813 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification

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    Image classification has advanced significantly in recent years with the availability of large-scale image sets. However, fine-grained classification remains a major challenge due to the annotation cost of large numbers of fine-grained categories. This project shows that compelling classification performance can be achieved on such categories even without labeled training data. Given image and class embeddings, we learn a compatibility function such that matching embeddings are assigned a higher score than mismatching ones; zero-shot classification of an image proceeds by finding the label yielding the highest joint compatibility score. We use state-of-the-art image features and focus on different supervised attributes and unsupervised output embeddings either derived from hierarchies or learned from unlabeled text corpora. We establish a substantially improved state-of-the-art on the Animals with Attributes and Caltech-UCSD Birds datasets. Most encouragingly, we demonstrate that purely unsupervised output embeddings (learned from Wikipedia and improved with fine-grained text) achieve compelling results, even outperforming the previous supervised state-of-the-art. By combining different output embeddings, we further improve results.Comment: @inproceedings {ARWLS15, title = {Evaluation of Output Embeddings for Fine-Grained Image Classification}, booktitle = {IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, year = {2015}, author = {Zeynep Akata and Scott Reed and Daniel Walter and Honglak Lee and Bernt Schiele}

    Task-specific Word Identification from Short Texts Using a Convolutional Neural Network

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    Task-specific word identification aims to choose the task-related words that best describe a short text. Existing approaches require well-defined seed words or lexical dictionaries (e.g., WordNet), which are often unavailable for many applications such as social discrimination detection and fake review detection. However, we often have a set of labeled short texts where each short text has a task-related class label, e.g., discriminatory or non-discriminatory, specified by users or learned by classification algorithms. In this paper, we focus on identifying task-specific words and phrases from short texts by exploiting their class labels rather than using seed words or lexical dictionaries. We consider the task-specific word and phrase identification as feature learning. We train a convolutional neural network over a set of labeled texts and use score vectors to localize the task-specific words and phrases. Experimental results on sentiment word identification show that our approach significantly outperforms existing methods. We further conduct two case studies to show the effectiveness of our approach. One case study on a crawled tweets dataset demonstrates that our approach can successfully capture the discrimination-related words/phrases. The other case study on fake review detection shows that our approach can identify the fake-review words/phrases.Comment: accepted by Intelligent Data Analysis, an International Journa

    Learning from text and images: generative and discriminative models for partially labeled data

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    Image annotation is a challenging task of assigning keywords to an image given the content of an image. It has a variety of applications in multi-media data-mining and computer vision. Traditional machine learning approaches to image annotation require large amounts of labeled data. This requirement is often unrealistic, as obtaining labeled data is, in general, expensive and time consuming. However, large amounts of weakly labeled data and tagged images is readily available, in particular in the web and social network communities. In this thesis we address the problem of image annotation using weak supervision. In particular, we formulate the problem of image annotation as multiple instance multiple label learning problem and propose generative and discriminative models to tackle this learning problem. Multiple instance multiple label learning is a generalization of supervised learning in which the training examples are bags of instances and each bag is labeled with a set of labels. We explore two learning frameworks: generative and discriminative, and propose models within each framework to address the problem of assigning text keywords to images. The first approach, the generative model attempts to describe the process according to which the data was generated, and then learn its parameters from the data. This model is a non-parametric generalization of the known mixture model used in the past. We extend this model to a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process which allows for countably infinite mixture components. Our experimental evaluation shows that the performance of this model does not depend on the number of mixture components, unlike the standard mixture model which suffers from over-fitting for a large number of mixture components. The second approach is a discriminative model, which unlike generative model answers the following question: given the input bag of instances what is the most likely assignment of labels to the bag. We address this problem by learning as many classifiers as there are possible labels and force the classifiers to share weights using trace-norm regularization. We show that the performance of this model is comparable to the state-of-the-art multiple instance multiple label classifiers and that unlike some state-of-the-art models, it is scalable and practical for datasets with a large number of training instances and possible labels. Finally we generalize the discriminative model to a semi-supervised setting to allow the model take advantage of labeled and unlabeled data. We do so by assuming that the data lies in a low-dimensional manifold and introducing a penalty that enforces the classifiers assign similar labels to indirectly similar instances (i.e. instances that are near-by in the manifold space). The manifold is learned by constructing a similarity neighborhood graph over bags, and then graph-Laplacian is used to compute the penalty term

    Discriminate-and-Rectify Encoders: Learning from Image Transformation Sets

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    The complexity of a learning task is increased by transformations in the input space that preserve class identity. Visual object recognition for example is affected by changes in viewpoint, scale, illumination or planar transformations. While drastically altering the visual appearance, these changes are orthogonal to recognition and should not be reflected in the representation or feature encoding used for learning. We introduce a framework for weakly supervised learning of image embeddings that are robust to transformations and selective to the class distribution, using sets of transforming examples (orbit sets), deep parametrizations and a novel orbit-based loss. The proposed loss combines a discriminative, contrastive part for orbits with a reconstruction error that learns to rectify orbit transformations. The learned embeddings are evaluated in distance metric-based tasks, such as one-shot classification under geometric transformations, as well as face verification and retrieval under more realistic visual variability. Our results suggest that orbit sets, suitably computed or observed, can be used for efficient, weakly-supervised learning of semantically relevant image embeddings.This material is based upon work supported by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF-1231216

    On the Importance of Visual Context for Data Augmentation in Scene Understanding

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    Performing data augmentation for learning deep neural networks is known to be important for training visual recognition systems. By artificially increasing the number of training examples, it helps reducing overfitting and improves generalization. While simple image transformations can already improve predictive performance in most vision tasks, larger gains can be obtained by leveraging task-specific prior knowledge. In this work, we consider object detection, semantic and instance segmentation and augment the training images by blending objects in existing scenes, using instance segmentation annotations. We observe that randomly pasting objects on images hurts the performance, unless the object is placed in the right context. To resolve this issue, we propose an explicit context model by using a convolutional neural network, which predicts whether an image region is suitable for placing a given object or not. In our experiments, we show that our approach is able to improve object detection, semantic and instance segmentation on the PASCAL VOC12 and COCO datasets, with significant gains in a limited annotation scenario, i.e. when only one category is annotated. We also show that the method is not limited to datasets that come with expensive pixel-wise instance annotations and can be used when only bounding boxes are available, by employing weakly-supervised learning for instance masks approximation.Comment: Updated the experimental section. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1807.0742
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