428 research outputs found

    Deriving divide-and-conquer dynamic programming algorithms using solver-aided transformations

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    We introduce a framework allowing domain experts to manipulate computational terms in the interest of deriving better, more efficient implementations.It employs deductive reasoning to generate provably correct efficient implementations from a very high-level specification of an algorithm, and inductive constraint-based synthesis to improve automation. Semantic information is encoded into program terms through the use of refinement types. In this paper, we develop the technique in the context of a system called Bellmania that uses solver-aided tactics to derive parallel divide-and-conquer implementations of dynamic programming algorithms that have better locality and are significantly more efficient than traditional loop-based implementations. Bellmania includes a high-level language for specifying dynamic programming algorithms and a calculus that facilitates gradual transformation of these specifications into efficient implementations. These transformations formalize the divide-and conquer technique; a visualization interface helps users to interactively guide the process, while an SMT-based back-end verifies each step and takes care of low-level reasoning required for parallelism. We have used the system to generate provably correct implementations of several algorithms, including some important algorithms from computational biology, and show that the performance is comparable to that of the best manually optimized code.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF-1139056)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CCF- 1439084)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CNS-1553510

    Programming Not Only by Example

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    In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in automated synthesis techniques that are able to automatically generate code based on some intent expressed by the programmer. A major challenge for the adoption of synthesis remains in having the programmer communicate their intent. When the expressed intent is coarse-grained (for example, restriction on the expected type of an expression), the synthesizer often produces a long list of results for the programmer to choose from, shifting the heavy-lifting to the user. An alternative approach, successfully used in end-user synthesis is programming by example (PBE), where the user leverages examples to interactively and iteratively refine the intent. However, using only examples is not expressive enough for programmers, who can observe the generated program and refine the intent by directly relating to parts of the generated program. We present a novel approach to interacting with a synthesizer using a granular interaction model. Our approach employs a rich interaction model where (i) the synthesizer decorates a candidate program with debug information that assists in understanding the program and identifying good or bad parts, and (ii) the user is allowed to provide feedback not only on the expected output of a program, but also on the underlying program itself. That is, when the user identifies a program as (partially) correct or incorrect, they can also explicitly indicate the good or bad parts, to allow the synthesizer to accept or discard parts of the program instead of discarding the program as a whole. We show the value of our approach in a controlled user study. Our study shows that participants have strong preference to using granular feedback instead of examples, and are able to provide granular feedback much faster

    The End of History? Using a Proof Assistant to Replace Language Design with Library Design

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    Functionality of software systems has exploded in part because of advances in programming-language support for packaging reusable functionality as libraries. Developers benefit from the uniformity that comes of exposing many interfaces in the same language, as opposed to stringing together hodgepodges of command-line tools. Domain-specific languages may be viewed as an evolution of the power of reusable interfaces, when those interfaces become so flexible as to deserve to be called programming languages. However, common approaches to domain-specific languages give up many of the hard-won advantages of library-building in a rich common language, and even the traditional approach poses significant challenges in learning new APIs. We suggest that instead of continuing to develop new domain-specific languages, our community should embrace library-based ecosystems within very expressive languages that mix programming and theorem proving. Our prototype framework Fiat, a library for the Coq proof assistant, turns languages into easily comprehensible libraries via the key idea of modularizing functionality and performance away from each other, the former via macros that desugar into higher-order logic and the latter via optimization scripts that derive efficient code from logical programs

    Computational kinematics of multibody systems: Two formulations for a modular approach based on natural coordinates

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    Multibody systems can be divided into an ordered set of kinematically determined modules, known as structural groups, in order to compute their kinematics more efficiently. In this work a procedure for the kinematic analysis of any kind of structural group is introduced, and two different methods for their solution in natural coordinates are presented: the time derivative (TD) and the third-order tensor (3OT) approaches. Moreover, the newly derived methods are compared in terms of efficiency with a global formulation, consisting in solving the kinematics of the multibody system as a whole using dense and sparse solvers. Two scalable case studies have been considered: a 2D four-bar linkage and a 3D slider-crank mechanism with an increasing number of constraint equations. The results show that the TD approach performs better in all cases with speed ups in a range of 27 to 61 times faster in 2D, and of 2.3 to 3.7 times faster in 3D with respect to the global sparse solution

    PList-based Divide and Conquer Parallel Programming

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    This paper details an extension of a Java parallel programming framework – JPLF. The JPLF framework is a programming framework that helps programmers build parallel programs using existing building blocks. The framework is based on {em PowerLists} and PList Theories and it naturally supports multi-way Divide and Conquer. By using this framework, the programmer is exempted from dealing with all the complexities of writing parallel programs from scratch. This extension to the JPLF framework adds PLists support to the framework and so, it enlarges the applicability of the framework to a larger set of parallel solvable problems. Using this extension, we may apply more flexible data division strategies. In addition, the length of the input lists no longer has to be a power of two – as required by the PowerLists theory. In this paper we unveil new applications that emphasize the new class of computations that can be executed within the JPLF framework. We also give a detailed description of the data structures and functions involved in the PLists extension of the JPLF, and extended performance experiments are described and analyzed

    CDCL(Crypto) and Machine Learning based SAT Solvers for Cryptanalysis

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    Over the last two decades, we have seen a dramatic improvement in the efficiency of conflict-driven clause-learning Boolean satisfiability (CDCL SAT) solvers over industrial problems from a variety of applications such as verification, testing, security, and AI. The availability of such powerful general-purpose search tools as the SAT solver has led many researchers to propose SAT-based methods for cryptanalysis, including techniques for finding collisions in hash functions and breaking symmetric encryption schemes. A feature of all of the previously proposed SAT-based cryptanalysis work is that they are \textit{blackbox}, in the sense that the cryptanalysis problem is encoded as a SAT instance and then a CDCL SAT solver is invoked to solve said instance. A weakness of this approach is that the encoding thus generated may be too large for any modern solver to solve it efficiently. Perhaps a more important weakness of this approach is that the solver is in no way specialized or tuned to solve the given instance. Finally, very little work has been done to leverage parallelism in the context of SAT-based cryptanalysis. To address these issues, we developed a set of methods that improve on the state-of-the-art SAT-based cryptanalysis along three fronts. First, we describe an approach called \cdcl (inspired by the CDCL(TT) paradigm) to tailor the internal subroutines of the CDCL SAT solver with domain-specific knowledge about cryptographic primitives. Specifically, we extend the propagation and conflict analysis subroutines of CDCL solvers with specialized codes that have knowledge about the cryptographic primitive being analyzed by the solver. We demonstrate the power of this framework in two cryptanalysis tasks of algebraic fault attack and differential cryptanalysis of SHA-1 and SHA-256 cryptographic hash functions. Second, we propose a machine-learning based parallel SAT solver that performs well on cryptographic problems relative to many state-of-the-art parallel SAT solvers. Finally, we use a formulation of SAT into Bayesian moment matching to address heuristic initialization problem in SAT solvers

    Perfect Is the Enemy of Good: Best-Effort Program Synthesis

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    Program synthesis promises to help software developers with everyday tasks by generating code snippets automatically from input-output examples and other high-level specifications. The conventional wisdom is that a synthesizer must always satisfy the specification exactly. We conjecture that this all-or-nothing paradigm stands in the way of adopting program synthesis as a developer tool: in practice, the user-written specification often contains errors or is simply too hard for the synthesizer to solve within a reasonable time; in these cases, the user is left with a single over-fitted result or, more often than not, no result at all. In this paper we propose a new program synthesis paradigm we call best-effort program synthesis, where the synthesizer returns a ranked list of partially-valid results, i.e. programs that satisfy some part of the specification. To support this paradigm, we develop best-effort enumeration, a new synthesis algorithm that extends a popular program enumeration technique with the ability to accumulate and return multiple partially-valid results with minimal overhead. We implement this algorithm in a tool called BESTER, and evaluate it on 79 synthesis benchmarks from the literature. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, our evaluation shows that BESTER returns useful results even when the specification is flawed or too hard: i) for all benchmarks with an error in the specification, the top three BESTER results contain the correct solution, and ii) for most hard benchmarks, the top three results contain non-trivial fragments of the correct solution. We also performed an exploratory user study, which confirms our intuition that partially-valid results are useful: the study shows that programmers use the output of the synthesizer for comprehension and often incorporate it into their solutions
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