14 research outputs found

    First-Order Model Checking on Monadically Stable Graph Classes

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    A graph class C\mathscr{C} is called monadically stable if one cannot interpret, in first-order logic, arbitrary large linear orders in colored graphs from C\mathscr{C}. We prove that the model checking problem for first-order logic is fixed-parameter tractable on every monadically stable graph class. This extends the results of [Grohe, Kreutzer, and Siebertz; J. ACM '17] for nowhere dense classes and of [Dreier, M\"ahlmann, and Siebertz; STOC '23] for structurally nowhere dense classes to all monadically stable classes. As a complementary hardness result, we prove that for every hereditary graph class C\mathscr{C} that is edge-stable (excludes some half-graph as a semi-induced subgraph) but not monadically stable, first-order model checking is AW[]\mathrm{AW}[*]-hard on C\mathscr{C}, and W[1]\mathrm{W}[1]-hard when restricted to existential sentences. This confirms, in the special case of edge-stable classes, an on-going conjecture that the notion of monadic NIP delimits the tractability of first-order model checking on hereditary classes of graphs. For our tractability result, we first prove that monadically stable graph classes have almost linear neighborhood complexity. Using this, we construct sparse neighborhood covers for monadically stable classes, which provides the missing ingredient for the algorithm of [Dreier, M\"ahlmann, and Siebertz; STOC '23]. The key component of this construction is the usage of orders with low crossing number [Welzl; SoCG '88], a tool from the area of range queries. For our hardness result, we prove a new characterization of monadically stable graph classes in terms of forbidden induced subgraphs. We then use this characterization to show that in hereditary classes that are edge-stable but not monadically stable, one can effectively interpret the class of all graphs using only existential formulas.Comment: 55 pages, 13 figure

