181,488 research outputs found

    A Convenient Set of Comoving Cosmological Variables and Their Application

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    We present a set of cosmological variables, called "supercomoving variables," which are particularly useful for describing the gas dynamics of cosmic structure formation. For ideal gas with gamma=5/3, the supercomoving position, velocity, density, temperature, and pressure are constant in time in a uniform, isotropic, adiabatically expanding universe. Expressed in terms of these supercomoving variables, the cosmological fluid conservation equations and the Poisson equation closely resemble their noncosmological counterparts. This makes it possible to generalize noncosmological results and techniques to cosmological problems, for a wide range of cosmological models. These variables were initially introduced by Shandarin for matter-dominated models only. We generalize supercomoving variables to models with a uniform component corresponding to a nonzero cosmological constant, domain walls, cosmic strings, a nonclumping form of nonrelativistic matter (e.g. massive nettrinos), or radiation. Each model is characterized by the value of the density parameter Omega0 of the nonrelativistic matter component in which density fluctuation is possible, and the density parameter OmegaX of the additional, nonclumping component. For each type of nonclumping background, we identify FAMILIES within which different values of Omega0 and OmegaX lead to fluid equations and solutions in supercomoving variables which are independent of Omega0 and OmegaX. We also include the effects of heating, radiative cooling, thermal conduction, viscosity, and magnetic fields. As an illustration, we describe 3 familiar cosmological problems in supercomoving variables: the growth of linear density fluctuations, the nonlinear collapse of a 1D plane-wave density fluctuation leading to pancake formation, and the Zel'dovich approximation.Comment: 38 pages (AAS latex) + 2 figures (postscript) combined in one gzip-ed tar file. Identical to original posted version, except for addition of 2 references. Monthly Notices of the R.A.S., in pres

    Divergence from, and Convergence to, Uniformity of Probability Density Quantiles

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    The probability density quantile (pdQ) carries essential information regarding shape and tail behavior of a location-scale family. Convergence of repeated applications of the pdQ mapping to the uniform distribution is investigated and new fixed point theorems are established. The Kullback-Leibler divergences from uniformity of these pdQs are mapped and found to be ingredients in power functions of optimal tests for uniformity against alternative shapes.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1605.0018

    Strong Jumps and Lagrangians of Non-Uniform Hypergraphs

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    The hypergraph jump problem and the study of Lagrangians of uniform hypergraphs are two classical areas of study in the extremal graph theory. In this paper, we refine the concept of jumps to strong jumps and consider the analogous problems over non-uniform hypergraphs. Strong jumps have rich topological and algebraic structures. The non-strong-jump values are precisely the densities of the hereditary properties, which include the Tur\'an densities of families of hypergraphs as special cases. Our method uses a generalized Lagrangian for non-uniform hypergraphs. We also classify all strong jump values for {1,2}\{1,2\}-hypergraphs.Comment: 19 page