6 research outputs found

    Density of Gallai Multigraphs

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    Diwan and Mubayi asked how many edges of each color could be included in a 33-edge-colored multigraph containing no rainbow triangle. We answer this question under the modest assumption that the multigraphs in question contain at least one edge between every pair of vertices. We also conjecture that this assumption is, in fact, without loss of generality

    On a rainbow version of Dirac's theorem

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    For a collection G={G1,…,Gs}\mathbf{G}=\{G_1,\dots, G_s\} of not necessarily distinct graphs on the same vertex set VV, a graph HH with vertices in VV is a G\mathbf{G}-transversal if there exists a bijection ϕ:E(H)→[s]\phi:E(H)\rightarrow [s] such that e∈E(Gϕ(e))e\in E(G_{\phi(e)}) for all e∈E(H)e\in E(H). We prove that for ∣V∣=s≥3|V|=s\geq 3 and δ(Gi)≥s/2\delta(G_i)\geq s/2 for each i∈[s]i\in [s], there exists a G\mathbf{G}-transversal that is a Hamilton cycle. This confirms a conjecture of Aharoni. We also prove an analogous result for perfect matchings

    Graphs without a rainbow path of length 3

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    In 1959 Erd\H{o}s and Gallai proved the asymptotically optimal bound for the maximum number of edges in graphs not containing a path of a fixed length. Here we study a rainbow version of their theorem, in which one considers k≥1k \geq 1 graphs on a common set of vertices not creating a path having edges from different graphs and asks for the maximal number of edges in each graph. We prove the asymptotically optimal bound in the case of a path on three edges and any k≥1k \geq 1

    Rainbow Generalizations of Ramsey Theory - A Dynamic Survey

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    In this work, we collect Ramsey-type results concerning rainbow edge colorings of graphs

    Rainbow Generalizations of Ramsey Theory - A Dynamic Survey

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    In this work, we collect Ramsey-type results concerning rainbow edge colorings of graphs

    Rainbow Generalizations of Ramsey Theory - A Dynamic Survey

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    In this work, we collect Ramsey-type results concerning rainbow edge colorings of graphs