4,401 research outputs found

    Dependency Grammar and the Parsing of Chinese Sentences

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    Treebank-based acquisition of a Chinese lexical-functional grammar

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    Scaling wide-coverage, constraint-based grammars such as Lexical-Functional Grammars (LFG) (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan, 2001) or Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars (HPSG) (Pollard and Sag, 1994) from fragments to naturally occurring unrestricted text is knowledge-intensive, time-consuming and (often prohibitively) expensive. A number of researchers have recently presented methods to automatically acquire wide-coverage, probabilistic constraint-based grammatical resources from treebanks (Cahill et al., 2002, Cahill et al., 2003; Cahill et al., 2004; Miyao et al., 2003; Miyao et al., 2004; Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2002; Hockenmaier, 2003), addressing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck in constraint-based grammar development. Research to date has concentrated on English and German. In this paper we report on an experiment to induce wide-coverage, probabilistic LFG grammatical and lexical resources for Chinese from the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB) (Xue et al., 2002) based on an automatic f-structure annotation algorithm. Currently 96.751% of the CTB trees receive a single, covering and connected f-structure, 0.112% do not receive an f-structure due to feature clashes, while 3.137% are associated with multiple f-structure fragments. From the f-structure-annotated CTB we extract a total of 12975 lexical entries with 20 distinct subcategorisation frame types. Of these 3436 are verbal entries with a total of 11 different frame types. We extract a number of PCFG-based LFG approximations. Currently our best automatically induced grammars achieve an f-score of 81.57% against the trees in unseen articles 301-325; 86.06% f-score (all grammatical functions) and 73.98% (preds-only) against the dependencies derived from the f-structures automatically generated for the original trees in 301-325 and 82.79% (all grammatical functions) and 67.74% (preds-only) against the dependencies derived from the manually annotated gold-standard f-structures for 50 trees randomly selected from articles 301-325

    Dependency Grammar Induction with Neural Lexicalization and Big Training Data

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    We study the impact of big models (in terms of the degree of lexicalization) and big data (in terms of the training corpus size) on dependency grammar induction. We experimented with L-DMV, a lexicalized version of Dependency Model with Valence and L-NDMV, our lexicalized extension of the Neural Dependency Model with Valence. We find that L-DMV only benefits from very small degrees of lexicalization and moderate sizes of training corpora. L-NDMV can benefit from big training data and lexicalization of greater degrees, especially when enhanced with good model initialization, and it achieves a result that is competitive with the current state-of-the-art.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Automatic acquisition of Spanish LFG resources from the Cast3LB treebank

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    In this paper, we describe the automatic annotation of the Cast3LB Treebank with LFG f-structures for the subsequent extraction of Spanish probabilistic grammar and lexical resources. We adapt the approach and methodology of Cahill et al. (2004), Oā€™Donovan et al. (2004) and elsewhere for English to Spanish and the Cast3LB treebank encoding. We report on the quality and coverage of the automatic f-structure annotation. Following the pipeline and integrated models of Cahill et al. (2004), we extract wide-coverage probabilistic LFG approximations and parse unseen Spanish text into f-structures. We also extend Bikelā€™s (2002) Multilingual Parse Engine to include a Spanish language module. Using the retrained Bikel parser in the pipeline model gives the best results against a manually constructed gold standard (73.20% predsonly f-score). We also extract Spanish lexical resources: 4090 semantic form types with 98 frame types. Subcategorised prepositions and particles are included in the frames

    Data-oriented parsing and the Penn Chinese treebank

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    We present an investigation into parsing the Penn Chinese Treebank using a Data-Oriented Parsing (DOP) approach. DOP comprises an experience-based approach to natural language parsing. Most published research in the DOP framework uses PStrees as its representation schema. Drawbacks of the DOP approach centre around issues of efficiency. We incorporate recent advances in DOP parsing techniques into a novel DOP parser which generates a compact representation of all subtrees which can be derived from any full parse tree. We compare our work to previous work on parsing the Penn Chinese Treebank, and provide both a quantitative and qualitative evaluation. While our results in terms of Precision and Recall are slightly below those published in related research, our approach requires no manual encoding of head rules, nor is a development phase per se necessary. We also note that certain constructions which were problematic in this previous work can be handled correctly by our DOP parser. Finally, we observe that the ā€˜DOP Hypothesisā€™ is confirmed for parsing the Penn Chinese Treebank

    Universal Dependencies Parsing for Colloquial Singaporean English

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    Singlish can be interesting to the ACL community both linguistically as a major creole based on English, and computationally for information extraction and sentiment analysis of regional social media. We investigate dependency parsing of Singlish by constructing a dependency treebank under the Universal Dependencies scheme, and then training a neural network model by integrating English syntactic knowledge into a state-of-the-art parser trained on the Singlish treebank. Results show that English knowledge can lead to 25% relative error reduction, resulting in a parser of 84.47% accuracies. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to use neural stacking to improve cross-lingual dependency parsing on low-resource languages. We make both our annotation and parser available for further research.Comment: Accepted by ACL 201

    Treebank-based acquisition of LFG resources for Chinese

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    This paper presents a method to automatically acquire wide-coverage, robust, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammar resources for Chinese from the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB). Our starting point is the earlier, proofof- concept work of (Burke et al., 2004) on automatic f-structure annotation, LFG grammar acquisition and parsing for Chinese using the CTB version 2 (CTB2). We substantially extend and improve on this earlier research as regards coverage, robustness, quality and fine-grainedness of the resulting LFG resources. We achieve this through (i) improved LFG analyses for a number of core Chinese phenomena; (ii) a new automatic f-structure annotation architecture which involves an intermediate dependency representation; (iii) scaling the approach from 4.1K trees in CTB2 to 18.8K trees in CTB version 5.1 (CTB5.1) and (iv) developing a novel treebank-based approach to recovering non-local dependencies (NLDs) for Chinese parser output. Against a new 200-sentence good standard of manually constructed f-structures, the method achieves 96.00% f-score for f-structures automatically generated for the original CTB trees and 80.01%for NLD-recovered f-structures generated for the trees output by Bikelā€™s parser
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