10,116 research outputs found

    An approach to harmonic load- and source-pull measurements for high-efficiency PA design

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    High-efficiency power-amplifier design requires numerous efforts to investigate both input and output harmonic terminations effects. A simplified theoretical approach to clarify the relevance of such terminations is presented here, and design criteria to improve efficiency for high-frequency applications are briefly discussed. An advanced active load/source-pull test-bench has been used to validate theoretical harmonic tuning techniques, characterizing an active device. The adopted optimization strategy is presented, together with measured results obtained with a medium-power 1-mm MESFET at 1 GHz. Input second harmonic impedances effects are stressed, showing a drain efficiency spread between 37%-49% for a fixed input power level, corresponding to 1-dB compression. Finally, as predicted by the presented theory, after input second harmonic tuning, further improvements are obtained, increasing fundamental output load resistive part, demonstrating an additional drain efficiency enhancement, which reaches a level of 55% at 1-dB compression

    Formale Verifikationsmethodiken fĂŒr nichtlineare analoge Schaltungen

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop new methodologies for formal verification of nonlinear analog circuits. Therefore, new approaches to discrete modeling of analog circuits, specification of analog circuit properties and formal verification algorithms are introduced. Formal approaches to verification of analog circuits are not yet introduced into industrial design flows and still subject to research. Formal verification proves specification conformance for all possible input conditions and all possible internal states of a circuit. Automatically proving that a model of the circuit satisfies a declarative machine-readable property specification is referred to as model checking. Equivalence checking proves the equivalence of two circuit implementations. Starting from the state of the art in modeling analog circuits for simulation-based verification, discrete modeling of analog circuits for state space-based formal verification methodologies is motivated in this thesis. In order to improve the discrete modeling of analog circuits, a new trajectory-directed partitioning algorithm was developed in the scope of this thesis. This new approach determines the partitioning of the state space parallel or orthogonal to the trajectories of the state space dynamics. Therewith, a high accuracy of the successor relation is achieved in combination with a lower number of states necessary for a discrete model of equal accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art hyperbox-approach. The mapping of the partitioning to a discrete analog transition structure (DATS) enables the application of formal verification algorithms. By analyzing digital specification concepts and the existing approaches to analog property specification, the requirements for a new specification language for analog properties have been discussed in this thesis. On the one hand, it shall meet the requirements for formal specification of verification approaches applied to DATS models. On the other hand, the language syntax shall be oriented on natural language phrases. By synthesis of these requirements, the analog specification language (ASL) was developed in the scope of this thesis. The verification algorithms for model checking, that were developed in combination with ASL for application to DATS models generated with the new trajectory-directed approach, offer a significant enhancement compared to the state of the art. In order to prepare a transition of signal-based to state space-based verification methodologies, an approach to transfer transient simulation results from non-formal test bench simulation flows into a partial state space representation in form of a DATS has been developed in the scope of this thesis. As has been demonstrated by examples, the same ASL specification that was developed for formal model checking on complete discrete models could be evaluated without modifications on transient simulation waveforms. An approach to counterexample generation for the formal ASL model checking methodology offers to generate transition sequences from a defined starting state to a specification-violating state for inspection in transient simulation environments. Based on this counterexample generation, a new formal verification methodology using complete state space-covering input stimuli was developed. By conducting a transient simulation with these complete state space-covering input stimuli, the circuit adopts every state and transition that were visited during stimulus generation. An alternative formal verification methodology is given by retransferring the transient simulation responses to a DATS model and by applying the ASL verification algorithms in combination with an ASL property specification. Moreover, the complete state space-covering input stimuli can be applied to develop a formal equivalence checking methodology. Therewith, the equivalence of two implementations can be proven for every inner state of both systems by comparing the transient simulation responses to the complete-coverage stimuli of both circuits. In order to visually inspect the results of the newly introduced verification methodologies, an approach to dynamic state space visualization using multi-parallel particle simulation was developed. Due to the particles being randomly distributed over the complete state space and moving corresponding to the state space dynamics, another perspective to the system's behavior is provided that covers the state space and hence offers formal results. The prototypic implementations of the formal verification methodologies developed in the scope of this thesis have been applied to several example circuits. The acquired results for the new approaches to discrete modeling, specification and verification algorithms all demonstrate the capability of the new verification methodologies to be applied to complex circuit blocks and their properties.Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Entwicklung neuer Methodiken zur formalen Verifikation nichtlinearer analoger elektronischer Schaltungen. Dazu werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entstandene neue AnsĂ€tze in den Bereichen verifikationsgerechte diskrete Modellierung analoger Schaltungen, Spezifikation analoger Schaltungseigenschaften und formale Verifikationsalgorithmen vorgestellt. Ausgehend vom Stand der Technik der Modellierung analoger Schaltungen fĂŒr die simulationsbasierte Verifikation wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die diskrete Modellierung analoger Schaltungen fĂŒr zustandsraumbasierte formale Verifikationsverfahren betrachtet. Dazu wurde ein neuer Ansatz zur diskreten Modellierung entwickelt, der die Aufteilungsstruktur anhand der Trajektorien der Vektorfelddynamik bestimmt. So wird eine hohe Genauigkeit der Nachfolgerrelation ermöglicht, woraus eine niedrigere Zahl an ZustĂ€nden fĂŒr ein diskretes Modell gleicher Genauigkeit im Vergleich mit dem bisherigen Stand der Technik folgt. Die Abbildung der Trajektorien-gesteuerten Partitionierung auf eine diskrete analoge Transitionsstruktur (DATS) erlaubt die Anwendung von formalen Verifikationsalgorithmen. Die formale Spezifikation von Eigenschaften in ersten AnsĂ€tzen zum Model Checking analoger Schaltungen hat sich stark an den bestehenden temporallogischen Verfahren aus dem Bereich digitaler Hardware orientiert. Ausgehend von einer Analyse digitaler Spezifikationskonzepte und der bestehenden AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr analoge Eigenschaften wurden Anforderungen an eine neue Spezifikationssprache in dieser Arbeit abgeleitet. Die aus diesen Anforderungen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte analoge Spezifikationssprache "Analog Specification Language" (ASL) basiert auf einer natĂŒrlichsprachlichen Kapselung temporallogischer Operationen, die mit erweiterten Algorithmen zur Transitionspfadbestimmung, DurchfĂŒhrung von Berechnungen auf Zustandsparametern und Oszillationsbestimmung eine hohe AusdrucksstĂ€rke analoger Eigenschaften mit einer anwenderfreundlichen Syntax kombinieren konnte. Die zusammen mit ASL entwickelten Model Checking-Verifikationsalgorithmen zur Auswertung von ASL-Spezifikationen auf einem mit dem Trajektorien-gesteuerten Diskretisierungsverfahren erzeugten DATS-Modell bilden eine wesentliche Erweiterung zum Stand der Technik. Um einen Übergang der Verifikation von signalbasierten zu zustandsraumbasierten Methodiken zu ermöglichen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein Ansatz entwickelt, der die Übertragung von transienten Simulationsergebnissen aus nicht-formalen Testbench-Simulationsumgebungen in eine partielle DATS-Zustandsraumdarstellung ermöglicht. Damit kann, wie anhand von Beispielen gezeigt werden konnte, die gleiche ASL-Spezifikation fĂŒr Eigenschaften eines vollstĂ€ndigen diskreten Modells ohne Modifikation auch auf Simulationsergebnissen ausgewertet werden. Ein fĂŒr das formale ASL-basierte Model Checking entwickelter Ansatz zur Erzeugung von Gegenbeispielen fĂŒr als spezifikationsverletzend identifizierte Zustandsraumgebiete erlaubt es, Transitionsfolgen von einem definierten Startzustand zu einem spezifikationsverletzenden Zustand zu ermitteln. Auf Basis dieses Gegenbeispiel-Verfahrens wurde eine neue formale Eigenschaftsverifikationsmethodik mittels vollstĂ€ndig den Zustandsraum einer Schaltung abdeckenden Eingangsstimuli entwickelt. Die vollstĂ€ndig den Zustandsraum abdeckenden Eingangsstimuli bieten noch eine weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeit im Bereich des Äquivalenzvergleichs. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Methodik zum formalen Äquivalenzvergleich auf Basis der vollstĂ€ndig den Zustandsraum abdeckenden Eingangsstimuli ersetzt die anwenderdefinierten Eingangsstimuli durch die vollstĂ€ndig den Zustandsraum abdeckenden. So kann die Äquivalenz fĂŒr jeden möglichen Zustand der zu vergleichenden Implementierungen anhand eines automatisierten Vergleichs der Simulationsergebnisse beider Implementierungen gezeigt werden. Um die Ergebnisse der neu eingefĂŒhrten formalen Verifikationsmethodiken visuell zu untersuchen wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, das den Zustandsraum und seine Dynamik mittels eines Partikel-Simulationsansatzes visualisiert. Da die Partikel ĂŒber den gesamten Zustandsraum randomisiert verteilt werden und sich dann gemĂ€ĂŸ der Vektorfelddynamik fortbewegen, kann auch hier ein Einblick in das Systemverhalten gewonnen werden, der eine weitestgehend vollstĂ€ndige und somit formale ReprĂ€sentation des Zustandsraums bietet. Die prototypische Implementierung der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelten formalen Verifikationsmethodiken wurde auf zahlreiche Beispielschaltungen angewendet. Die Ergebnisse fĂŒr die neuen AnsĂ€tze zur diskreten Modellierung, zur Spezifikation und zu Verifikationsalgorithmen analoger Schaltungen zeigen, dass die aus diesen AnsĂ€tzen erzeugten Verifikationsmethodiken erfolgreich auf komplexe Zustandsraumstrukturen angewendet werden können

