22,567 research outputs found

    Incremental View Maintenance For Collection Programming

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    In the context of incremental view maintenance (IVM), delta query derivation is an essential technique for speeding up the processing of large, dynamic datasets. The goal is to generate delta queries that, given a small change in the input, can update the materialized view more efficiently than via recomputation. In this work we propose the first solution for the efficient incrementalization of positive nested relational calculus (NRC+) on bags (with integer multiplicities). More precisely, we model the cost of NRC+ operators and classify queries as efficiently incrementalizable if their delta has a strictly lower cost than full re-evaluation. Then, we identify IncNRC+; a large fragment of NRC+ that is efficiently incrementalizable and we provide a semantics-preserving translation that takes any NRC+ query to a collection of IncNRC+ queries. Furthermore, we prove that incremental maintenance for NRC+ is within the complexity class NC0 and we showcase how recursive IVM, a technique that has provided significant speedups over traditional IVM in the case of flat queries [25], can also be applied to IncNRC+.Comment: 24 pages (12 pages plus appendix

    Protocols for Integrity Constraint Checking in Federated Databases

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    A federated database is comprised of multiple interconnected database systems that primarily operate independently but cooperate to a certain extent. Global integrity constraints can be very useful in federated databases, but the lack of global queries, global transaction mechanisms, and global concurrency control renders traditional constraint management techniques inapplicable. This paper presents a threefold contribution to integrity constraint checking in federated databases: (1) The problem of constraint checking in a federated database environment is clearly formulated. (2) A family of protocols for constraint checking is presented. (3) The differences across protocols in the family are analyzed with respect to system requirements, properties guaranteed by the protocols, and processing and communication costs. Thus, our work yields a suite of options from which a protocol can be chosen to suit the system capabilities and integrity requirements of a particular federated database environment

    The performances of the national logistic systems: what strategies to reduce the Italian gap?

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    The Italian logistics suffer a strong competitive gap in comparison with the other European countries. This performance deficit generates 7.5 billion euro additional congestion costs for the Italian system: the reduction of the logistic costs would have a remarkable impact on the competitiveness of the Italian undertakings. Consequently, it is absolutely necessary to start effective policies in order to mind the gap with the competitors and to remove the infrastructural bottlenecks. In order to take up these challenges, two main knots must be untied: the infrastructure financing and the impact of the structure of the logistic sector on the overall system performance. As regards the former issue, the situation is very critical for those Member States (Italy) reporting infrastructure gap: the evolution of EU scenario pushes towards a more and more intense pressure on the public spending containment. With regard to the latter, Italy suffers from a low average dimension of the logistic operators. This paper suggests feasible solutions to solve the above mentioned problems.national logistic system, performance gap, Private Public Partnership, national champions, city logistics, industrial policy

    Is there such a thing as free government data?

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    The recently-amended European Public Sector Information (PSI) Directive rests on the assumption that government data is a valuable input for the knowledge economy. As a default principle, the directive sets marginal costs as an upper bound for charging PSI. This article discusses the terms under which the 2013 consultation on the implementation of the PSI Directive addresses the calculation criteria for marginal costs, which are complex to define, especially for internet-based services. What is found is that the allowed answers of the consultation indirectly lead the responder to reason in terms of the average incremental cost of allowing reuse, instead of the marginal cost of reproduction, provision and dissemination. Moreover, marginal-cost pricing (or zero pricing) is expected to lead to economically efficient results, while aiming at recouping the average incremental cost of allowing re-use may lead to excessive fees

    Is there such a thing as free government data?

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