9 research outputs found

    A self-organized resource allocation scheme for heterogeneous macro-femto networks

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    This paper investigates the radio resource management (RRM) issues in a heterogeneous macro-femto network. The objective of femto deployment is to improve coverage, capacity, and experienced quality of service of indoor users. The location and density of user-deployed femtos is not known a-priori. This makes interference management crucial. In particular, with co-channel allocation (to improve resource utilization efficiency), RRM becomes involved because of both cross-layer and co-layer interference. In this paper, we review the resource allocation strategies available in the literature for heterogeneous macro-femto network. Then, we propose a self-organized resource allocation (SO-RA) scheme for an orthogonal frequency division multiple access based macro-femto network to mitigate co-layer interference in the downlink transmission. We compare its performance with the existing schemes like Reuse-1, adaptive frequency reuse (AFR), and AFR with power control (one of our proposed modification to AFR approach) in terms of 10 percentile user throughput and fairness to femto users. The performance of AFR with power control scheme matches closely with Reuse-1, while the SO-RA scheme achieves improved throughput and fairness performance. SO-RA scheme ensures minimum throughput guarantee to all femto users and exhibits better performance than the existing state-of-the-art resource allocation schemes

    Sensing and Sharing Schemes for Spectral Efficiency of Cognitive Radios

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    Increase in data traffic, number of users and their requirements laid to a necessity of more bandwidth. Cognitive radio is one of the emerging technology which addresses the spectrum scarcity issue. In this work we study the advantage of having collaboration between cognitive enabled small cell network and primary macrocell. Different from the existing works at spectrum sensing stage we are applying enhanced spectrum sensing to avoid probability of false alarms and missed detections which has impact on spectral efficiency. Later power control optimization for secondary users known as Hybrid spectrum sharing is used for further improvement of spectral efficiency. Furthermore, the failed packets of Primary users are taken care by high ranked relays which in turn decreases the average Primary user packet delay by 20% when compared between assisted Secondary user method and non-assisted Secondary user method.

    An MBS-Assisted Femtocell Transmit Power Control Scheme with Mobile User QoS Guarantee in 2-Tier Heterogeneous Femtocell Networks

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    This study investigates how to adjust the transmit power of femto base station (FBS) to mitigate interference problems between the FBSs and mobile users (MUs) in the 2-tier heterogeneous femtocell networks. A common baseline of deploying the FBS to increase the indoor access bandwidth requires that the FBS operation will not affect outdoor MUs operation with their quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. To tackle this technical problem, an FBS transmit power adjustment (FTPA) algorithm is proposed to adjust the FBS transmit power (FTP) to avoid unwanted cochannel interference (CCI) with the neighboring MUs in downlink transmission. FTPA reduces the FTP to serve its femto users (FUs) according to the QoS requirements of the nearest neighboring MUs to the FBS so that the MU QoS requirement is guaranteed. Simulation results demonstrate that FTPA can achieve a low MU outage probability as well as serve FUs without violating the MU QoS requirements. Simulation results also reveal that FTPA has better performance on voice and video services which are the major trend of future multimedia communication in the NGN

    Adaptive management of cognitive radio networks employing femtocells

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    Network planning and management are challenging issues in a two-tier network. Tailoring to cognitive radio networks (CRNs), network operations and transmissions become more challenging due to the dynamic spectrum availability. This paper proposes an adaptive network management system that provides switching between different CRN management structures in response to the spectrum availability and changes in the service time required for the radio access. The considered network management system includes conventional macrocell-only structure, and centralized/distributed structures overlaid with femtocells. Furthermore, analytical expressions of per-tier successful connection probability and throughput are provided to characterize the network performance for different network managements. Spectrum access in dynamic radio environments is formulated according to the quality of service (QoS) constraint that is related to the connection probability and outage probability. Results show that the proposed intelligent network management system improves the maximum capacity and reduces the number of blocked connections by adapting between various network managements in response to free spectrum transmission slots. A road map for the deployment and management of cognitive macro/femto networks is also presented

    Interference mitigation in cognitive femtocell networks

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    “A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy”.Femtocells have been introduced as a solution to poor indoor coverage in cellular communication which has hugely attracted network operators and stakeholders. However, femtocells are designed to co-exist alongside macrocells providing improved spatial frequency reuse and higher spectrum efficiency to name a few. Therefore, when deployed in the two-tier architecture with macrocells, it is necessary to mitigate the inherent co-tier and cross-tier interference. The integration of cognitive radio (CR) in femtocells introduces the ability of femtocells to dynamically adapt to varying network conditions through learning and reasoning. This research work focuses on the exploitation of cognitive radio in femtocells to mitigate the mutual interference caused in the two-tier architecture. The research work presents original contributions in mitigating interference in femtocells by introducing practical approaches which comprises a power control scheme where femtocells adaptively controls its transmit power levels to reduce the interference it causes in a network. This is especially useful since femtocells are user deployed as this seeks to mitigate interference based on their blind placement in an indoor environment. Hybrid interference mitigation schemes which combine power control and resource/scheduling are also implemented. In a joint threshold power based admittance and contention free resource allocation scheme, the mutual interference between a Femtocell Access Point (FAP) and close-by User Equipments (UE) is mitigated based on admittance. Also, a hybrid scheme where FAPs opportunistically use Resource Blocks (RB) of Macrocell User Equipments (MUE) based on its traffic load use is also employed. Simulation analysis present improvements when these schemes are applied with emphasis in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks especially in terms of Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR)

    Game theoretical models for clustering and resource sharing in macro-femtocells networks

