Rambus memory subsystem. We find that such a system delivers impressive speedups for scientific applications with regular access patterns (reducing execution time by almost a factor of two) without negatively affecting the performance of non-streaming programs

    Impulse: Memory System Support for Scientific Applications

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    Design of a parallel vector access unit for SDRAM memory systems

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    Journal ArticleParallel Vector Access is a technique that exploits the regularity of vector or stream accesses to perform them efficiently in parallel on a multi-bank memory system. The performance of applications that have vector accesses may be improved using a memory controller that performs scatter/gather operations so that only the vector or stream elements that are accessed by the application are transmitted across the system bus. These scatter/gather operations can be speeded up by broadcasting vector operations to all banks of memory in parallel, each of which implements an algorithm to determine which elements of the requested vector they contain. This thesis presents the mathematical foundations behind one such algorithm for controller are investigated. The the performance of such a memory controller on vector kernels is studied by gate level simulation and the results analyzed. Because of the parallel approach, the PVA is able to load elements up to 32.8 times faster than a conventional memory system and 3.3 times faster than a pipelined vector unit, without hurting normal cache line fill performance

    Thermal modeling and management of DRAM memory systems

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    With increasing speed and power density, high-performance memories, including fully buffered DIMM and DDR2 DRAM, now begin to require dynamic thermal management (DTM) as processors and hard drives did. The DTM of memories, nevertheless, is different in that it should take the processor performance and power consumption into consideration. Existing schemes have ignored that. We investigate a new approach that controls the memory thermal issues from the source generating memory activities -- the processor. It coordinates processor execution with memory thermal emergency, and therefore improves the overall system performance and power efficiency. For multi-core systems, we propose two schemes called adaptive core gating and coordinated DVFS. The first scheme activates clock gating on selected processor cores, and the second one scales down the frequency and voltage levels of processor cores when the memory is to be overheated. Results from both simulation and real system measurement show that the two schemes can successfully control the memory activities and handle thermal emergency. More importantly, they improve performance significantly under the given thermal envelope

    Effective Management of DRAM Bandwidth in Multicore Processors

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    Design and evaluation of dynamic access ordering hardware

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    Memory bandwidth is rapidly becoming the limiting performance factor for many applications, particularly for streaming computations such as scientific vector processing or multimedia (de)compression. Although these computations lack the temporal locality of reference that makes caches effective, they have predictable access patterns. Since most modern DRAM components support modes that make it possible to perform some access sequences faster than others, the predictability of the stream accesses makes it possible to reorder them to get better memory performance. We describe and evaluate a Stream Memory Controller system that combines compile-time detection of streams with execution-time selection of the access order and issue. The technique is practical to implement, using existing compiler technology and requiring only a modest amount of special-purpose hardware. With our prototype system, we have observed performance improvements by factors of 13 over normal caching. 1

    Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Access Ordering Hardware

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    Memory bandwidth is rapidly becoming the limiting performance factor for many applications, particularly for streaming computations such as scientific vector processing or multimedia (de)compression. Although these computations lack the temporal locality of reference that makes caches effective, they have predictable access patterns. Since most modern DRAM components support modes that make it possible to perform some access sequences faster than others, the predictability of the stream accesses makes it possible to reorder them to get better memory performance. We describe and evaluate a Stream Memory Controller system that combines compile-time detection of streams with execution-time selection of the access order and issue. The technique is practical to implement, using existing compiler technology and requiring only a modest amount of special-purpose hardware. With our prototype system, we have observed performance improvements by factors of 13 over normal caching. 1. INTRODUCTION..