4 research outputs found

    A combinatorial formula for graded multiplicities in excellent filtrations

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    A filtration of a representation whose successive quotients are isomorphic to Demazure modules is called an excellent filtration. In this paper we study graded multiplicities in excellent filtrations of fusion products for the current algebra sl2[t]\mathfrak{sl}_2[t]. We give a combinatorial formula for the polynomials encoding these multiplicities in terms of two dimensional lattice paths. Corollaries to our main theorem include a combinatorial interpretation of various objects such as the coeffficients of Ramanujan's fifth order mock theta functions ϕ0,ϕ1,ψ0,ψ1\phi_0, \phi_1, \psi_0, \psi_1, Kostka polynomials for hook partitions and quotients of Chebyshev polynomials. We also get a combinatorial interpretation of the graded multiplicities in a level one flag of a local Weyl module associated to the simple Lie algebras of type Bn and G2B_n \text{ and } G_2

    Macdonald Polynomials and level two Demazure modules for affine sln+1\mathfrak{sl}_{n+1}

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    We define a family of symmetric polynomials Gν,λ(z1,⋯ ,zn+1,q)G_{\nu,\lambda}(z_1,\cdots, z_{n+1},q) indexed by a pair of dominant integral weights. The polynomial Gν,0(z,q)G_{\nu,0}(z,q) is the specialized Macdonald polynomial and we prove that G0,λ(z,q)G_{0,\lambda}(z,q) is the graded character of a level two Demazure module associated to the affine Lie algebra sl^n+1\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_{n+1}. Under suitable conditions on (ν,λ)(\nu,\lambda) (which includes the case when ν=0\nu=0 or λ=0\lambda=0) we prove that Gν,λ(z,q)G_{\nu,\lambda}(z,q) is Schur positive and give explicit formulae for them in terms of Macdonald polynomials

    Macdonald Polynomials and Level Two Demazure Modules for Affine sln+1

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    We define a family of symmetric polynomials Gν,λ(z1, ...,zn+1, q) indexed by a pair of dominant integral weights for a root system of type An. The polynomial Gν,0(z, q) is the specialized Macdonald polynomial Pν(z, q, 0) and is known to be the graded character of a level one Demazure module associated to the affine Lie algebra sln+1. We prove that G0,λ(z, q) is the graded character of a level two Demazure module for sln+1. Under suitable conditions on (ν, λ) (which apply to the pairs (ν, 0) and (0, λ)) we prove that Gν,λ(z, q) is Schur positive, i.e., it can be written as a linear combination of Schur polynomials with coefficients in Z+[q]. We further prove that Pν(z, q, 0) is a linear combination of elements G0,λ(z, q) with the coefficients being essentially products of q-binomials. Together with a result of K. Naoi, a consequence of our result is an explicit formula for the specialized Macdonald polynomial associated to a non-simply laced Lie algebra as a linear combination of the level one Demazure characters of the non-simply laced algebra