    The Future of Formal Methods and GALS Design

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    AbstractThe System-on-Chip era has arrived, and it arrived quickly. Modular composition of components through a shared interconnect is now becoming the standard, rather than the exotic. Asynchronous interconnect fabrics and globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) design has been shown to be potentially advantageous. However, the arduous road to developing asynchronous on-chip communication and interfaces to clocked cores is still nascent. This road of converting to asynchronous networks, and potentially the core intellectual property block as well, will be rocky. Asynchronous circuit design has been employed since the 1950's. However, it is doubtful that its present form will be what we will see 10 years hence. This treatise is intended to provoke debate as it projects what technologies will look like in the future, and discusses, among other aspects, the role of formal verification, education, the CAD industry, and the ever present tradeoff between greed and fear

    Cellular neural networks, Navier-Stokes equation and microarray image reconstruction

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    Copyright @ 2011 IEEE.Although the last decade has witnessed a great deal of improvements achieved for the microarray technology, many major developments in all the main stages of this technology, including image processing, are still needed. Some hardware implementations of microarray image processing have been proposed in the literature and proved to be promising alternatives to the currently available software systems. However, the main drawback of those proposed approaches is the unsuitable addressing of the quantification of the gene spot in a realistic way without any assumption about the image surface. Our aim in this paper is to present a new image-reconstruction algorithm using the cellular neural network that solves the Navier–Stokes equation. This algorithm offers a robust method for estimating the background signal within the gene-spot region. The MATCNN toolbox for Matlab is used to test the proposed method. Quantitative comparisons are carried out, i.e., in terms of objective criteria, between our approach and some other available methods. It is shown that the proposed algorithm gives highly accurate and realistic measurements in a fully automated manner within a remarkably efficient time

    Design of a process monitor and of peripheral circuits enabling the characterisation of CMOS 45nm Ultra Low Power and Litho Friendly optimised standard cells

