2,783 research outputs found

    Quantified Derandomization of Linear Threshold Circuits

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    One of the prominent current challenges in complexity theory is the attempt to prove lower bounds for TC0TC^0, the class of constant-depth, polynomial-size circuits with majority gates. Relying on the results of Williams (2013), an appealing approach to prove such lower bounds is to construct a non-trivial derandomization algorithm for TC0TC^0. In this work we take a first step towards the latter goal, by proving the first positive results regarding the derandomization of TC0TC^0 circuits of depth d>2d>2. Our first main result is a quantified derandomization algorithm for TC0TC^0 circuits with a super-linear number of wires. Specifically, we construct an algorithm that gets as input a TC0TC^0 circuit CC over nn input bits with depth dd and n1+exp(d)n^{1+\exp(-d)} wires, runs in almost-polynomial-time, and distinguishes between the case that CC rejects at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs and the case that CC accepts at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs. In fact, our algorithm works even when the circuit CC is a linear threshold circuit, rather than just a TC0TC^0 circuit (i.e., CC is a circuit with linear threshold gates, which are stronger than majority gates). Our second main result is that even a modest improvement of our quantified derandomization algorithm would yield a non-trivial algorithm for standard derandomization of all of TC0TC^0, and would consequently imply that NEXP⊈TC0NEXP\not\subseteq TC^0. Specifically, if there exists a quantified derandomization algorithm that gets as input a TC0TC^0 circuit with depth dd and n1+O(1/d)n^{1+O(1/d)} wires (rather than n1+exp(d)n^{1+\exp(-d)} wires), runs in time at most 2nexp(d)2^{n^{\exp(-d)}}, and distinguishes between the case that CC rejects at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs and the case that CC accepts at most 2n11/5d2^{n^{1-1/5d}} inputs, then there exists an algorithm with running time 2n1Ω(1)2^{n^{1-\Omega(1)}} for standard derandomization of TC0TC^0.Comment: Changes in this revision: An additional result (a PRG for quantified derandomization of depth-2 LTF circuits); rewrite of some of the exposition; minor correction

    Derandomization in Game-theoretic Probability

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    We give a general method for constructing a deterministic strategy of Reality from a randomized strategy in game-theoretic probability. The construction can be seen as derandomization in game-theoretic probability.Comment: 19 page

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Min-Max Selecting Items Problem

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    We give a simple deterministic O(logK/loglogK)O(\log K / \log\log K) approximation algorithm for the Min-Max Selecting Items problem, where KK is the number of scenarios. While our main goal is simplicity, this result also improves over the previous best approximation ratio of O(logK)O(\log K) due to Kasperski, Kurpisz, and Zieli\'nski (Information Processing Letters (2013)). Despite using the method of pessimistic estimators, the algorithm has a polynomial runtime also in the RAM model of computation. We also show that the LP formulation for this problem by Kasperski and Zieli\'nski (Annals of Operations Research (2009)), which is the basis for the previous work and ours, has an integrality gap of at least Ω(logK/loglogK)\Omega(\log K / \log\log K)

    Improved Pseudorandom Generators from Pseudorandom Multi-Switching Lemmas

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    We give the best known pseudorandom generators for two touchstone classes in unconditional derandomization: an ε\varepsilon-PRG for the class of size-MM depth-dd AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 circuits with seed length log(M)d+O(1)log(1/ε)\log(M)^{d+O(1)}\cdot \log(1/\varepsilon), and an ε\varepsilon-PRG for the class of SS-sparse F2\mathbb{F}_2 polynomials with seed length 2O(logS)log(1/ε)2^{O(\sqrt{\log S})}\cdot \log(1/\varepsilon). These results bring the state of the art for unconditional derandomization of these classes into sharp alignment with the state of the art for computational hardness for all parameter settings: improving on the seed lengths of either PRG would require breakthrough progress on longstanding and notorious circuit lower bounds. The key enabling ingredient in our approach is a new \emph{pseudorandom multi-switching lemma}. We derandomize recently-developed \emph{multi}-switching lemmas, which are powerful generalizations of H{\aa}stad's switching lemma that deal with \emph{families} of depth-two circuits. Our pseudorandom multi-switching lemma---a randomness-efficient algorithm for sampling restrictions that simultaneously simplify all circuits in a family---achieves the parameters obtained by the (full randomness) multi-switching lemmas of Impagliazzo, Matthews, and Paturi [IMP12] and H{\aa}stad [H{\aa}s14]. This optimality of our derandomization translates into the optimality (given current circuit lower bounds) of our PRGs for AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 and sparse F2\mathbb{F}_2 polynomials

    Distributed local approximation algorithms for maximum matching in graphs and hypergraphs

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    We describe approximation algorithms in Linial's classic LOCAL model of distributed computing to find maximum-weight matchings in a hypergraph of rank rr. Our main result is a deterministic algorithm to generate a matching which is an O(r)O(r)-approximation to the maximum weight matching, running in O~(rlogΔ+log2Δ+logn)\tilde O(r \log \Delta + \log^2 \Delta + \log^* n) rounds. (Here, the O~()\tilde O() notations hides polyloglog Δ\text{polyloglog } \Delta and polylog r\text{polylog } r factors). This is based on a number of new derandomization techniques extending methods of Ghaffari, Harris & Kuhn (2017). As a main application, we obtain nearly-optimal algorithms for the long-studied problem of maximum-weight graph matching. Specifically, we get a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) approximation algorithm using O~(logΔ/ϵ3+polylog(1/ϵ,loglogn))\tilde O(\log \Delta / \epsilon^3 + \text{polylog}(1/\epsilon, \log \log n)) randomized time and O~(log2Δ/ϵ4+logn/ϵ)\tilde O(\log^2 \Delta / \epsilon^4 + \log^*n / \epsilon) deterministic time. The second application is a faster algorithm for hypergraph maximal matching, a versatile subroutine introduced in Ghaffari et al. (2017) for a variety of local graph algorithms. This gives an algorithm for (2Δ1)(2 \Delta - 1)-edge-list coloring in O~(log2Δlogn)\tilde O(\log^2 \Delta \log n) rounds deterministically or O~((loglogn)3)\tilde O( (\log \log n)^3 ) rounds randomly. Another consequence (with additional optimizations) is an algorithm which generates an edge-orientation with out-degree at most (1+ϵ)λ\lceil (1+\epsilon) \lambda \rceil for a graph of arboricity λ\lambda; for fixed ϵ\epsilon this runs in O~(log6n)\tilde O(\log^6 n) rounds deterministically or O~(log3n)\tilde O(\log^3 n ) rounds randomly