6 research outputs found

    Characterizing Quantifier Extensions of Dependence Logic

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    We characterize the expressive power of extensions of Dependence Logic and Independence Logic by monotone generalized quantifiers in terms of quantifier extensions of existential second-order logic.Comment: 9 page

    A Fragment of Dependence Logic Capturing Polynomial Time

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    In this paper we study the expressive power of Horn-formulae in dependence logic and show that they can express NP-complete problems. Therefore we define an even smaller fragment D-Horn* and show that over finite successor structures it captures the complexity class P of all sets decidable in polynomial time. Furthermore we study the question which of our results can ge generalized to the case of open formulae of D-Horn* and so-called downwards monotone polynomial time properties of teams

    Characterizing downwards closed, strongly first order, relativizable dependencies

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    In Team Semantics, a dependency notion is strongly first order if every sentence of the logic obtained by adding the corresponding atoms to First Order Logic is equivalent to some first order sentence. In this work it is shown that all nontrivial dependency atoms that are strongly first order, downwards closed, and relativizable (in the sense that the relativizations of the corresponding atoms with respect to some unary predicate are expressible in terms of them) are definable in terms of constancy atoms. Additionally, it is shown that any strongly first order dependency is safe for any family of downwards closed dependencies, in the sense that every sentence of the logic obtained by adding to First Order Logic both the strongly first order dependency and the downwards closed dependencies is equivalent to some sentence of the logic obtained by adding only the downwards closed dependencies

    Dependence logic with a majority quantifier ∗

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    We study the extension of dependence logic D by a majority quantifier M over finite structures. We show that the resulting logic is equi-expressive with the extension of second-order logic by second-order majority quantifiers of all arities. Our results imply that, from the point of view of descriptive complexity theory, D(M) captures the complexity class counting hierarchy