43 research outputs found

    On Bioelectric Algorithms

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    Cellular bioelectricity describes the biological phenomenon in which cells in living tissue generate and maintain patterns of voltage gradients across their membranes induced by differing concentrations of charged ions. A growing body of research suggests that bioelectric patterns represent an ancient system that plays a key role in guiding many important developmental processes including tissue regeneration, tumor suppression, and embryogenesis. This paper applies techniques from distributed algorithm theory to help better understand how cells work together to form these patterns. To do so, we present the cellular bioelectric model (CBM), a new computational model that captures the primary capabilities and constraints of bioelectric interactions between cells and their environment. We use this model to investigate several important topics from the relevant biology research literature. We begin with symmetry breaking, analyzing a simple cell definition that when combined in single hop or multihop topologies, efficiently solves leader election and the maximal independent set problem, respectively - indicating that these classical symmetry breaking tasks are well-matched to bioelectric mechanisms. We then turn our attention to the information processing ability of bioelectric cells, exploring upper and lower bounds for approximate solutions to threshold and majority detection, and then proving that these systems are in fact Turing complete - resolving an open question about the computational power of bioelectric interactions

    Preliminary Report: On Information Hiding in Multi-Hop Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of an adversary aiming to learn information about the network topology or the executed algorithm from some signals obtained during the algorithm's execution. The problem is defined in a very general form. However, it is mainly motivated by multi-hop ad hoc radio networks. In contrast to previous work concentrated on single-hop radio networks, this model is critically more complex due to the number of possible settings that need to be taken into account when considering different combinations of topologies and communication models. Moreover, the definition of the adversary is also ambiguous, and the adequate approach needs to depend on the adversary's aims and capabilities. This preliminary report presents a general theoretical background and some basic algorithms. We also propose some general taxonomy as a framework for future research