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    L’evoluzione della tecnologia CMOS Ăš caratterizzata dallo scaling delle dimensioni dei dispositivi e dalla riduzione del consumo di potenza. Dal momento che le difficoltĂ  di realizzazione aumentano al diminuire delle dimensioni, nei nodi tecnologici piĂč recenti la velocitĂ  del processo di scaling sta diminuendo. Uno dei maggiori problemi causati dalla riduzione delle dimensioni dei dispositivi Ăš la variabilitĂ  del processo di fabbricazione. L’obiettivo di questo progetto Ăš quello di ridurre gli effetti che la variabilitĂ  del processo di realizzazione nel nodo tecnologico CMOS 45 nm ha sulle prestazioni della logica digitale, grazie a metodi di design non convenzionali. In questo progetto Ăš stato realizzato un testchip per studiare e quantificare i vantaggi, in termini di prestazioni, ottenuti tramite la progettazione di librerie standard-like ottimizzate secondo canoni di litho-friendliness (LF) e ultra low power (ULP). Le standard cells LF utilizzano layout estremamente regolari. Le standard cells ULP sono progettate per operare con tensioni di alimentazioni notevolmente ridotte. Il fine principale del testchip sta nell’ottenere una panoramica della variabilitĂ  locale e globale di parametri significativi nella progettazione digitale: ad esempio la frequenza di lavoro e il consumo di potenza. Inoltre, nel testchip sono stati realizzati alcuni circuiti originali per il monitoraggio della qualitĂ  del processo di fabbricazione. The evolution of the CMOS technology is characterized by the scaling of transistors size and by the reduction of their power dissipation. In the last technology nodes the speed of the scaling process is decreasing, since the complexity of the technology increases with its size reduction. One of the main issues caused by the shrinking of the transistor size is the variability of the fabrication process. The target of this project is to reduce the effects of the variability of the realisation process in a CMOS 45 nm technology node in digital circuits performances, using unconventional design methods. A testchip is realised in this project to investigate and to quantify the improvement of the circuit performances obtained through the design of dedicated litho-friendly (LF) and of the Ultra Low Power (ULP) standard-like libraries. The LF standard cells libraries are optimised for lithography using ultra regular layout styles. The ULP standard cells library is optimised to operate at extremely low supply voltage. The main aim of the testchip is to get insight into the local and the global variability of relevant parameters for digital design, such as operating frequency and power consumption. In this testchip some structures are also included, to develop some innovative circuits that should help to monitor the quality of the technology process

    Technologies to develop technology: the impact of new technologies on the organisation of the innovation process.

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    Companies are under increasing pressure to develop new product more effectively and efficiently. In order to meet this challenge, the organisation of the new product development process has received ample attention both in the academic literature and in the practitioner literature. As a consequence, a myriad of methods to design new products has been developed. These methods aim at facilitating concurrent product design and engineering. However, it is only recently, through the advent of families of new design technologies, that concurrency really becomes possible. In this paper, research on the impact of new design technologies on the product development process is reported and discussed. It is demonstrated that these technologies can have a significant impact on the organisation of innovation processes.Processes;

    Measuring degradation in cable insulation material under realistic operation conditions

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    One of the challenges in laboratory investigation of degradation and ageing of HVDC cable insulation is related to securing, or in other words, imitating the real service environment of the material specimens. So far, the published data refer to experiments conducted in thermo-oxidative conditions, which is not the case during normal cable operation. In reality the cable insulation is protected by a metallic barrier that blocks the transfer of any substances in and out of the construction. By-products from the cross-linking reactions cannot diffuse out and any foreign substances, such as oxygen and water, are blocked from entering into the insulation. Thus, in order to generate results that are practically valid, these conditions must be replicated in laboratory experiments.This contribution presents a measuring system developed for performing ageing experiments in a hermetically sealed environment. The material degradation is evaluated through measurements of changes in the electrical tree inception voltage and test object capacitance over time. Securing the environmental isolation is primarily accomplished with an isolation system consisting of a glass enclosure with attached metallic electrodes. Indium is used to create a glass-to-metal seal between the glass and the electrodes. The electrode geometry is of needle-plane type and the needle injection process is largely automated to secure a large degree of repeatability in specimen preparation.\ua0Initial measurements utilising four synchronized but independent data streams show that the electrical tree inception voltage can be accurately detected using the developed specimen capsule. The impedance change of the specimen during the test shows to be a particularly useful measure.\ua0In order to further validate the methodology as well as contribute knowledge on the material’s resistance to degradation caused by its exposure to enhanced electrical stress, 40 specimens were prepared and used in an experiment that explores whether multiple joint failures along an HVDC-cable may have any effect on the condition of the cable’s the insulation material. The results indicate that the impact seen in the electrical tree inception voltage is minor and that the insulation has withstood the enhanced stress with negligible consequences
