16 research outputs found

    Dequantizing read-once quantum formulas

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    Quantum formulas, defined by Yao [FOCS '93], are the quantum analogs of classical formulas, i.e., classical circuits in which all gates have fanout one. We show that any read-once quantum formula over a gate set that contains all single-qubit gates is equivalent to a read-once classical formula of the same size and depth over an analogous classical gate set. For example, any read-once quantum formula over Toffoli and single-qubit gates is equivalent to a read-once classical formula over Toffoli and NOT gates. We then show that the equivalence does not hold if the read-once restriction is removed. To show the power of quantum formulas without the read-once restriction, we define a new model of computation called the one-qubit model and show that it can compute all boolean functions. This model may also be of independent interest.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, to appear in proceedings of TQC 201

    Quantum Meets the Minimum Circuit Size Problem

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    In this work, we initiate the study of the Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) in the quantum setting. MCSP is a problem to compute the circuit complexity of Boolean functions. It is a fascinating problem in complexity theory - its hardness is mysterious, and a better understanding of its hardness can have surprising implications to many fields in computer science. We first define and investigate the basic complexity-theoretic properties of minimum quantum circuit size problems for three natural objects: Boolean functions, unitaries, and quantum states. We show that these problems are not trivially in NP but in QCMA (or have QCMA protocols). Next, we explore the relations between the three quantum MCSPs and their variants. We discover that some reductions that are not known for classical MCSP exist for quantum MCSPs for unitaries and states, e.g., search-to-decision reductions and self-reductions. Finally, we systematically generalize results known for classical MCSP to the quantum setting (including quantum cryptography, quantum learning theory, quantum circuit lower bounds, and quantum fine-grained complexity) and also find new connections to tomography and quantum gravity. Due to the fundamental differences between classical and quantum circuits, most of our results require extra care and reveal properties and phenomena unique to the quantum setting. Our findings could be of interest for future studies, and we post several open problems for further exploration along this direction

    On the expressivity of embedding quantum kernels

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    One of the most natural connections between quantum and classical machine learning has been established in the context of kernel methods. Kernel methods rely on kernels, which are inner products of feature vectors living in large feature spaces. Quantum kernels are typically evaluated by explicitly constructing quantum feature states and then taking their inner product, here called embedding quantum kernels. Since classical kernels are usually evaluated without using the feature vectors explicitly, we wonder how expressive embedding quantum kernels are. In this work, we raise the fundamental question: can all quantum kernels be expressed as the inner product of quantum feature states? Our first result is positive: Invoking computational universality, we find that for any kernel function there always exists a corresponding quantum feature map and an embedding quantum kernel. The more operational reading of the question is concerned with efficient constructions, however. In a second part, we formalize the question of universality of efficient embedding quantum kernels. For shift-invariant kernels, we use the technique of random Fourier features to show that they are universal within the broad class of all kernels which allow a variant of efficient Fourier sampling. We then extend this result to a new class of so-called composition kernels, which we show also contains projected quantum kernels introduced in recent works. After proving the universality of embedding quantum kernels for both shift-invariant and composition kernels, we identify the directions towards new, more exotic, and unexplored quantum kernel families, for which it still remains open whether they correspond to efficient embedding quantum kernels.Comment: 16+12 pages, 4 figure

    Modular quantum signal processing in many variables

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    Despite significant advances in quantum algorithms, quantum programs in practice are often expressed at the circuit level, forgoing helpful structural abstractions common to their classical counterparts. Consequently, as many quantum algorithms have been unified with the advent of quantum signal processing (QSP) and quantum singular value transformation (QSVT), an opportunity has appeared to cast these algorithms as modules that can be combined to constitute complex programs. Complicating this, however, is that while QSP/QSVT are often described by the polynomial transforms they apply to the singular values of large linear operators, and the algebraic manipulation of polynomials is simple, the QSP/QSVT protocols realizing analogous manipulations of their embedded polynomials are non-obvious. Here we provide a theory of modular multi-input-output QSP-based superoperators, the basic unit of which we call a gadget, and show they can be snapped together with LEGO-like ease at the level of the functions they apply. To demonstrate this ease, we also provide a Python package for assembling gadgets and compiling them to circuits. Viewed alternately, gadgets both enable the efficient block encoding of large families of useful multivariable functions, and substantiate a functional-programming approach to quantum algorithm design in recasting QSP and QSVT as monadic types.Comment: 15 pages + 9 figures + 4 tables + 45 pages supplement. For codebase, see https://github.com/ichuang/pyqsp/tree/bet

    Quantum Machine Learning For Classical Data

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    In this dissertation, we study the intersection of quantum computing and supervised machine learning algorithms, which means that we investigate quantum algorithms for supervised machine learning that operate on classical data. This area of re- search falls under the umbrella of quantum machine learning, a research area of computer science which has recently received wide attention. In particular, we in- vestigate to what extent quantum computers can be used to accelerate supervised machine learning algorithms. The aim of this is to develop a clear understanding of the promises and limitations of the current state-of-the-art of quantum algorithms for supervised machine learning, but also to define directions for future research in this exciting field. We start by looking at supervised quantum machine learning (QML) algorithms through the lens of statistical learning theory. In this frame- work, we derive novel bounds on the computational complexities of a large set of supervised QML algorithms under the requirement of optimal learning rates. Next, we give a new bound for Hamiltonian simulation of dense Hamiltonians, a major subroutine of most known supervised QML algorithms, and then derive a classical algorithm with nearly the same complexity. We then draw the parallels to recent ‘quantum-inspired’ results, and will explain the implications of these results for quantum machine learning applications. Looking for areas which might bear larger advantages for QML algorithms, we finally propose a novel algorithm for Quantum Boltzmann machines, and argue that quantum algorithms for quantum data are one of the most promising applications for QML with potentially exponential advantage over classical approaches

    A Survey of Quantum Property Testing

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    The area of property testing tries to design algorithms that can efficiently handle very large amounts of data: given a large object that either has a certain property or is somehow “far” from having that property, a tester should efficiently distinguish between these two cases. In this survey we describe recent results obtained for quantum property testing. This area naturally falls into three parts. First, we may consider quantum testers for properties of classical objects. We survey the main examples known where quantum testers can be much (sometimes exponentially) more efficient than classical testers. Second, we may consider classical testers of quantum objects. This is the situation that arises for instance when one is trying to determine if quantum states or operations do what they are supposed to do, based only on classical input-output behavior. Finally, we may also consider quantum testers for properties of quantum objects, such as states or operations. We survey known bounds on testing various natural properties, such as whether two states are equal, whether a state is separable, whether two operations commute, etc. We also highlight connections to other areas of quantum information theory and mention a number of open questions. Contents

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum