9 research outputs found

    A polynomial regularity lemma for semi-algebraic hypergraphs and its applications in geometry and property testing

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    Fox, Gromov, Lafforgue, Naor, and Pach proved a regularity lemma for semi-algebraic kk-uniform hypergraphs of bounded complexity, showing that for each ϵ>0\epsilon>0 the vertex set can be equitably partitioned into a bounded number of parts (in terms of ϵ\epsilon and the complexity) so that all but an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the kk-tuples of parts are homogeneous. We prove that the number of parts can be taken to be polynomial in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon. Our improved regularity lemma can be applied to geometric problems and to the following general question on property testing: is it possible to decide, with query complexity polynomial in the reciprocal of the approximation parameter, whether a hypergraph has a given hereditary property? We give an affirmative answer for testing typical hereditary properties for semi-algebraic hypergraphs of bounded complexity

    Planar Point Sets Determine Many Pairwise Crossing Segments

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    We show that any set of nn points in general position in the plane determines n1o(1)n^{1-o(1)} pairwise crossing segments. The best previously known lower bound, Ω(n)\Omega\left(\sqrt n\right), was proved more than 25 years ago by Aronov, Erd\H os, Goddard, Kleitman, Klugerman, Pach, and Schulman. Our proof is fully constructive, and extends to dense geometric graphs.Comment: A preliminary version to appear in the proceedings of STOC 201