    Effizientes Maschinelles Lernen für die Angriffserkennung

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    Detecting and fending off attacks on computer systems is an enduring problem in computer security. In light of a plethora of different threats and the growing automation used by attackers, we are in urgent need of more advanced methods for attack detection. In this thesis, we address the necessity of advanced attack detection and develop methods to detect attacks using machine learning to establish a higher degree of automation for reactive security. Machine learning is data-driven and not void of bias. For the effective application of machine learning for attack detection, thus, a periodic retraining over time is crucial. However, the training complexity of many learning-based approaches is substantial. We show that with the right data representation, efficient algorithms for mining substring statistics, and implementations based on probabilistic data structures, training the underlying model can be achieved in linear time. In two different scenarios, we demonstrate the effectiveness of so-called language models that allow to generically portray the content and structure of attacks: On the one hand, we are learning malicious behavior of Flash-based malware using classification, and on the other hand, we detect intrusions by learning normality in industrial control networks using anomaly detection. With a data throughput of up to 580 Mbit/s during training, we do not only meet our expectations with respect to runtime but also outperform related approaches by up to an order of magnitude in detection performance. The same techniques that facilitate learning in the previous scenarios can also be used for revealing malicious content, embedded in passive file formats, such as Microsoft Office documents. As a further showcase, we additionally develop a method based on the efficient mining of substring statistics that is able to break obfuscations irrespective of the used key length, with up to 25 Mbit/s and thus, succeeds where related approaches fail. These methods significantly improve detection performance and enable operation in linear time. In doing so, we counteract the trend of compensating increasing runtime requirements with resources. While the results are promising and the approaches provide urgently needed automation, they cannot and are not intended to replace human experts or traditional approaches, but are designed to assist and complement them.Die Erkennung und Abwehr von Angriffen auf Endnutzer und Netzwerke ist seit vielen Jahren ein anhaltendes Problem in der Computersicherheit. Angesichts der hohen Anzahl an unterschiedlichen Angriffsvektoren und der zunehmenden Automatisierung von Angriffen, bedarf es dringend moderner Methoden zur Angriffserkennung. In dieser Doktorarbeit werden Ansätze entwickelt, um Angriffe mit Hilfe von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zuverlässig, aber auch effizient zu erkennen. Sie stellen der Automatisierung von Angriffen einen entsprechend hohen Grad an Automatisierung von Verteidigungsmaßnahmen entgegen. Das Trainieren solcher Methoden ist allerdings rechnerisch aufwändig und erfolgt auf sehr großen Datenmengen. Laufzeiteffiziente Lernverfahren sind also entscheidend. Wir zeigen, dass durch den Einsatz von effizienten Algorithmen zur statistischen Analyse von Zeichenketten und Implementierung auf Basis von probabilistischen Datenstrukturen, das Lernen von effektiver Angriffserkennung auch in linearer Zeit möglich ist. Anhand von zwei unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfällen, demonstrieren wir die Effektivität von Modellen, die auf der Extraktion von sogenannten n-Grammen basieren: Zum einen, betrachten wir die Erkennung von Flash-basiertem Schadcode mittels Methoden der Klassifikation, und zum anderen, die Erkennung von Angriffen auf Industrienetzwerke bzw. SCADA-Systeme mit Hilfe von Anomaliedetektion. Dabei erzielen wir während des Trainings dieser Modelle einen Datendurchsatz von bis zu 580 Mbit/s und übertreffen gleichzeitig die Erkennungsleistung von anderen Ansätzen deutlich. Die selben Techniken, um diese lernenden Ansätze zu ermöglichen, können außerdem für die Erkennung von Schadcode verwendet werden, der in anderen Dateiformaten eingebettet und mittels einfacher Verschlüsselungen obfuskiert wurde. Hierzu entwickeln wir eine Methode die basierend auf der statistischen Auswertung von Zeichenketten einfache Verschlüsselungen bricht. Der entwickelte Ansatz arbeitet unabhängig von der verwendeten Schlüssellänge, mit einem Datendurchsatz von bis zu 25 Mbit/s und ermöglicht so die erfolgreiche Deobfuskierung in Fällen an denen andere Ansätze scheitern. Die erzielten Ergebnisse in Hinsicht auf Laufzeiteffizienz und Erkennungsleistung sind vielversprechend. Die vorgestellten Methoden ermöglichen die dringend nötige Automatisierung von Verteidigungsmaßnahmen, sollen den Experten oder etablierte Methoden aber nicht ersetzen, sondern diese unterstützen und ergänzen

    Detecting derivative malware samples using deobfuscation-assisted similarity analysis

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    The overwhelming popularity of PHP as a hosting platform has made it the language of choice for developers of Remote Access Trojans (RATs or web shells) and other malicious software. These shells are typically used to compromise and monetise web platforms by providing the attacker with basic remote access to the system, including _le transfer, command execution, network reconnaissance, and database connectivity. Once infected, compromised systems can be used to defraud users by hosting phishing sites, performing Distributed Denial of Service attacks, or serving as anonymous platforms for sending spam or other malfeasance. The vast majority of these threats are largely derivative, incorporating core capabilities found in more established RATs such as c99 and r57. Authors of malicious software routinely produce new shell variants by modifying the behaviours of these ubiquitous RATs, either to add desired functionality or to avoid detection by signature-based detection systems. Once these modified shells are eventually identified (or additional functionality is required), the process of shell adaptation begins again. The end result of this iterative process is a web of separate but related shell variants, many of which are at least partially derived from one of the more popular and influential RATs. In response to the problem outlined above, the author set out to design and implement a system capable of circumventing common obfuscation techniques and identifying derivative malware samples in a given collection. To begin with, a decoder component was developed to syntactically deobfuscate and normalise PHP code by detecting and reversing idiomatic obfuscation constructs, and to apply uniform formatting conventions to all system inputs. A unified malware analysis framework, called Viper, was then extended to create a modular similarity analysis system comprised of individual feature extraction modules, modules responsible for batch processing, a matrix module for comparing sample features, and two visualisation modules capable of generating visual representations of shell similarity. The principal conclusion of the research was that the deobfuscation performed by the decoder component prior to analysis dramatically improved the observed levels of similarity between test samples. This in turn allowed the modular similarity analysis system to identify derivative clusters (or families) within a large collection of shells more accurately. Techniques for isolating and re-rendering these clusters were also developed and demonstrated to be effective at increasing the amount of detail available for evaluating the relative magnitudes of the relationships within each cluster

    Efficient, Scalable, and Accurate Program Fingerprinting in Binary Code

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    Why was this binary written? Which compiler was used? Which free software packages did the developer use? Which sections of the code were borrowed? Who wrote the binary? These questions are of paramount importance to security analysts and reverse engineers, and binary fingerprinting approaches may provide valuable insights that can help answer them. This thesis advances the state of the art by addressing some of the most fundamental problems in program fingerprinting for binary code, notably, reusable binary code discovery, fingerprinting free open source software packages, and authorship attribution. First, to tackle the problem of discovering reusable binary code, we employ a technique for identifying reused functions by matching traces of a novel representation of binary code known as the semantic integrated graph. This graph enhances the control flow graph, the register flow graph, and the function call graph, key concepts from classical program analysis, and merges them with other structural information to create a joint data structure. Second, we approach the problem of fingerprinting free open source software (FOSS) packages by proposing a novel resilient and efficient system that incorporates three components. The first extracts the syntactical features of functions by considering opcode frequencies and performing a hidden Markov model statistical test. The second applies a neighborhood hash graph kernel to random walks derived from control flow graphs, with the goal of extracting the semantics of the functions. The third applies the z-score to normalized instructions to extract the behavior of the instructions in a function. Then, the components are integrated using a Bayesian network model which synthesizes the results to determine the FOSS function, making it possible to detect user-related functions. Third, with these elements now in place, we present a framework capable of decoupling binary program functionality from the coding habits of authors. To capture coding habits, the framework leverages a set of features that are based on collections of functionalityindependent choices made by authors during coding. Finally, it is well known that techniques such as refactoring and code transformations can significantly alter the structure of code, even for simple programs. Applying such techniques or changing the compiler and compilation settings can significantly affect the accuracy of available binary analysis tools, which severely limits their practicability, especially when applied to malware. To address these issues, we design a technique that extracts the semantics of binary code in terms of both data and control flow. The proposed technique allows more robust binary analysis because the extracted semantics of the binary code is generally immune from code transformation, refactoring, and varying the compilers or compilation settings. Specifically, it employs data-flow analysis to extract the semantic flow of the registers as well as the semantic components of the control flow graph, which are then synthesized into a novel representation called the semantic flow graph (SFG). We evaluate the framework on large-scale datasets extracted from selected open source C++ projects on GitHub, Google Code Jam events, Planet Source Code contests, and students’ programming projects and found that it outperforms existing methods in several respects. First, it is able to detect the reused functions. Second, it can identify FOSS packages in real-world projects and reused binary functions with high precision. Third, it decouples authorship from functionality so that it can be applied to real malware binaries to automatically generate evidence of similar coding habits. Fourth, compared to existing research contributions, it successfully attributes a larger number of authors with a significantly higher accuracy. Finally, the new framework is more robust than previous methods in the sense that there is no significant drop in accuracy when the code is subjected to refactoring techniques, code transformation methods, and different compilers

    Analysis and study on text representation to improve the accuracy of the Normalized Compression Distance

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    The huge amount of information stored in text form makes methods that deal with texts really interesting. This thesis focuses on dealing with texts using compression distances. More specifically, the thesis takes a small step towards understanding both the nature of texts and the nature of compression distances. Broadly speaking, the way in which this is done is exploring the effects that several distortion techniques have on one of the most successful distances in the family of compression distances, the Normalized Compression Distance -NCD-.Comment: PhD Thesis; 202 page