4 research outputs found

    Feedback-based Learning Through Online Feedback Systems in Higher Education

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    [EN] From scientific research it is known that feedback from students to lecturers can positively influence teaching and learning in higher education. This involves both responses concerning the quality of teaching and to the own learning process. In lessons with a large number of students it appears to be challenging to realize such kind of interaction in oral way with all students in class. One possible way is to use online feedback-systems. Through this, all students have the opportunity to express their opinion, requests or problems concerning the lecture in anonymous way any time. Furthermore, it allows discussing the results together in class. The paper deals with the issue of student feedback in higher education and presents an online feedback-system and its integration into the teaching process. In addition, the paper shows some empirical based experiences made with the feedback-system in three courses in a German University of Applied Sciences. It becomes visible that feedback-systems have the potential to improve the quality of teaching and make learning more interactive and student-oriented.This work is part of the EVELIN project which is supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung with the project number 01PL12022C.Figas, P.; Bartel, A.; Hagel, G. (2017). Feedback-based Learning Through Online Feedback Systems in Higher Education. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 734-742. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5388OCS73474

    Students as Reviewers and Lecturers as Editors: The Peer Review with Scaffolded Assignments Model

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    Well-designed peer review and assessment tasks have been shown in several studies to increase students\u27 engagement in courses and to help their ability to critique and evaluate work. These positive effects are primarily achieved through a change of hats”, from writer to reviewer. Peer assessment by three to five students has been shown to be as valid as marking by teaching staff (e.g., lecturers or tutors). In this paper, I share an information technology (IT)-enabled peer review model with scaffolded assignments. The model is based on the idea of scaffolding peer-assessed assignments. That is, reading other students’ assignments becomes relevant for the reviewing student’s next assignment to make undertaking the review more interesting and relevant. In addition, the model considers several peer review quality assurance measures, including detailed marking rubrics, marks for review quality and meta-review by teaching staff


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    Der Wert von IT-gestütztem Peer Assessment zur Unterstützung des Lernens in einer Universitären Massenlehrveranstaltung

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    Steigende Studierendenzahlen prägen nach wie vor das Bild an deutschen Universitäten, wodurch in Massenlehrveranstaltungen auf einen Dozent weit über 100 Studierende kommen. Diese Lehrveranstaltungen sind durch mangelnde Interaktion zwischen allen Beteiligten und wenig Feedback für Studierende zu ihrem Lernstand gekennzeichnet. Das ist problematisch, da insbesondere diese Faktoren Prädiktoren für individuellen Lernerfolg und Zufriedenheit darstellen. Der Einsatz von IT-gestütztem Peer Assessment ist eine Möglichkeit, Interaktion und Feedback in den Lernprozess zu integrieren ohne den Dozenten zusätzlich zu belasten. Dabei beurteilen Lernende wechselseitig die Qualität der Arbeit von Anderen. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, wie IT-gestütztes Peer Assessment in eine Blended-Learning Massenlehrveranstaltung integriert werden kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Peer Assessment eine wichtige Rolle für wahrgenommenen Lernerfolg und Zufriedenheit spielt sowie von Studierenden als hilfreich empfunden wird. Der praktische Beitrag zeigt wie Massenlehrveranstaltungen ressourcenschonend bereichert werden können. Zudem wird als theoretischer Beitrag die Rolle der Einbindung von Peers in den Lernprozess betont