151,028 research outputs found

    New Prospects for Organizational Democracy? How the Joint Pursuit of Social and Financial Goals Challenges Traditional Organizational Designs

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    Some interesting exceptions notwithstanding, the traditional logic of economic efficiency has long favored hierarchical forms of organization and disfavored democracy in business. What does the balance of arguments look like, however, when values besides efficient revenue production are brought into the picture? The question is not hypothetical: In recent years, an ever increasing number of corporations have developed and adopted socially responsible behaviors, thereby hybridizing aspects of corporate businesses and social organizations. We argue that the joint pursuit of financial and social objectives warrants significant rethinking of organizational democracy’s merits compared both to hierarchy and to non-democratic alternatives to hierarchy. In making this argument, we draw on an extensive literature review to document the relative lack of substantive discussion of organizational democracy since 1960. And we draw lessons from political theory, suggesting that the success of political democracy in integrating diverse values offers some grounds for asserting parallel virtues in the business case

    Organization Development for Social Change

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    The field of organization development (OD) has emerged from efforts to improve the performance of organizations, largely in the for-profit sector but more recently in the public and not-for-profit sectors as well. This paper examines how OD concepts and tools can be used to solve problems and foster constructive change at the societal level as well. It examines four areas in which OD can make such contributions: (1) strengthening social change-focused organizations, (2) scaling up the impacts of such agencies, (3) creating new inter-organizational systems, and (4) changing contexts that shape the action of actors strategic to social change. It discusses examples and the kinds of change agent roles and interventions that are important for each. Finally, it discusses some implications for organization development intervention, practitioners, and the field at large.This publication is Hauser Center Working Paper No. 25. The Hauser Center Working Paper Series was launched during the summer of 2000. The Series enables the Hauser Center to share with a broad audience important works-in-progress written by Hauser Center scholars and researchers

    Click Here for Change: Your Guide to the E-Advocacy Revolution

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    Describes how organizations are using state-of-the-art technology to engage supporters and improve their advocacy efforts. Includes case studies and lessons on how to incorporate electronic approaches in campaign strategies

    Resources and Tools:A Step-by-Step Methodological Guide for Costing HIV/AIDS Activities

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    Many developing countries have recognized the need for comprehensive national reforms and comprehensive prevention, treatment, and care and support initiatives to reduce future transmission of and to meet the growing demand for HIV/AIDS services. As a part of these national health reform initiatives, governments are exploring ways to allocate resources in the most efficient and effective way to mitigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic. However, many countries lack information on the level and nature of the costs of HIV/AIDS programs. This document provides an introduction to the procedure for calculating and analyzing the costs of HIV/AIDS programs and describes how to measure directly the actual costs of a program that is up and running. The step-by-step guide is intended to provide project managers in the field with a framework for how to do measure costs for a single, recent year in the life of an HIV/AIDS program. An illustrative activities list in the report annex will assist the user to develop an activities-based framework. The information gleaned from the costing framework will enable policymakers and program managers to make informed resource allocation decisions

    On the metaphysics of management

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    The question about the metaphysics of management is considered especially from the point of view of the subject, acts and object of management. Management is understood holistically, in connection to production, rather than as an independent domain in itself. In terms of metaphysics, the time-honoured question about the superiority of thing (substance, matter) ontology or process ontology is addressed. The determination of metaphysical commitments is discussed. Empirical evidence on the appropriateness of alternative metaphysical assumptions inmanagement is forwarded. It is concluded that Western management thinking has been dominated by thing metaphysics. This has led to deficient conceptualizations and counterproductive methods, present in the 20th century. There have been process metaphysics based correctives, which include Japanese-originated methods and out-of-the box methods developed by Western parties. These correctives have often outperformed their substance based counterparts, but their adoption in the West has been slow. It is concluded that the Western metaphysical assumptions, especially when implicit, hinder learning, understanding and implementation of the process based correctives in the realm of management. However, even if the dominant Western metaphysics constrains our thinking, it might be possible to break out of it, through appropriate ontology training

    Explaining Health Reform: Building Enrollment Systems That Meet the Expectations of the Affordable Care Act

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    Highlights the enrollment system features needed to meet reform provisions for expanding health insurance coverage, examines states' current systems, and offers guidance on developing modernized, ACA-ready systems, including simplifying program rules

    The Decision Support System Design Of Employee Performance Appraisal Using Analytical Hierarchi Process (AHP) Method

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    A performance appraisal is important for every employee and it is also useful for companies to assign the next policy action. In RS Roemani, the performance appraisal process is used for the promotion, the performance evaluation, the hajj subsidy, the outstanding employee and the adjustment of a diploma. While, the criteria used as much as 4 criteria and 13 sub-criteria and their implementation is still done by hand. The method used in this study is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), because it can make a complex problem be easily simplified, thereby accelerating the decision making process by arranging the hierarchy and providing comparative value of each criteria to determine the appropriate criteria. The criteria used are: (1) the commitment that consists of the honesty, the loyalty, the responsibility and the discipline; (2)The management that consists the leadership, the planning, the organizing and the directing; (3) The co-operation that consists of the communications, the ability for adaptation and the information sharing; (4) The performance both the quality and quantity. The Decision support system of performance appraisal using AHP method can be used for all of the assessment processes while the decision of the criteria and sub criteria can be changed in accordance to the management agreement. Keywords: The decision support systems, AHP, Performance Appraisa

    Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems as foundation for sustainable agriculture – Critical reviews of environmental assessment tools, key findings and questions from a course process

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    With increasing demands on limited resources worldwide, there is a growing interest in sustainable patterns of utilisation and production. Ecological agriculture is a response to these concerns. To assess progress and compliance, standard and comprehensive measures of resource requirements, impacts and agro-ecological health are needed. Assessment tools should also be rapid, standardized, userfriendly, meaningful to public policy and applicable to management. Fully considering these requirements confounds the development of integrated methods. Currently, there are many methodologies for monitoring performance, each with its own foundations, assumptions, goals, and outcomes, dependent upon agency agenda or academic orientation. Clearly, a concept of sustainability must address biophysical, ecological, economic, and sociocultural foundations. Assessment indicators and criteria, however, are generally limited, lacking integration, and at times in conflict with one another. A result is that certification criteria, indicators, and assessment methods are not based on a consistent, underlying conceptual framework and often lack a management focus. Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems, including self-organisation, renewal, embeddedness, emergence and commensurate response provide foundation for sustainability assessments and may be appropriate focal points for critical thinking in an evaluation of current methods and standards. A systems framework may also help facilitate a comprehensive approach and promote a context for meaningful discourse. Without holistic accounts, sustainable progress remains an illdefined concept and an elusive goal. Our intent, in the work with this report, was to use systems ecology as a pedagogic basis for learning and discussion to: - Articulate general and common characteristics of living systems. - Identify principles, properties and patterns inherent in natural ecosystems. - Use these findings as foci in a dialogue about attributes of sustainability to: a. develop a model for communicating scientific rationale. b. critically evaluate environmental assessment tools for application in land-use. c. propose appropriate criteria for a comprehensive assessment and expanded definition of ecological land use

    A web-based teaching/learning environment to support collaborative knowledge construction in design

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    A web-based application has been developed as part of a recently completed research which proposed a conceptual framework to collect, analyze and compare different design experiences and to construct structured representations of the emerging knowledge in digital architectural design. The paper introduces the theoretical and practical development of this application as a teaching/learning environment which has significantly contributed to the development and testing of the ideas developed throughout the research. Later in the paper, the application of BLIP in two experimental (design) workshops is reported and evaluated according to the extent to which the application facilitates generation, modification and utilization of design knowledge
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