9 research outputs found

    Timed Parity Games: Complexity and Robustness

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    We consider two-player games played in real time on game structures with clocks where the objectives of players are described using parity conditions. The games are \emph{concurrent} in that at each turn, both players independently propose a time delay and an action, and the action with the shorter delay is chosen. To prevent a player from winning by blocking time, we restrict each player to play strategies that ensure that the player cannot be responsible for causing a zeno run. First, we present an efficient reduction of these games to \emph{turn-based} (i.e., not concurrent) \emph{finite-state} (i.e., untimed) parity games. Our reduction improves the best known complexity for solving timed parity games. Moreover, the rich class of algorithms for classical parity games can now be applied to timed parity games. The states of the resulting game are based on clock regions of the original game, and the state space of the finite game is linear in the size of the region graph. Second, we consider two restricted classes of strategies for the player that represents the controller in a real-time synthesis problem, namely, \emph{limit-robust} and \emph{bounded-robust} winning strategies. Using a limit-robust winning strategy, the controller cannot choose an exact real-valued time delay but must allow for some nonzero jitter in each of its actions. If there is a given lower bound on the jitter, then the strategy is bounded-robust winning. We show that exact strategies are more powerful than limit-robust strategies, which are more powerful than bounded-robust winning strategies for any bound. For both kinds of robust strategies, we present efficient reductions to standard timed automaton games. These reductions provide algorithms for the synthesis of robust real-time controllers

    Strategic (Timed) Computation Tree Logic

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    We define extensions of CTL and TCTL with strategic operators, called Strategic CTL (SCTL) and Strategic TCTL (STCTL), respectively. For each of the above logics we give a synchronous and asynchronous semantics, i.e., STCTL is interpreted over networks of extended Timed Automata (TA) that either make synchronous moves or synchronise via joint actions. We consider several semantics regarding information: imperfect (i) and perfect (I), and recall: imperfect (r) and perfect (R). We prove that SCTL is more expressive than ATL for all semantics, and this holds for the timed versions as well. Moreover, the model checking problem for SCTL[ir] is of the same complexity as for ATL[ir], the model checking problem for STCTL[ir] is of the same complexity as for TCTL, while for STCTL[iR] it is undecidable as for ATL[iR]. The above results suggest to use SCTL[ir] and STCTL[ir] in practical applications. Therefore, we use the tool IMITATOR to support model checking of STCTL[ir]

    Linear Time Logic Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems

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    The control of complex systems poses new challenges that fall beyond the traditional methods of control theory. One of these challenges is given by the need to control, coordinate and synchronize the operation of several interacting submodules within a system. The desired objectives are no longer captured by usual control specifications such as stabilization or output regulation. Instead, we consider specifications given by linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas. We show that existence of controllers for discrete-time controllable linear systems and LTL specifications can be decided and that such controllers can be effectively computed. The closed-loop system is of hybrid nature, combining the original continuous dynamics with the automatically synthesized switching logic required to enforce the specification

    Linear Time Logic Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems

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    Commande d'une classe de systèmes hybrides par automates hybrides rectangulaires

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    Notre travail de recherche concerne l étude de la commande à base de modèles pour une sous-classe de systèmes dynamiques hybrides (SDH). L outil de modélisation choisi est l automate hybride rectangulaire (AHR) pour sa puissance d analyse. Nous proposons ainsi une méthode pour la synthèse de la commande des SDH modélisés par des AHR. Cette méthode repose sur l application d une procédure amont/aval de commande hors-ligne qui détermine d une façon maximale permissive les nouvelles gardes de transition de l automate respectant des spécifications de commande imposées par l utilisateur. Tous les calculs réalisés reposent sur la détermination de la durée de séjour, valeur contrainte par l espace atteignable du sommet correspondant. La garde portant à la fois sur l état continu et sur l événement discret, la commande se fait par ce dernier car il s agit du seul élément contrôlable. Nous nous intéressons alors à la construction du contrôleur temporisé autorisant l occurrence des événements contrôlables du système dans un intervalle d horloge défini au sens de la maximale permissivité.In this thesis, we study the control of a class of hybrid dynamic systems (HDS). The chosen modeling tool is the rectangular hybrid automaton (RHA) for his analysis power. We propose a method for the control synthesis of HDS modeled with RHA. This method consists on the application of a downstream/upstream offline control procedure that determines in a maximal permissive way the new automaton transition guards respecting the desired control specifications. All computations are based on the determination of the duration of stay, a value constrained by the reachable space of the corresponding location. Since the guard refers to both continuous state and discrete event, the control is made by the latter because it is the controllable element. Then we are interested in the construction of the timed controller authorizing the system controllable event occurrence in a clock interval defined in a maximal permissive way.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dense Real-time Games

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    The rapid development of complex and safety-critical systems requires the use of reliable verification methods and tools for system design (synthesis). Many systems of interest are reactive, in the sense that their behavior depends on the interaction with the environment. A natural framework to model them is a two-player game: the system versus the environment. In this context, the central problem is to determine the existence of a winning strategy according to a given winning condition. We focus on real-time systems, and choose to model the related game as a nondeterministic timed automaton. We express winning conditions by formulas of the branching-time temporal logic TCTL. While timed games have been studied in the literature, timed games with dense-time winning conditions constitute a new research topic. The main result of this paper is an exponential-time algorithm to check for the existence of a winning strategy for TCTL games where equality is not allowed in the timing constraints. Our approach consists on translating to timed tree automata both the game graph and the winning condition, thus reducing the considered decision problem to the emptiness problem for this class of automata. The proposed algorithm matches the known lower bound on timed games. Moreover, if we relax the limitation we have placed on the timing constraints, the problem becomes undecidable

    Dense Real-Time Games

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