5 research outputs found

    A Prototype to Support Business Model Innovation through Crowdsourcing and Artificial Intelligence

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    The development of new and innovative business models is a central challenge for many companies, particularly for small and medium-sized companies. Information systems could support these companies by actively guiding them through a business model development process. However, the existing business model development tools only provide passive support for their users (e.g., digital whiteboards). Therefore, we set out to develop a prototype that actively supports its users by generating business model ideas. Informed by an existing design theory, we built a prototype relying on hybrid intelligence (i.e., the combination of human and artificial knowledge). The prototype iteratively generates new business model ideas by recombining existing knowledge, posts the ideas to a crowdsourcing platform for evaluation, and learns from the crowds’ evaluation. This demonstration paper presents the prototype, the challenges we faced during its implementation, and directions for future research on machine-supported business model development

    Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Challenges of Crowdsourcing as a Mechanism for Academic Study

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    Researchers in a variety of fields are increasingly adopting crowdsourcing as a reliable instrument for performing tasks that are either complex for humans and computer algorithms. As a result, new forms of collective intelligence have emerged from the study of massive crowd-machine interactions in scientific work settings as a field for which there is no known theory or model able to explain how it really works. Such type of crowd work uses an open participation model that keeps the scientific activity (including datasets, methods, guidelines, and analysis results) widely available and mostly independent from institutions, which distinguishes crowd science from other crowd-assisted types of participation. In this paper, we build on the practical challenges of crowd-AI supported research and propose a conceptual framework for addressing the socio-technical aspects of crowd science from a CSCW viewpoint. Our study reinforces a manifested lack of systematic and empirical research of the symbiotic relation of AI with human computation and crowd computing in scientific endeavors

    Hybrid human-machine information systems for data classification

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    Over the last decade, we have seen an intense development of machine learning approaches for solving various tasks in diverse domains. Despite the remarkable advancements in this field, there are still task categories that machine learning models fall short of the required accuracy. This is the case with tasks that require human cognitive skills, such as sentiment analysis, emotional or contextual understanding. On the other hand, human-based computation approaches, such as crowdsourcing, are popular for solving such tasks. Crowdsourcing enables access to a vast number of groups with different expertise, and if managed properly, generates high-quality results. However, crowdsourcing as a standalone approach is not scalable due to the latency and cost it brings in. Addressing the challenges and limitations that the human and machine-based approaches have distinctly requires bridging the two fields into a hybrid intelligence, seen as a promising approach to solve critical and complex real-world tasks. This thesis focuses on hybrid human-machine information systems, combining machine and human intelligence and leveraging their complementary strengths: the data processing efficiency of machine learning and the data quality generated by crowdsourcing. In this thesis, we present hybrid human-machine models to address the challenges falling into three dimensions: accuracy, latency, and cost. Solving data classification tasks in different domains has different requirements concerning accuracy, latency, and cost criteria. Motivated by this fact, we introduce a master component that evaluates these criteria to find the suitable model as a trade-off solution. In hybrid human-machine information systems, incorporating human judgments is expected to improve the accuracy of the system. Therefore, to ensure this, we focus on the human intelligence component, integrating profile-aware crowdsourcing for task assignment and data quality control mechanisms in the hybrid pipelines. The proposed conceptual hybrid human-machine models materialize in conducted experiments. Motivated by challenging scenarios and using real-world datasets, we implement the hybrid models in three experiments. Evaluations show that the implemented hybrid human-machine architectures for data classification tasks lead to better results as compared to each of the two approaches individually, improving the overall accuracy at an acceptable cost and latency

    Design Patterns for Hybrid Algorithmic-Crowdsourcing Workflows

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