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    One of the main challenges of cellular network operators is to keep a good network quality for their users. In most cases, network quality decreases in indoor environments causing users to switch from one operator to another. A promising solution to cope with this issue is the deployment of femtocells that are used mainly at homes to enhance the mobile network coverage. In fact, higher penetration of broadband and mobile phones with high requirements of new applications such as video conferencing and internet games are promoting femtocell market. However, the deployment of femtocells in existing macrocell networks is a very challenging task due to the high complexity of the resource allocation. In this thesis, we focus on proposing several solutions to address the resource allocation problem in macro-femtocell networks with dense deployment of femtocells based on clustering techniques. Clustering techniques are used to reduce the resource allocation complexity of dense-femtocell networks since the resources are allocated locally within each cluster. Furthermore, a cluster head is responsible for the allocation of resources to femtocells within the cluster which avoids the co-tier interference. The clustering techniques have been widely used for distributed resource allocation in heterogeneous networks through the use of game theory models. In this work, three distributed resource allocation algorithms based on cooperative and evolutionary games are proposed. In the first part, we discuss the resource allocation problem for the non-dense deployment of femtocells. Toward this goal, a coalitional game is used to incentive femtocells in the formation of clusters. The approach decomposes in: (i) a base station selection algorithm for public users, (ii) a clustering algorithm based on cooperative game theory and (iii) a resource allocation within each cluster based on the PSO technique. Besides, an interference control mechanism enabled femtocells to leave its current cluster when the interference levels are higher than an interference threshold. In the second part, we focus on a fair allocation of resources for macro-femtocell networks. We develop a clustering algorithm based on a cooperative game for non-dense femtocell network. The Shapley value is applied to find the marginal contribution of every femtocell to all the possible groups of femtocells, thus, finding the fair amount of resources to be allocated to each femtocell within a cluster. This solution is only applied for non-dense femtocell deployment due to that the complexity of calculating the Shapley value increases significantly with a large number of femtocells. Stability criteria based on the ε-concept of game theory is utilized to find the set of stable clusters. Finally, the analysis of the resource allocation for dense-femtocell deployment is addressed through an evolutionary game theory (EGT) model. It is assumed that EGT requires bounded rationality from players, this reduces the complexity and allows the dense deployment of femtocells. In addition, we demonstrate that the set of clusters formed with EGT are stable by means of the replicator dynamics. The proposed model also includes system analysis for users with low mobility such as pedestrians and cyclists

    Optimization models for resource management in two-tier cellular networks

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    Macro-femtocell network is the most promising two-tier architecture for the cellular network operators because it can improve their current network capacity without additional costs. Nevertheless, the incorporation of femtocells to the existing cellular networks needs to be finely tuned in order to enhance the usage of the limited wireless resources, because the femtocells operate in the same spectrum as the macrocell. In this thesis, we address the resource optimization problem for the OFDMA two-tier networks for scenarios where femtocells are deployed using hybrid access policy. The hybrid access policy is a technique that could provide different levels of service to authorized users and visitors to the femtocell. This method reduces interference received by femtocell subscribers by granting access to nearby public users. These approaches should find a compromise between the level of access granted to public users and the impact on the subscribers satisfaction. This impact should be reduced in terms of performance or through economic compensation. In this work, two specific issues of an OFDMA two-tier cellular network are addressed. The first is the trade-off between macrocell resource usage efficiency and the fairness of the resource distribution among macro mobile users and femtocells. The second issue is the compromise between interference mitigation and granting access to public users without depriving the subscriber downlink transmissions. We tackle these issues by developing several resource allocation models for non-dense and dense femtocell deployment using Linear Programming and one evolutionary optimization method. In addition, the proposed resource allocation models determine the best suitable serving base station together with bandwidth and transmitted power per user in order to enhance the overall network capacity. The first two parts of this work cope with the resource optimization for non-dense deployment using orthogonal and co-channel allocation. Both parts aim at the maximization of the sum of the weighted user data rates. In the first part, several set of weights are introduced to prioritize the use of femtocells for subscribers and public users close to femtocells. In addition, macrocell power control is incorporated to enhance the power distribution among the active downlink transmissions and to improve the tolerance to the environmental noise. The second part enables the spectral reuse and the power adaptation is a three-folded solution that enhances the power distribution over the active downlink transmissions, improves the tolerance to the environmental noise and a given interference threshold, and achieves the target Quality of Service (QoS). To reduce the complexity of the resource optimization problem for dense deployment, the third part of this work divides the optimization problem into subproblems. The main idea is to divide the user and FC sets into disjoint sets taking into account their locations. Thus, the optimization problem can be solved independently in each OFDMA zone. This solution allows the subcarriers reuse among inner macrocell zones and femtocells located in outer macrocell zones and also between femtocells belonging to different clusters if they are located in the same zone. Macrocell power control is performed to avoid the cross-tier interference among macrocell inner zones and inside femtocells located in outer zones. Another well known method used to reduce the complexity of the resource optimization problem is the femtocell clustering. However, finding the optimal cluster configuration together with the resource allocation is a complex optimization problem due to variable number related to the possible cluster configurations. Therefore, the part four of this work deals with a heuristic cluster based resource allocation model and a motivation scheme for femtocell clustering through the allocation of extra resources for subscriber and “visitor user” transmissions. The cluster based resource allocation model maximizes the network throughput while keeping balanced clusters and minimizing the inter-cluster interference. Finally, the proposed solutions are evaluated through extensive numerical simulations and the numerical results are presented to provide a comparison with the related works found in the literature